Fatemi Academy
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Fatemi Academy
فایل صوتی داستان را حداقل ۳ یا ۴ بار گوش کنید. سپس با متن آن در زیر مطابقت دهید. #Short_story #Intermediate @BEPonline
متن داستان بالا👆👆👆

🦔The injured hedgehog

My father likes nature very much. He likes the beauty of nature and animals. Every Sunday my family go on a picnic in the forest near a lake. Nature for us, is just paradise. We often swim in the lake, and then have lunch while enjoying the fresh air.

Last week my father found an injured hedgehog in the forest. We decided to take it home. Now the hedgehog is fine. Every day my father and I give it fresh grass for it to eat and water for it to drink. The hedgehog also likes to drink milk and cookies very much! Hahaha. I really care about the hedgehog. The hedgehog is my good friend. I play with it in the evening. My father always says that the hedgehog is our family member.

Fatemi Academy
متن داستان بالا👆👆👆 🦔The injured hedgehog My father likes nature very much. He likes the beauty of nature and animals. Every Sunday my family go on a picnic in the forest near a lake. Nature for us, is just paradise. We often swim in the lake, and then have…
کلمات داستان بالا👆👆

🔸injured: آسیب دیده

🔹hedgehog: جوجه تیغی

🔸lake: دریاچه

🔹paradise: بهشت

🔸forest: جنگل

🔹fresh: تازه

🔸grass: علف

🔹cookies: بیسکویت

🔸family member: عضو خانواده

داستان امروز را بشنویم.
اول فایل صوتی داستان را چند بار بشنوید.

Fatemi Academy
حالا متن داستان را در زیر بخوانید و یک بار هم زمان با دیدن متن، فایل صوتی را گوش کنید. 🏖Summer camp Tim is in the summer camp "Music". It is situated on a mountain deep in the forest. He goes to this camp every year. He has a lot of friends here. Children…
حالا کلمات جدید داستان را در زیر ببینید و معنی آن را چک کنید.

🔹summer camp کمپ تابستانی

🔸is situated قرار گرفته

🔹competition رقابت

🔸music band گروه موسیقی

🔹take part شرکت کردن

🔸instrument ساز موسیقی

🔹talented بااستعداد

🔸slug fest مسابقه سنگین

🔹solo artist تک نواز، تک خوان

🔸grand prize جایزه بزرگ

🔹award جایزه دادن

توضیحات و تدریس داستان بالا👆👆

داستان امروز را بشنویم

ابتدا فایل صوتی داستان را حداقل ۳ یا ۴ بار بشنوید.

Fatemi Academy
حالا متن داستان را ببینید، و یک بار هم زمان با خواندن متن به فایل صوتی گو گوش کنید. 👇👇👇
🎍The miracle from a pot

When summer comes, so do summer holidays. John likes summer very much. It is his favorite season of the year because his birthday is in summer and the schools take a break during the summer.

John’s birthday party was last month. He received a lot of gifts. But the most amazing gift was from John’s grandmother. She gave him a pot.
- “Put the pot on the window sill, water it two times a week, and there will be a miracle.” – His grandmother said.
John watered it as instructed for three weeks and sure enough, there was a miracle in the pot.
A very beautiful flower grew. It was a crocus which actually has ninety different species. John realized he likes taking care of the crocus. He is really into flowers. He is very happy for such an amazing gift.

Fatemi Academy
🎍The miracle from a pot When summer comes, so do summer holidays. John likes summer very much. It is his favorite season of the year because his birthday is in summer and the schools take a break during the summer. John’s birthday party was last month.…
حالا کلمات جدید داستان را در زیر بخوانید و معنی آنها را چک کنید.

🔸summer holidays:
تعطیلات تابستان

🔹take a break:
تعطیل کردن، وقفه/ استراحت داشتن

🔸amazing: شگفت انگیز

🔹pot: گلدان

🔸window sill: لبه/ قرنیز پنجره

🔹water (verb): آب دادن

🔸miracle: معجزه

🔹as instructed: طبق دستورالعمل

🔸sure enough:
همانطور که انتظار میرفت

🔹crocus: گیاه زعفران

🔸species: گونه

🔹be into sth:
علاقمند بودن به چیزی
