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Verbs: close, dominate, employ, open, not/ pay, rule

🛍Walmart: Number 1 in retailing

Wal-mart is the biggest corporation in the world. It (1)...........retailing in the US, with sales of more than $250 billion a year, and it (2)...........three times more people than General Motors. Of the ten richest people in the world, five are Waltons_the family which (3)...............the Walmart empire. But the success of Walmart has its controversial side. Walmart (4)................very good salaries, and when a big store (5).............in an out-of-town location, the local shops often (6)...........

🔷این تمرین را با دقت انجام دهید. امروز تدریس نکته به نکته متن و توضیحات جواب ها را در کانال خواهیم داشت.

Fatemi Academy
Verbs: close, dominate, employ, open, not/ pay, rule 🛍Walmart: Number 1 in retailing Wal-mart is the biggest corporation in the world. It (1)...........retailing in the US, with sales of more than $250 billion a year, and it (2)...........three times more…
جواب تمرین بالا👆👆

Wal-mart is the biggest corporation in the world. It (1) dominates retailing in the US, with sales of more than $250 billion a year, and it (2) employs three times more people than General Motors. Of the ten richest people in the world, five are Waltons_the family which (3) rule the Walmart empire. But the success of Walmart has its controversial side. Walmart (4) doesn't pay very good salaries, and when a big store (5) opens in an out-of-town location, the local shops often (6) close.

حالا به فایل صوتی زیر👇👇 گوش کنید تا مطمئن شوید تمام نکات متن را یاد گرفته اید.

🔶متن زیر را بخوانید. سپس تمرین را انجام دهید.

▶️My name is Luigi and I'm a hotel manager in Venice. I get paid a salary every month. In summer, we are very busy, we do overtime_ work a lot of extra hours. The pay for this is quite good. Working in a hotel, we also get some nice perks.

حالا معادل این ۳ کلمه را در متن بالا پیدا کنید:

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Fatemi Academy
در جواب تست زیر، بهترین گزینه را انتخاب کنید:
📌کدام یک از گزینه های زیر با این جمله هم معنی است؟

Due to the fact that the demand for tea was very high in the 19th century, its price was astronomical.

A) It was not until the 19th century that the demand for tea started to increase.

B) The demand for tea was so high in the 19th century that its price was enormous.

C) In the 19th century the price for tea didn't increase despite the demand.

D) It was its astronomical price which decreased the demand for tea in the 19th century.

E) In the 19th century, even though the demand for tea was enormous its price remained cheap.
