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2018 06 05[英语易混词汇]:
1▶️ broad adj.宽广的
(big road大路很宽广)
2▶️ abroad adv.在国外
at home and abroad国内外 go abroad to study去国外学习
3▶️ board n.板,甲板;v.上船,登机
blackboard黑板 whiteboard白板 aboard在船上/在飞机上
20181107[English corner]: presume/assume/suppose/guess:
according to some experience
there is no evidence
according to the phenomenon
20190307[English corner]: rectify, correct, remedy, revise, amend, modify
20190319[English corner]: conserve 相关
20190722[English corner]: extend 相关
extend 延伸,扩大 V.
expand 扩张,膨胀 V.
expend 支出,花费 V.
extent 范围,程度 N.
in a certain extent 在一定程度上
#英语词汇群 #神佬总结
tough RP GA /tʌf/ adj. 嚴峻的;困難的
though RP /ðəʊ/ GA /ðoʊ/ conj. 儘管
thought RP /θɔːt/ GA /θɔt/ n. 想法
through RP /θruː/ GA /θru/ prep. 透過
thorough RP /ˈθʌrə/ GA /ˈθɜr.oʊ/ adj. 完整的;徹底的
throughout RP /θruːˈaʊt/ GA /θruˈaʊt/ prep. 整個;遍及
@mkpoli 提供
20191212[English corner]: statue 相关
statue N.雕像
the Statue of Liberty
state N.国家
The United States of America
status N.地位
As the daughter of the president, she enjoys high status among her peers.
static adj. 静止的
Oil prices have remained static for the last few months.