⚡️ Updates • drafts & forwards
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🔃Pubblicazione changelog di

Canale vietato a grammar-nazi e amanti dell'ordine
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Forwarded from PostPickr Channel
🚀 Novità in piattaforma!

Accogliendo i vostri preziosi suggerimenti abbiamo introdotto due piccoli ma utili aggiornamenti a PostPickr.

📂 Rubriche Programmate: stanchi di dover riattivare ogni volta a mano le Rubriche che disattivano per mancanza di contenuti? Adesso, nelle opzioni avanzate di programmazione, potete decidere se lasciare la Rubrica sempre attiva e riprendere automaticamente le pubblicazioni subito dopo aver aggiunto nuovi contenuti;

📊 Audience - Analisi dei Post: anzichè essere suddiviso in più pagine, adesso l'elenco dei post viene visualizzato in un'unica pagina, attraverso il pulsante "Visualizza post successivii". Ciò permetterà di avere una migliore visione d'insieme e di esportare l'intero elenco in un unico report in PDF. Inoltre è possibile visualizzare in dettaglio, per ogni tipologia, il numero di reazioni ricevute ed il totale delle stesse.

Per ulteriori informazioni:
Rubriche Programmate - Guida all'uso: http://bit.ly/2oKucFB
Audience e Report - Guida all'uso: http://bit.ly/2o1lz9F
Platform Changelog: http://bit.ly/2M8TpBn
🔄 ForkGram v1.8.13

• aggiornato alla versione 1.8.13 di Telegram Desktop

📥 Download

📖 Forkgram official
📆 Data di rilascio: 03/10/2019.
✍️ @David_DMJ_S
#️⃣ #Forkgram #desktop #Clientalternativi #Updates
Forwarded from Telegram Designers via @like
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Suggested by @moonlight_is, “Open image/video location after downloading file. This slight improvement let users find the picture without saving it again. Quickly and simple 🌸
Forwarded from TON Board
TON Investor checklist.pdf
73 KB
📋 TON Investor checklist

Thanks to our subscriber, who decided to stay anonymous, we received a checklist for the investors of the Telegram Open Network. As we understand, this checklist was distributed by Gram Vault to some clients yesterday in the evening.

The document highlights the major points every crypto holder should check when making his or her choice, how to store or trade digital assets.

The checklist focuses on:

▪️risks of using native TON technology without sufficient experience;
▪️items to check when generating the keys of the wallet;
▪️dangers of using a mobile hot wallet to store meaningful volumes of Grams;
▪️conversion of Grams into fiat and banking questions.

We find the document useful to the broader community and sharing it with you.

As always, you are welcome to get in touch with us via @TONBoard_Admin. TON Board is currently researching this project and we will share the results as soon as possible.
Forwarded from Telegram X beta

Emoji display support everywhere, chats list rework, shared media counters, and more.

Features and Changes

1. Shared Media counters when tabs are attached to the header
2. Reworked and improved text rendering. This affects chats list, link previews, shared links, inline results, etc.
3. Emoji display support in texts everywhere within the app
4. Formatting support in pinned messages
5. Links in pinned message preview are now clickable (both tap & long-press)
6. Counters are now demi-bold in most places
7. Changed input text selection background color in Night Blue theme
8. Unified avatar placeholders rendering: now they follow the same
9. Crossed bell emoji in notifications when sender has explicitly disabled sound
10. Many minor changes and improvements on the way
11. Improved censorship circumvention
12. Protection in couple places against vertical utf characters

Chats List

13. Three-lines chats list style
14. Option to select between different chat styles (currently available: 2-line, 3-line, and 3-line with bigger text)
15. Formatting support
16. Media and forwarded messages icons
17. Unified message preview text with notifications
18. Game name is now displayed in the chats list
19. Pinned message is now displayed in the chats list like regular message with special icon
20. Album captions or number of media within an album is displayed now in the chats list

Region Selector (phone number screen)

20. When tapping region, it gets fully selected for convenience
21. When tapping region for the first time, you will see full list of regions instead of the single search result
22. Slightly improved region search algorithm

Known issues

1. RTL text + icon in the chats list gets messed up
2. Sometimes action text (typing, uploading, etc) is displayed under the animated icon

Possible bugs (report if you find them)

1. Saved Messages placeholder is used instead of the full name for the current user, where it is not intended to be, or vice versa
2. New RTL-related issues outside messages or IV, excluding the one mentioned above. If you find several of them, please collect them in the list, and then report to the group.


1. Avatar in drawer: solid line glitch on the right side of it
2. Avatar in drawer: when switching to the account with avatar, its radius may get stuck on non-zero value
3. Duplicate location message when stopping live location from message menu
4. Rudimentary option to send Live Location in secret chats which does not work
5. Can't switch slideshow to previous position in IVs (back swipe intercepts)
6. Send link with media (e.g. telegram or instagram slideshow), try to open media without reopening the chat, animation won't work (simple cross-fade)
7. "Loading user..." in replies to an auto-forwarded channel message in a group
8. Crash when parsing certain texts
9. TDLib: after performing storage usage cleanup, chats list is missing until re-entering the sreen
10. TDLib: several crashes
11. Missing ellipsis character in trimmed link previews, shared links, etc
12. Fixed character loss + overall break in the text render engine when end of prev part does not match the start of the next one and this gap includes a newline
13. Header bottom bar text may slightly touch the fast forward icon
14. Links or lines are not clickable at all in the text viewer (e.g. https://t.me/contest/103)
15. Flag emojies in avatar placeholders get converted into alphabet
16. Specific case when text may exceed its maximum bounds
17. Chat title in the chats list overlaps the ticks icon
... + more


1. Replaced Default with LedDefault on Customize Notifications screen
2. Separate string for support accounts when it's online
3. Separate string for game invites in groups
Forwarded from Telegram iOS Beta Slots
Telegram Messenger beta has free slots!

You can try to join the program now
32.9 MB
Telegram Stock Beta

🏷 Versione: 5.12.0 (1736)
#Android #Stock #Beta

🆙 Nuove aggiunte (rispetto allo scorso update):
Migliorato il sistema di ricerca in-chat
• Migliore ottimizzazione per Android 10
• Interfaccia migliorata (nuove animazioni e menù modificati)
• Altri piccoli miglioramenti grafici (i menù dal basso hanno gli angoli arrotondati)
• Bug fixes

📥 Scarica via link: Hockey App
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🆒 Nuova animazione
Nuova animazione per le chat archiviate su Android se nascoste.

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This media is not supported in your browser
🆕 Migliorata ricerca in-chat
Migliorato il sistema di ricerca dei messaggi in-chat. Tappando sul numero dei risultati è possibile ottenere una lista degli stessi

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🆗 Interfaccia modificata
Tutti i pulsanti per creare una nuova chat segreta, o un nuovo canale sono stati rimossi dal pannello laterale e sono ora accessibili dal pulsante fluttuante della matita

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☑️ Minor-update per Telegram Android
Mentre arriva la beta per iOS 5.13, un nuovo aggiornamento per Telegram Stock Android (versione: 5.12.0 build 1735) è arrivato; questo introduce davvero poche novità, forse in vista di un aggiornamento più corposo (💎) a breve. Ma andiamo ad analizzarlo:

🖼 Interfaccia grafica modificata
Nuova animazione per le chat archiviate
Menu laterale e del tema notturno automatico modificati
• Menu inferiori (quello che appare ad esempio tenendo premuto un link) e di selezione (quello che appare selezionando del testo) hanno adesso gli angoli smussati

🔎 Sistema ricerca migliorato
Migliorato il sistema di ricerca in-chat, tappando sul numero dei risultati si potrà visualizzare una lista

🔧 Bug fix e ottimizzazioni
• Migliore ottimizzazione per Android 10
• Piccoli bug-fixes

📖 Fonte: InsideTelegram
Autore: @DazFather
#⃣ Tag: #Updates #Telegram #Stock #Android
32.9 MB
Telegram Stock Beta

🏷 Versione: 5.12.0 (1737)
#Android #Stock #Beta

🆙 Nuove aggiunte (rispetto allo scorso update):
• Bug fixes

Precedenti versioni 5.12

📥 Scarica via link: Hockey App
32.9 MB
Telegram Stock Beta

🏷 Versione: 5.12.0 (1738)
#Android #Stock #Beta

🆙 Nuove aggiunte (rispetto allo scorso update):
• Bug fixes

Precedenti versioni 5.12

📥 Scarica via link: Hockey App
🆙 Migliorato il menù della modalità notturna
Scegli il tema notturno predefinito con più facilità tramite il menù con anteprime a scorrimento

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Gram Wallet su Telegram Android
A quanto sembra pare che il portafoglio per i Gram sia stato già implementato nella nuova versione di Telegram Android ma in modo nascosto (inaccessibile anche del menù di debug).

📖 @LBOgd via TON Italia
Forwarded from Telegram Contests
Today Telegram launches two design competitions with the total prize fund of $50,000.

1. Contest for designers of animated stickers.
Dates: 5 Oct - 20 Oct (23:00 CET)
Prize fund: $25,000

The goal is to create a sticker pack with at least 3 animated stickers as described here https://core.telegram.org/animated_stickers and send the link to your sticker pack to @jobs_bot (choose Animated Stickers Contest) before 23:00 CET on the 20th of October, 2019.

2. Contest for designers of themes.
Dates: 5 Oct - 20 Oct (23:00 CET)
Prize fund: $25,000

The goal is to create a color theme for Telegram supporting at least 2 platforms (e.g. iOS and Android or Android and Desktop) as described here https://core.telegram.org/themes and send the link to your theme to @jobs_bot (choose Theme Design Contest) before 23:00 CET on the 20th of October, 2019.

The prize fund will be distributed among the best contributors (at least $1000 each). Authors of the best stickers will also be able to join the pool of official sticker artists of Telegram.

All the submitted designs will become public on the 21st of October on our contest platform. The winners will be announced on the 27th of October.

Good luck!

P. S. Make sure you use a VPN if you are trying to access telegram.org from Russia.
Forwarded from Telegram X beta

Added separate theme color for chats list icons. More emoji support. Bugfixes.


1. Saved Messages icon in Settings header
2. Saved Messages icon when previewing the account chats list
3. Saved Messages icon in Admins filter in recent actions
4. Placeholder doesn't update in chat screen title when chat title / user name changes
5. When archiving / deleting from archive sticker sets while on Settings > Stickers > Archive, list does not get updated
6. After archiving sticker set in settings > stickers, it's not possible to delete it from archive too without re-entering the screen
7. When manipulating with archived sticker set, its state on trending section doesn't get updated
8. Problem when typing/action text overlays the animated icon should be fixed

Emoji Support

1. Header subtitle in media viewer, Storage Usage, Network usage screens
2. Contacts list
3. Shared groups
4. Storage usage > chats (titles, placeholders)
5. Website sessions
6. Blocked Users
7. Secret Chat Passcode Lock
8. Encryption key
9. Sticker Pack name
10. Shared Link placeholders
11. Multi-line inline results placeholders
12. Group/Channel members placeholders
13. Share menu title
14. Placeholders in messages
15. Promoted by/restricted by/banned by on member list and restriction screen


1. Added separate theme color for chats list icons
⚡️ Updates • drafts & forwards pinned «🔄 Versioni 5.12: 🔝 beta build: 1745 (last beta) 🔻 stable build: 17441 🔻 beta build: 1744 🔻 stable build: 17401 🔻 beta build: 1740 🔻 stable build: 1739 🔻 beta build: 1739 🔻 stable build: 17381 🔻 beta build: 1738 🔻 beta build: 1737 🔻 beta build: 1736 (first…»
32.9 MB
Telegram Stock Beta

🏷 Versione: 5.12.0 (1739)
#Android #Stock #Beta

🆙 Nuove aggiunte (rispetto allo scorso update):
• Bug fixes

Precedenti versioni 5.12

📥 Scarica via link: Hockey App