「chenchenzh: a 28 yo woman from rural Hunan, became a factory worker in Shenzhen after high school, wanted to have a better life, became a coder by self study, then went to a US university & got a tech job. Then in 2020... see picture 1. https://bit.ly/2CHifrf 」
「chenchenzh: a 28 yo woman from rural Hunan, became a factory worker in Shenzhen after high school, wanted to have a better life, became a coder by self study, then went to a US university & got a tech job. Then in 2020... see picture 1. https://bit.ly/2CHifrf 」
「nishuang: Amazon 推出了免编程开发工具 Honeycode 面向无编程能力的普通人,通过拖拽方式,像建 EXCEL 表格一样创建关系数据库,并在此基础上建立桌面和手机 APP,包括查询、输入、权限系统、通知… 免费版可以创建无限个数据表、每个表最多 2500 行,随便谁都可以开发 CRUD 程序了 https://bit.ly/2NH5f7f https://bit.ly/2A4a1bv 」
「nishuang: Amazon 推出了免编程开发工具 Honeycode 面向无编程能力的普通人,通过拖拽方式,像建 EXCEL 表格一样创建关系数据库,并在此基础上建立桌面和手机 APP,包括查询、输入、权限系统、通知… 免费版可以创建无限个数据表、每个表最多 2500 行,随便谁都可以开发 CRUD 程序了 https://bit.ly/2NH5f7f https://bit.ly/2A4a1bv 」
Amazon Honeycode
Use Amazon Honeycode to build custom apps that help your team manage work and achieve its goals. No programming required.
「wastemobile: Google 現在讓所有用戶都能選擇「自動刪除」 3 或 18 個月之前的各種網路與應用程式足跡,趕緊去設定一下,不清楚有多少用處,但這是選擇與表態。 記得,我們並不是谷歌與臉書的「客戶」,而是他們的「商品」,真正的客戶是廣告主。 Google 網路與應用程式活動 設定頁 https://bit.ly/31jJrGK https://bit.ly/3dD9qeC 」
「wastemobile: Google 現在讓所有用戶都能選擇「自動刪除」 3 或 18 個月之前的各種網路與應用程式足跡,趕緊去設定一下,不清楚有多少用處,但這是選擇與表態。 記得,我們並不是谷歌與臉書的「客戶」,而是他們的「商品」,真正的客戶是廣告主。 Google 網路與應用程式活動 設定頁 https://bit.ly/31jJrGK https://bit.ly/3dD9qeC 」
豆列资源仅供学术研究,建议大家有余力购买纸质书支持出版社。 https://www.douban.com/doulist/124438620/
豆列资源仅供学术研究,建议大家有余力购买纸质书支持出版社。 https://www.douban.com/doulist/124438620/
「lincidesign: 深入浅出现代 Web 编程 由赫尔辛基大学基于 CC 3.0 推出的开放课程,一站式学习 React, Redux, Node.js, MongoDB, GraphQL 以及 TypeScript!提供中文译文。 {() => fs} → https://bit.ly/3ia1qVO https://bit.ly/3dBcrfC 」
「lincidesign: 深入浅出现代 Web 编程 由赫尔辛基大学基于 CC 3.0 推出的开放课程,一站式学习 React, Redux, Node.js, MongoDB, GraphQL 以及 TypeScript!提供中文译文。 {() => fs} → https://bit.ly/3ia1qVO https://bit.ly/3dBcrfC 」
「TerribleMaps: 12 ways to divide China #China #map #Terriblemap #maps #terriblemaps https://bit.ly/2Vldudh 」
「TerribleMaps: 12 ways to divide China #China #map #Terriblemap #maps #terriblemaps https://bit.ly/2Vldudh 」
Terrible Maps
12 ways to divide China #China #map #Terriblemap #maps #terriblemaps
「bmwmengwei: 在线查看 SpaceX 星联计划(Starlink)所有卫星的位置 https://bit.ly/2Ny6Sns https://bit.ly/3eFLGYx 」
「bmwmengwei: 在线查看 SpaceX 星联计划(Starlink)所有卫星的位置 https://bit.ly/2Ny6Sns https://bit.ly/3eFLGYx 」
「wonderofscience: The elegant natural architecture of the common tailor bird (Orthotomus sutorius), a leaf sewn together with spider web or fine grass forms a cradle for the nest. These small songbirds form long-term bonds and remain in one location year-round. https://bit.ly/2YLGv3S 」
「wonderofscience: The elegant natural architecture of the common tailor bird (Orthotomus sutorius), a leaf sewn together with spider web or fine grass forms a cradle for the nest. These small songbirds form long-term bonds and remain in one location year-round. https://bit.ly/2YLGv3S 」
Wonder of Science
The elegant natural architecture of the common tailor bird (Orthotomus sutorius), a leaf sewn together with spider web or fine grass forms a cradle for the nest. These small songbirds form long-term bonds and remain in one location year-round. https://t.co/e2pqtx9Hwa
「Xhnsoc__Redflag: 6月29日消息 近日南京一家烧烤店接到一笔外卖订单,备注显示“帮忙**黄**,救命,谢谢”字样。商家看见“救命”后,赶紧拨打110。经调查,顾客订单备注写的是“帮忙带包黄南京(香烟),救命,谢谢”,但“带包”、“南京”为敏感词被系统屏蔽。民警教育顾客,以后点餐不要乱写备注信息,以免造成不必要的麻烦。 https://bit.ly/2BQiIH8 」
「Xhnsoc__Redflag: 6月29日消息 近日南京一家烧烤店接到一笔外卖订单,备注显示“帮忙**黄**,救命,谢谢”字样。商家看见“救命”后,赶紧拨打110。经调查,顾客订单备注写的是“帮忙带包黄南京(香烟),救命,谢谢”,但“带包”、“南京”为敏感词被系统屏蔽。民警教育顾客,以后点餐不要乱写备注信息,以免造成不必要的麻烦。 https://bit.ly/2BQiIH8 」
6月29日消息 近日南京一家烧烤店接到一笔外卖订单,备注显示“帮忙**黄**,救命,谢谢”字样。商家看见“救命”后,赶紧拨打110。经调查,顾客订单备注写的是“帮忙带包黄南京(香烟),救命,谢谢”,但“带包”、“南京”为敏感词被系统屏蔽。民警教育顾客,以后点餐不要乱写备注信息,以免造成不必要的麻烦。
「ThisIsDeepPixs: Never stop retweeting... https://bit.ly/3eOW68u 」
「ThisIsDeepPixs: Never stop retweeting... https://bit.ly/3eOW68u 」
This is Deep!
Never stop retweeting...
「tony_zy: Need to get my head around this: Weibo announced it deactivated Narendra Modi's verified account per request from Embassy of India in Beijing https://bit.ly/2YPyWch 」
「tony_zy: Need to get my head around this: Weibo announced it deactivated Narendra Modi's verified account per request from Embassy of India in Beijing https://bit.ly/2YPyWch 」
Tony Lin
Need to get my head around this: Weibo announced it deactivated Narendra Modi's verified account per request from Embassy of India in Beijing