Tina (Retweeted by Ali Javanmardi)
via @Javanmardi75
Iranian employees forced to cramp up using public transportation as they resume economic activities amid #Covid_19 crisis while the #death_toll in the country has reached 16,723, total of 143,596 are #infected & 107,946 individuals with #suspected infection. https://t.co/WW6wHrvOky
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via @Javanmardi75
Iranian employees forced to cramp up using public transportation as they resume economic activities amid #Covid_19 crisis while the #death_toll in the country has reached 16,723, total of 143,596 are #infected & 107,946 individuals with #suspected infection. https://t.co/WW6wHrvOky
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Ali Javanmardi
شکست طرح فاصله گذاری اجتماعی به روش رژیم #آخوندی #تهران/بی آرتی ، ایستگاه جمهوری، بی ار تی های راه آهن به تجریش/ شیاد بنفش: برخلاف خواسته بدخواهان و ضدانقلاب که مردم را به انتخاب میان سلامت و فعالیت اقتصادی فرا میخوانند، هم فعالیت اقتصادی و هم پروتکلهای…