Ali Javanmardi (Twitter)
Disgusting! Those whose fascist ideology found a Final Solution in shooting 5000 innocents #IranProtests
attack those seeking a real solution via #DealOfTheCentury & a REFERENDUM for #IranRegimeChange !
Why is Islamic RipPublic so terrified of democracy & #IranIsraelFriendship ?
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Disgusting! Those whose fascist ideology found a Final Solution in shooting 5000 innocents #IranProtests
attack those seeking a real solution via #DealOfTheCentury & a REFERENDUM for #IranRegimeChange !
Why is Islamic RipPublic so terrified of democracy & #IranIsraelFriendship ?
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Javad Zarif
Disgusting that those whose civilization found a "Final Solution" in gas chambers attack those who seek a real solution at the ballot box, through a REFERENDUM. Why are US and West so afraid of democracy? Palestinians should not have to pay for your crimes…