> Hundred Rabbits is a small artist collective. Together, we explore the planned failability of modern technology at the bounds of the hyper-connected world. We research and test low-tech solutions and document our findings with the hope of building a more resilient future.
> We live and work aboard a ship called Pino. Sailing around the Pacific Ocean made us realize how fragile the modern computing stack was. Living in remote uninhabited parts of the world has offered us a playground to learn how technology degrades beyond the shores of the western world.
> Hundred Rabbits is a small artist collective. Together, we explore the planned failability of modern technology at the bounds of the hyper-connected world. We research and test low-tech solutions and document our findings with the hope of building a more resilient future.
> We live and work aboard a ship called Pino. Sailing around the Pacific Ocean made us realize how fragile the modern computing stack was. Living in remote uninhabited parts of the world has offered us a playground to learn how technology degrades beyond the shores of the western world.
Love this 😉 I especially resonate with:
> I have this theory that life has a circadian rhythm. Every 3-6 years, you become a different person.
Love this 😉 I especially resonate with:
> I have this theory that life has a circadian rhythm. Every 3-6 years, you become a different person.
Chip Huyen
Measuring personal growth
My founder friends constantly think about growth. They think about how to measure their business growth and how to get to the next order of magnitude scale. If they’re making $1M ARR today, they think about how to get to $10M ARR. If they have 1,000 users…
Forwarded from DeepSeek 中文社区
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Calculating Empires —— 记录 5 个世纪技术与社会发展的巨型图谱
👁 Calculating Empires 是一个非常壮观的对于技术和社会演化的可视化图谱,记录了从 1500 年开始 5 个世纪以来殖民化、军事化、自动化和圈地运动的技术模式,展示了这些力量如何持续地进行支配,以及如何被化解
🔍 项目围绕四大主题展开:通信、计算、分类与控制,你可以观察到有哪些古老的技术被沿用至今,而它们又如何改变了社会结构。例如,在手机、个人电脑和互联网崛起的时代,信息传播为权力操控提供了新的契机(Communications as Spaces of Manipulation)
🧩 在项目介绍中,它引用了法国历史学家费尔南·布罗代尔的话,「如果一个人想要理解这个世界,就必须确定力量、潮流和个体运动的层次结构,然后将它们组合起来形成整体的格局」
👁 Calculating Empires 是一个非常壮观的对于技术和社会演化的可视化图谱,记录了从 1500 年开始 5 个世纪以来殖民化、军事化、自动化和圈地运动的技术模式,展示了这些力量如何持续地进行支配,以及如何被化解
🔍 项目围绕四大主题展开:通信、计算、分类与控制,你可以观察到有哪些古老的技术被沿用至今,而它们又如何改变了社会结构。例如,在手机、个人电脑和互联网崛起的时代,信息传播为权力操控提供了新的契机(Communications as Spaces of Manipulation)
🧩 在项目介绍中,它引用了法国历史学家费尔南·布罗代尔的话,「如果一个人想要理解这个世界,就必须确定力量、潮流和个体运动的层次结构,然后将它们组合起来形成整体的格局」
Recently I’ve been reading sci-fi by qntm and had a blast. He’s probably most known for the novel There Is No Antimemetics Division which is a gem in a SCP setting. Highly recommended.
If you need some convincing, read this short story first:
P.S. Most of his works is freely available on his website.
If you need some convincing, read this short story first:
P.S. Most of his works is freely available on his website.
Valuable Humans in Transit
You can buy this story as part of my collection, Valuable Humans in Transit and Other Stories.
Chinese translation
The power of the universal constructor is this: to create food from burnt charcoal and water. To turn the entire Sahara into…
Chinese translation
The power of the universal constructor is this: to create food from burnt charcoal and water. To turn the entire Sahara into… 的一个作品今天上了 HN 首页;其实他的整个 portfolio 都很有创造力
还可以买 DLC pass,包括 25 年 Q1 - Q3 会出的四个(!)DLC。价格跟本体一样,是不是暗示 DLC 加起来就又是一个本体的体量💃
还可以买 DLC pass,包括 25 年 Q1 - Q3 会出的四个(!)DLC。价格跟本体一样,是不是暗示 DLC 加起来就又是一个本体的体量
Please open Telegram to view this post
The Rise of the Golden Idol on Steam
The Award-winning detective saga returns in this standalone sequel to The Case of the Golden Idol. Uncover the truth behind 20 strange cases of crime, death and depravity in the 1970s. The world has changed dramatically - the sins of humanity have not.
感恩节没出门憋了篇一直想写的,应该是今年最后一篇了!这几年来反复念叨的都分享得差不多了,接下来得多读书多做事多成长才好继续积累素材了。 #blog
Synthesist in the Shell — A blog by Linghao Zhang
How To Be Great 101
A "theory of everything" on how to be great: the most important lessons in my life so far.
相见恨晚!One of the best research into the fundamentals of LLM capabilities I’ve seen. This talk is a great summarized version. #llm
ICML 2024 Tutorial: Physics of Language Models
Project page (with further readings):
Abstract: We divide "intelligence" into multiple dimensions (like language structures, knowledge, reasoning, etc.). For each dimension, we create synthetic data for LLM pretraining to understand…
Abstract: We divide "intelligence" into multiple dimensions (like language structures, knowledge, reasoning, etc.). For each dimension, we create synthetic data for LLM pretraining to understand…
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The Age 30 Crisis and Seasons of a Man's Life
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