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CI Builds: @NekoX_CI
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您可以从 @NekoXAPKs 获取最新的开发版本帮助我们测试 感谢您的反馈 🥺
#RELEASE 7.1.3

* 合并 7.1.3 ( 2103 ) 更新
* 错误修复
* 允许在本机忽略针对 Android 的内容限制 (喵设置 - 实验性), 该选项在 Play 版默认不显示.
* v2ray-core 4.31.3 / trojan 代理支持
* 资料页中的简介翻译

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Forwarded from Deprecated (世界)
#PRE_RELEASE 7.2.1-rc03

* Fix disable proximity events not work again
* Don't alert "Proxy unavailable" for non-current account

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#PRE_RELEASE 7.2.1-rc04

* New option to use new chat input menu: replace record button with a menu which contains an switch to control link preview (enabled by default)
* New option to disable link preview by default: to prevent the server from knowing that the link is shared through Telegram.


* 新增 "使用聊天输入菜单" 选项: 将录制按钮替换为输入菜单,另在其中增加一个链接预览开关 (默认启用)
* 新增 "默认禁用链接预览" 选项: 以防止服务器知道该链接在 Telegram 被分享

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#PRE_RELEASE 7.2.1-rc05

* Improved chat input menu
* v2ray-core 4.32.1

Since the upstream was not compatible with target api level 29 by the deadline (November 2), you will not be able to get the update on the Play Store from this version onwards.

由于上游在截止日期 ( 11月2日 ) 前未兼容目标接口级 29,所以从此版本起您无法在 Play Store 上取得更新。

* edit: 转发等会修 👀

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#PRE_RELEASE 7.2.1-rc06

* Fixes of the previous version
* Option to not send comment first when forwarding: Neko Settings -> Chat -> Send commet after forward (enabled by default)


* 上个版本的错误修复
* 新增选项以允许转发时附带的评论在转发之后发送 (默认启用)

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#PRE_RELEASE 7.2.1-rc08

* Bug fixes
* Tgx style message unpin menu

Note: For multiple pinned messages, long press the list button to open the menu.


* 错误修复
* Tgx 样式的取消消息置顶菜单

注意: 多条置顶消息时,长按置顶列表按钮打开菜单

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#PRE_RELEASE 7.2.1-rc09

* Bug fixes
* v2ray-core 4.33.0

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