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⚡️Freedom of Association

Yesterday I forwarded a post about RFK and his support of Israel's actions and the sentiment 'fuck this guy' - which I'm in total agreement with. Inevitably with every political post there's a polarized response. People jumped out of the woodwork asking me my problem with Israel.

If its not obvious to you at this point then we are on completely different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. In the chat, a short conversation took place where we went back and forth on what genocide means, and the user on the other end maintained that because only 1% of the population had died, its not genocide.

The IOF hadn't started carpet bombing directly on the civilian populace (although they did air strike people waiting for aid), instead they let starvation and disease do they dirty work, while all they need to do is prevent aid from getting into Palestine.

This is a ridiculous viewpoint and after I understood where they were coming from and that we were going around in circles, they got banned.

I believe in Freedom of Speech, and I also believe that Freedom of Association is just as important. I don't want to associate with warmongers. And they're not the only group - I wouldn't tolerate spammers, violence, racism, supremacism, or pedophilia either. Those groups may exist on their corner of the internet - but no one is obligated to tolerate them.

You may disagree with me for not tolerating these viewpoints, but I am acutely aware of the paid disinformation agents around these issues. They distract from the message, play stupid games, and waste our precious time and energy. Of course not everyone who disagrees is a disinformation agent, there are those who have bought those same viewpoints as well - but with the truth shining this bright, its never been easier to tell the difference.

I highly encourage you to practice your own freedom of association, whether that's in your personal life or in an online community you moderate. What I've found through experience and observation is that communities without boundaries fall apart. A good example of this is the DigDeeper MUC on XMPP which recently disbanded its group after being overrun by spam and abusive material. It was sad because there were a lot of good people on there - but the noise drowned everything out.

I want to finish with saying that life is too short to be constantly arguing. Find your people, find your tribe!

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⚡️5 Startling Technology Leaks from Julian Assange's Wikileaks

Today a judgement was passed in Julian Assange’s extradition case, although it drags the case on and gives the possibility for a final rejection. If this happens, Assange will spend up to 175 years in a US maximum security prison.

His crime? Publishing classified documents which corroborated war crimes, covert surveillance programs, and torture. We pray for his release, and we will never forget how Assange and Wikileaks illuminated public awareness of these shadowy programs so we could begin to protect ourselves.

Follow Taylor Hudak for coverage on the Assange Trial.
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In honor of Julian Assange, here are 5 published Wikileaks that expanded our awareness on technology surveillance.

1. The Location of 100 Amazon Data Centers

Amazon, the largest cloud computing provider in the world is also one of the largest cloud providers for government and military. They wouldn’t be doing their jobs if they weren’t protecting the locations of their data centers, unforunately for them - they didn’t see Wikileaks coming. In 2018, Wikileaks published a highly confidential document that listed the IP addresses of one-hundred data centers.

No, there’s no creepy looking Amazon badge on these buildings - these buildings were operated under front companies. The names of these front companies were leaked along with addresses, contact emails, and directions - and a map of their locations.

What secrets lie behind the walls of these unassuming buildings?

2. ELSA, Locating Windows Computers Through WiFi

Leaked in 2017 as part of the Vault 7 CIA hacking tools, ELSA is a geo-location malware project that can detect the location of Windows devices. Once ELSA has infected a target computer, it takes a list of available WiFi access points and cross-references these access points with public geo-location databases supplied by Google or Microsoft. Based on the signal strength it can calculate the position of the device which can be exfiltrated later.

#TBOT Tip: Don’t use Windows. Learn to love Linux.

3. No Isolated Network Is Safe, Brutal Kangaroo

Brutal Kangaroo, also a part of the Vault 7 tools was used to target closed ‘air-gapped’ networks that are not connected to to the outside world. Brutal Kangaroo is deployed using a thumbdrive, and can spread through use of the thumbdrive on other computers. Eventually, controlled computers begin communicating directly with each other to exchange data.

#TBOT Tip: Be watchful over your devices. No external USBs, avoid having USBs delivered.

4. Is your local router a FlyTrap?

CheryBlossom, another tool from Vault 7 is used to capture wireless network devices like wireless routers. Routers can be compromised over the internet through a firmware upgrade, at which point the router becomes a FlyTrap and acts as an ‘Man-In-The-Middle’, manipulating the internet traffic passing through it. It can scan for email addresses, chats, MAC addresses of devices, and VoIP numbers.

#TBOT Tip: Run a VPN on each device to encrypt internet traffic before it reaches a network.

5. Scribbles: Hidden watermarks in printed documents

A tool that has likely been used to catch whistleblowers, Scribbles is yet another Vault 7 project that embeds beacons into Microsoft Office documents. When a whistleblower prints the documents and releases them, the watermark can be restored to discover the source of the leak. Alternative softwares like OpenOffice or LibreOffice made this watermark visible to the target, and it was recommended to make the watermark match the document.

Readers may be reminded of the NSA’s case against whistlerblower Reality Leigh Winner, a former Air Force Linguist who worked for the NSA and sent a printed document to be published at The Intercept. Certain printers use microdots to identify the printer, date and time of printing.

Be careful what you print!
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The discoveries above are a mere drop in the ocean of Wikileaks content that are now known to the world. Please keep in mind that most of the leaks are closed to a decade old. Simply following the tips or avoiding the software mentioned doesn’t guarantee safety from these attacks, or attacks like them. Our advice is to avoid mass surveillance by avoiding proprietary software.

In this short post we kept it focused to technology and left out the disgusting mechanations of the war machine. If you’d like to learn more, we highly encourage you to research Wikileaks and Julian Assange.

Although we must peer into the shadows, the world is better off with this knowledge. Bless those brave enough to speak up and may God protect them all.

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Hey peeps, I'm creating a list of powerful content creators fighting the good fight and spreading solutions in Europe. this doesn't have to be related to technology

Do y'all know anyone? Who should I follow?

Please let me know. Send a comment to our chat.

⚡️LunarDAO, a DAO for Privacy Investments with Anonymous Founders

Has anyone heard of LunarDAO? I don't usually discuss alt cryptos here but this one caught my attention. Its main focus is to invest into privacy projects, it seems to be connected with the folks from DarkFi. It is directed by a group of 6 anonymous stewards. An excerpt from their manifesto:

Information is power. Privacy and transparency are two antithetical dimensions of information. Transparency must apply to those in power, to lay open their machinations and hold them accountable. This includes any government, supranational entity, corporations and conglomerates. Privacy is for the people, to prevent the agents of power from intruding in the innermost parts of our individual and social existence.

The mouthpieces of the surveillance state claim that our sanctuaries and agoras are enabling criminals to sell drugs, weapons and human beings, and laundering money through cryptocurrencies. They use this as an excuse to block our access to DeFi and privacy tools and limit our autonomy. All the while the crimes we stand accused of are carried out day by day on a massive scale by well-connected and legally protected people, aided by national governments, their courts and law enforcement bodies. While attacking tools that empower people, they commandeer the black market and launder money through esteemed international banks.

There are some fun mechanisms in their governance processes such as the ability for voters to ragequit and immediately leave with their funds if there is a proposal they strongly disagree with.

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⚡️Tree.Market - a P2P Free-Market on the Dero Blockchain

tl;dr - P2P Private/Free Market is crowdfunding a token that gives you lifetime features on the platform. You can support and get lifetime features until midnight tonight.

Its been one of my dreams to see a P2P market spun up so that people could exchange freely with one another using a private cryptocurrency. I even gave building one of my own a shot in 2022 with Above Market, which I ultimately let go of.

Now I'm glad another team is taking up the banner for a project like this, Tree.Market is a P2P marketplace built on the Dero blockchain. The market is non-custodial (your funds stay on your wallet), is private by default, and has plans to be fully self-hostable down the line.

There are a lot of great features planned such as the creation of stores, building reputation, messaging systems - all within a web application.

In order to get some funds to get the development started, they just launched the SEED lifetime token which will give you all advanced features on the market forever. This is typically $299 but people will receive 2x the amount of tokens, meaning that its really $150.00

I'm getting my lifetime token in the hopes that the team will push the development forward into a usable web application. Right now they have the alpha version working with the Tree Market crowdfund.

You can currently purchase the lifetime token in Dero, Bitcoin, XMR and other currencies.

If you want to hear from the founders - here's their interview on The Conscious Resistance.

Here's their Github!

As development progresses I will be sure to get the founders on for an interview.

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⚡️Everything You Need To Know About FISA's 702 Reform Act

With the renewal of FISA now making waves, I decided to make a 4 part post that satisfied my own curiousity of what it is, how it gets used, and what it means for everyday people. Here's part 1:

What is FISA?

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 was created to give federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies a process for surveilling foreign targets using communication service providers within the reach of the US government.

Areas of surveillance include electronic surveillance, wiretraps / pen-registers, physical searches, and business records. The NSA is primarily responsible for this data collection by compelling these providers and working with 30 different countries to conduct foreign surveillance. The NSA itself estimates it only ‘touches’ 1.6% of the internet.

Agencies like the NSA, FBI are authorized to search this database, and information can be shared with other agencies if useful:

- There are hundreds of thousands of targets, and queried the database this 3.4M on Americans without a warrant
- The FBI abused this system 278,000 times, including Americans suspected of crimes, up to 10,000 FBI agents used this system.
- The NSA Stellar Wind program collected e-mails, telephone conversations, financial transactions, and internet activity.

What is happening now with FISA?

FISA was set to expire this April, however the The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) proposed an amendment that renewed FISA and expanded its scope. On the surface the bill appeared to curb surveillance by limiting the amount of authorized FBI agents, but in reality the bill is a trojan horse that alters small phrases that drastically change the extent of surveillance.

Why the renewal is making FISA stronger:
- Expands scope from communications provider to ‘any service provider’ who has access to the equipment that is being used to transmit or store such communications
- The bill still does not require a warrant to conduct surveillance on Americans
- The bill still does not require the agency to inform the target of surveillance unless they are in Congress
- If you travel outside of the US you are eligible for surveillance

Several representatives pushed back to include an amendment that would require a warrant for gathering the data of Americans, however this was tabled for a future vote that must occur by tomorrow.

This means that the NSA could ‘compel’ any service provider, or anyone who has access to the equipment. This could be anyone from the CEO of the communications provider, owner of the data center, building owner, or to the person who sweeps the floors at night.

Pt. 2 will look into how the NSA builds the FISA 702 database.

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⛔️ Samourai Wallet Founders Arrested by DOJ for 'Money-Laundering'

In another perversion of justice, the Department of Justice has indicted the founders of Samourai Wallet, the premier Bitcoin wallet with featues that improved the privacy of BTC transactions.

DOJ alleges that Samourai facilitated more than $100M of money laundering transactions. Samourai's domains have been seized, their apps will be taken down from the Play Store, and the founders Rodriguez and Hill have been arrested, one in New York, and the other extradited from Portgual.

They also allege that the founders knowingly facilitated money laundering. They use off-hand Twitter posts of Samourai welcoming Russian oligarchs and private Twitter DMs of Samourai focusing on black/grey economies, as well as marketing materials for investment pitches that mentioned 'Dark/Grey' market participants.

The takedown of Samourai is a troubling note as we observe international pressure to take down privacy tools that interact in any way with the dark net, even if the extent of interaction cannot be proven.

Some users speculate that the founders knew the takedown was coming, a big reason for the push towards decentralized coordination of Whirlpool transactions which would allow Whirpool transactions even if the main coordinator servers went down.

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Like I have said so many times, Google & Apple's centralized services give them the ability to roll tech out to hundreds of millions of people and change our societal norms. This is another example of big tech / government collusion to normalize biometrics at airports. Sadly, most people will go along with it. A few, those who avoid centralized abusive software services will be able to avoid it.
⚡️ Shutting Down

LocalMoneros, a popular P2P exchange for converting fiat into the privacy coin Monero has shut its doors. You're unable to register or post any trades from this point forward. If you have any funds on the platform they need to be recovered before November 7th, 2024.

With all of the attention and pressure against cryptocurrency privacy platforms, it makes sense that the LocalMonero's team is limiting their exposure. Unfortunately that leaves one less tool people can use to transact with private cryptocurrencies.

I'll be digging into some of the alternatives such as Serai, BTC/XMR atomic swaps, and the FCMP mentioned in the original post.

What are your thoughts on LocalMoneros shutting down? Was it justified for them? Should they have open-sourced their code?

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Any US user of crypto should listen to this podcast. Aaron lays out important facts about CBDC adoption and why it feels like we are less than a year away from its rollout.
Today is starting off a good day. First the international criminal court is pursuing arrest warrants for Israeli leadership for crimes against humanity. We will see how this plays out - justice is welcomed

Julian Assange has also been given the right to appeal his extradition on the grounds of free speech.
⚡️PSA: Fake 'EMF Sticker' Promoted By Russell Brand Makes False Claims, False Patents, and No Measurable Impact on EMR Fields

Anyone EMR conscious has seen those 'EMF stickers' that supposedly 'harmonize' radiation off of the phone. Is this true or is it placebo?

AiresTech promoted on Russell Brand's show recently and got on our radar. Their sticker is called 'LifeTune' and sells for $100, with packages of $1,000+ on their store.

Last year, YouTuber Gary Fong completely debunked some obivous falsehoods AiresTech was putting out.

The neuroscientist Dr. Nicholas Dogris claimed that AiresTech reduced heat, and measured this using an electroencephalogram (EEG), which does nothing to measure heat.

Gary did his own tests and found that the LifeTune sticker had no impact at all on the electromagnetic field of a phone at all.

Looking through the patents he found no patents related to the nanotechnology AiresTech claims they had, and instead found design patents - for the cute geometric design on the stickers themselves.

More awareness around issues like cell phone radiation also bring scammers out of the woodwork. And somehow they always end up on the biggest shows. I'm seeing a trend.

Practice skepticism when it comes to energy technology, there is good stuff (potentially even stickers) - but there's also a ton of bullshit that invest in fake studies, fake patents, and marketing to get themselves out there.

Watch the video:

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⚡️PSA: The Next Generation of AI Spam has hit Telegram


The community I belong to is no stranger to spam. The Freedom Cell Network and The Greater Reset have been dealing with Telegram spammers since the very beginning. Due to the Freedom Cell Network being decentralized, the spammers especially loved to traverse the Directory of Freedom Cells to spam hundreds of groups spanning 40 countries.

This spam got so bad we had to create a Federated Spam Network to ban the spammers from all of our groups at once.

Today on June 6th, the admins of the FC Network are seeing proof of new generative AI spam. They appear in groups and will reply to posts from Telegram channels. They will take common sounding names and their replies will address what was shared in the post. The messages can either validate and agree with the post, OR they can raise fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

Already this AI spam operation is being used to try and reduce the impact of in-person events. Our upcoming conference - The People's Reset Conference in the UK received comment replies that were clearly AI, contradicting itself and criticizing the event. Unlike previous spam, this AI is using generative language models.

This AI can communicate clearly, express sentiment, and make jokes. Its easy to take these comments as genuine people, although at times they sound unnatural and clumsy. This marks a time where generative AI is now being weaponized, and weaponized first against Freedom groups.

This is a public service announcement to any group that would fit into this category: Remain vigilant, press forward in bringing people together. Take action in the face of tyranny. AI is nothing compared to Organic Intelligence.

Join us for solutions at The People's Reset in the UK, September 28th, 2024.

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⚡️Apple & Google WiFi Surveillance Can Track Death & Destruction

Chances are, if you’ve used Google Maps or Apple Maps, you’ve contributed to one of the biggest surveillance databases in the world.

Known for their accuracy, big tech maps can locate your phone within a few meters and even indoors.

No, these big tech maps aren’t using GPS - they’re using WPS or Wi-Fi positioning system.

These WPS systems collect millions of WiFi networks and tag them with locations.

Researchers in Maryland discovered through a flaw in Apple’s WPS that they could gather at least 2B (2 Billion) WiFi location points by requesting WiFi networks at random.

That’s enough points to cover the world’s populated areas, notably China was nearly empty except for a few thousand points. Looks like even the CCP can’t opt out of this surveillance.

We did the work for them.

When you use Google or Apple maps, your phone will send the nearby WiFi networks along with their signal strength to the WPS. The WPS will look up these networks in a database that has hundreds of millions of networks along with their location. The calculation is then performed on the server for Google location’s service, and on the phone for Apple location’s service - which sent a list of 400 additional WiFi points back.

And this is how you get a precise location for your phone. Any new WiFi networks you scanned are potentially added to the WPS databases.

Apple & Google have made their users the instrument of their surveillance.

And the things you can do with this surveillance are harrowing. The researchers were able to see how many WiFi access points went offline in Gaza due to the constant bombardment that caused the deaths of 40,000 civilians.

Similarly the researchers were able to see the damage from the August 2023 Maui fires, and the emigration of people from Ukraine to escape forced conscription.

Apple, Google and any organization they choose to share this WiFi data will have incredible capabilities. Don’t worry though - because these companies care so much about privacy - they give you a way to opt out.


Add _nomap to the end of your WiFi SSID (name), Google and Apple promise not to index Wifi networks ending with those names.

Turn off your WiFi network and use ethernet cable.

Read primary source material here.

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⚡️Microsoft Recall, Stealing Everything You've Ever Typed

Microsoft recently introduced an upcoming feature of Windows 11 that will be rolled out soon with Copilot+ called Recall. If you’re a current user of Windows 11, this isn’t active for you yet, but it will be in the near future.

As a brief summary, Recall will continuously take screenshots of your PC every 5 seconds, creating a searchable database of your activity. It will also store everything you have ever typed in plain text, yes, including sensitive passwords that are copy and pasted.

We recommend you do everything you can to avoid Recall when it is implemented, and to disable it in Windows 11 in the near future.

In case you’re not convinced yet, you may want to switch to an open source OS, like Linux, in order to avoid 0 day exploits and privacy breaches that will likely occur on Windows due to Recall.

Recall is a PR Nightmare

Unfortunately, Recall is one of the many problematic new implementations of AI in mainstream operating systems.

Similar functionality will be coming to Apple, considering they have opted to work with Google’s Gemini AI and will soon implement invasive, AI based scanning of the private data located in the unencrypted messages on your smartphone and PC in the near future.

In case you are not convinced yet, here are some more reasons to avoid Recall:

Cybersec: Microsoft claims that Copilot+ runtime processes data locally, but because its database is stored in plain text, it will make any Windows based PC vulnerable to remote access by hackers.

One practical use case of this would be an InfoStealer trojan, which steals usernames and passwords and can easily be modified to support Recall.

User Reaction: Recall has rightly been met with overwhelmingly negative reactions from Windows users, who naturally fear the coming privacy breaches and severe potential for misuse by bad actors. For any Windows users still out there: this was inevitable.

Implementation: Recall is, quite frankly, a PR nightmare unfolding in real time for Microsoft. To make matters worse, the feature will come enabled by default, despite Microsoft calling it an “optional feature."

Legal Jargon Manipulation: Microsoft's vague, misleading descriptions of Recall are decidedly sketchy. They continue to use terms like "snapshots" instead of "screenshots," in order to cover their tracks and downplay Recall’s intrusiveness.

Update as of 6/13/24: Because of recent public backlash, Microsoft is now making Recall an optional feature that you have to willingly opt-in to, instead of being enabled by default. They are also adding encryption via Windows Hello Enhanced Sign-in Security and are encrypting the search engine database.

Still, we wanted to capture the previous stages of development before Microsoft could sweep the roll-out of this extremely problematic feature under the rug.

Whether or not this convinces you to feel safe and secure while handing over your private data to Recall and Windows, is another story.

#TBOT #Recall #Microsoft #Windows11 #dataprivacy #Surveillance #Big_Tech

Primary sources here.

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⚡️ Privacy For Billionaires vs Privacy For You

recently sat down with The Free Thought Project for a stimulating discussion on all the most critical happenings in the world of Big Tech, Surveillance & Privacy.

Here are some highlights:

- Implications of new proposed laws, such as the EARN IT Act and FISA 702 Reauthorization.
- How Google and Apple track the world's WiFi access points
- Spyware like NSO’s Pegasus and the backdoors in our phones, as well as the massive surveillance experiment conducted under the guise of COVID-19 contact tracing
- The truth behind Apple's Face ID technology and the unsettling practices of WiFi-based positioning systems.
- The types of surveillance we have to worry about on Windows and macOS, and explore Microsoft's new invasive Recall feature.

I detail a number of practical solutions for these issues that you can take action on today. It’s a must listen!

This podcast episode is also accompanied by an article published on #TFTP and the #TBOT substack. Follow us on Substack, we're going to be posting weekly content there :)

Read the article.
Read on the #TBOT subtack.

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⚡️Sorry, This Product Just Went Up In Price

Interesting read about Walmart's new rollout of digital price tags in 2,300 stores across the US.

If digital price tags hit the shelves, it means prices could change at any time for any reason.

“If it’s hot outside, we can raise the price of water and ice cream. If there's something that’s close to the expiration date, we can lower the price — that’s the good news,” said Phil Lempert, a grocery industry analyst.

Apps like Uber already use surge pricing, in which higher demand leads to higher prices in real time.

Oh but, don't worry - you'll get more information about the things you're buying. After all, its easier to scan a QR code then to pick up the item and read the back of the label.

While the labels give retailers the ability to increase prices suddenly, Gallino doubts companies like Walmart will take advantage of the technology in that way.

“To be honest, I don’t think that’s the underlying main driver of this,” Gallino said. “These are companies that tend to have a long-term relationship with their customers and I think the risk of frustrating them could be too risky, so I would be surprised if they try to do that.”

Incoming surprised Pikachu face in 3...2...1...

Shop local!

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⚡️Photojacked - US Government Sues Adobe

Adobe, the software company behind Photoshop, enraged artists and creatives everywhere with their new terms of service earlier this June. All users of Adobe products were forced to accept the terms before they could do anything - even uninstalling the program.

The new terms implied that Adobe would scan users content at any time, using AI. It also gave Adobe a complete license to use the content users created, sharing it and selling it to whomever they wanted.

Despite the public backlash, Adobe doubled down by clarifying the terms on a June 10th blog post. The post emphasized that ‘You own your content’, even though Adobe had a extremely permissible license to the content. They also promised not to train ‘Generative AI’ on customer content, and that the licenses would be ‘narrowly tailored to the activities needed’.

US Department of Justice Sues Adobe

Trusting a big tech company with your private data is like putting your head in the mouth of an crocodile.

After all, this is exactly the path that Meta took when it updated its General AI terms to allow for the use of photos and comments to train its AI models, such as the Meta Llama 3. That means your personal pictures train Meta’s AI. This model is now integrated into Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, and Messenger, and is nearly impossible to opt-out of.

Only people living in the EU could opt-out under the GDPR, but Meta has previously used dark patterns in their apps to prevent users from leaving easily. This includes re-directions, long confusing legal text, having to explain yourself, and provide additional information. It appears that they’re trying to directly obfuscate legal language by using fancy jargon—making it extremely difficult to withdraw consent.

This type of behavior is normal with companies like Meta and Adobe. This past week Adobe was sued by the US Department of Justice for making it difficult for people to cancel their paid subscriptions. A year long investigation uncovered deceptive business practices that hid information about a huge cancellation fee (50% of the remaining subscription cost) when signing up, creating more obstacles for users through the cancellation process.

Users of Adobe products are in a difficult spot. They’ve built their whole careers around a single software suite which is now being used as leverage to get them to comply with endless demands.


This wouldn’t be a #TBOT article without solutions. There are many photo editors and creative tools on Linux.

Here’s a list of software and resources you can use instead of relying on Adobe:

GIMP (Photo / Bitmap Editing) GIMP Books

Krita (Digital Illustration)

Inkscape (Vector Illustration)

KolourPaint (Simpler ‘Paint’ like editing)

DarkTable (Photo Editing)

You can also cancel your Adobe subscription while avoiding the 50% cancellation fee. No joke.

Go to ‘cancel your subscription’. You will see a screen with the cancellation fee. Hit the continue button.

They will offer you a new plan to avoid the cancellation fee. Choose the cheapest one to switch to a new plan.

Here's the loophole: You can cancel any plan for free within two weeks. Cancel the new plan within this period and get your money back for the first month of the new plan.

You've now successfully avoided the fee.

Users who are invested in the Adobe ecosystem struggle to see how they can replace the hydra of Adobe applications. We’re not sure of the right answer either, but at some point Adobe users will have to decide what bursts the abusive software dam.

Until then we can wait for the Adobe terms of service update that comes with an additional cherry-on-top and pinky promise that they won’t train their AI on your photos.

Read more here.

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