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9/9-9/11. 22 Years Ago, 2 Days before 9/11: Shah Masood, leader of the Northern Alliance assassinated - Global Research

While the US media acknowledges the role of Pakistan’s ISI in the assassination of Shah Masood, it fails to dwell upon the more substantive issue: How come the head of the ISI was in Washington, on an official visit, meeting Bush administration officials on the very same day Masood was assassinated?

Masood not been assassinated, the Bush administration would not have been able to install their political puppet Hamid Karzai in Kaboul.

Masood rather than Hamid Karzai (a former employee of UNOCAL oil company), would have become the head of the post-Taliban government formed in the wake of the U.S. bombings of Afghanistan.

In other words, the assassination of the leader of the Northern Alliance, was consistent with U.S. foreign policy objectives

#Afghanistan #Masood #Massoud #Panshir #US
Media is too big
Massoud L'Afghan - French Documentary by Christophe de Ponfilly

French author, director, producer and journalist Christophe de Ponfilly died in strange circumstances . He was found dead on 20 May 2006 in the forest of Rambouillet, having disappeared a week earlier when he and two men left the terrace of a Paris café in a hurry, leaving behind his jacket and bag, according to a colleague. The investigation concluded that he committed suicide with a fire arm..

As early as 1980, during the Soviet occupation, he was clandestinely criss-crossing the rocky, steep tracks leading to the Panshir valley, the stronghold of his friend Ahmad Shah MASSOUD, on foot or on donkeyback".

"Massoud l'Afghan" is pulled from 16 years of footage, he was deeply attached to Afghanistan and it's people, outspoken about the way the west had "abandonned" the country to internal turmoil, and affected by the death of his friend A.Shah Massoud "Lion of Panshir"

#Afghanistan #Massoud #Panshir #Masood