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The PCR testing protocol for COVID-19 was based on a paper by Christian Drosten, which was peer-reviewed and published within just two days in a journal on whose editorial board Drosten sits. The method was created “without having virus material available,” using instead a genetic sequence published online. The PCR test amplifies genetic material of the virus in cycles but does not determine whether a case is infectious. A higher number of cycles indicates a lower viral load. The cycle threshold for PCR tests used in the U.S. was usually limited at 37 or 40, highly sensitive levels. In July 2020, Fauci remarked that at these levels, a positive result is “just dead nucleotides, period.”

For vaccinated Americans, the CDC has lowered the cycle threshold for “breakthrough infections” to only 28 cycles and announced that post-vaccine cases will only be counted if they result in hospitalization or death. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky stated that vaccinated Americans who died and tested positive for COVID-19 merely died “with” COVID-19, not “from” COVID-19. This method of tallying would eliminate many pre-vaccine cases. It is also likely that 85%-90% of tests that are positive at a cycle threshold of 40 would be negative at a cycle threshold of 30.

#pcr #drosten
Public health journal “seeking further expert advice” on January paper about COVID-19 PCR testing by high-profile virologist

After a petition from nearly two dozen people in Europe, the United States and Asia, a public health journal says it is investigating an article it published last January about a way to detect the virus that causes COVID-19. 

The paper, “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR,” appeared in Eurosurveillance. It was received on January 21 and accepted on January 22, a remarkably quick turnaround under normal circumstances, although not unheard of during the pandemic. It has been cited well over 800 times, according to Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science.

The senior author of the work was Christian Drosten, of the Charité University Hospital in Berlin, who became something of a celebrity virologist — the Anthony Fauci of Germany — in the early days of the pandemic. As Science reported in late April, Drosten’s podcast, Coronavirus Update, became the most popular podcast in Germany, garnering more than 1 million downloads per episode.

But, as with Fauci in the United States, Drosten has become a target of criticism, largely from political conservatives, who complain that what they consider to be flawed science is informing economically damaging policies. An article in May in Bild, a right-wing tabloid, accused Drosten of having “worked dishonestly,” and peddling “false conclusions” about the infectivity of the SARS-Co-V2 virus. But the newspaper apparently only gave him an hour to respond to their questions.

As Bloomberg reported in September, Drosten’s handling of the Bild story earned him hero status on social media: 

A German model proposed to him on Twitter, demanding a response within the hour or else she’d assume they’re engaged. ZSK, a punk band in Berlin, released a song called I Have Better Things to Do. The accompanying music video features a cartoon Drosten angrily throwing away a cellphone with Bild on its screen and blasting viruses with laser beams shooting out of his eyeballs.  

The petition doesn’t call Drosten dishonest. But it does demand that Eurosurveillance retract his group’s paper for a litany of “scientific and methodological blemishes,” which it enumerates in detail (10 points, to be precise). The second author of the petition, Bobby Rajesh Malhotra, described what he called “the very specific behavioral-patterns, underlying market-architecture, fraudulent scientific methods, orthodox rituals of the vast pharma-wasp nest set around the queen wasp Christian Drosten” in a 124-tweet thread in October.

Central to the group’s claims is the notion that Drosten and colleagues failed to prove that PCR testing can identify the SARS-Co-V-2 virus. The result, they claim, has been: 

worldwide misdiagnosis of infections attributed to SARS-CoV-2 and associated with the disease COVID-19. We are confronted with stringent lockdowns which have destroyed many people’s lives and livelihoods, limited access to education and these imposed restrictions by governments around the world are a direct attack on people’s basic rights and their personal freedoms, resulting in collateral damage for entire economies on a global scale.

The statement from Eurosurveillance reads: 

We have recently received correspondence regarding a paper published this year, questioning both the content and the editorial procedures used to evaluate the article prior to publication. We can assure our readers and authors that we take comments relating to scientific content, the processing of articles and editorial transparency seriously.

#pcr #drosten

All articles published by the journal are peer-reviewed by at least two independent experts in the field (or at least one in the case of rapid communications). The article in question was also peer-reviewed by two experts on whose recommendation the decision to publish was made.

Eurosurveillance is seeking further expert advice and discussing the current correspondence in detail. We will, according to our existing procedures, evaluate the claims and make a decision as soon as we have investigated in full. In the meantime, it would be unfair to all concerned to comment or discuss further until we have looked at all the issues.

Drosten has not yet responded to a request for comment. (For the record: We gave him nearly 48 hours, not one.)

#pcr #drosten
Prof. Christian Drosten created the first PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 even before China started the PSYOP (

His scientific publication on this specific PCR test controversially bypassed the peer-review process and was eventually published in the journal "Eurosurveillance" only 24 hours after submitting it (

Strangely enough, Drosten is also a member of the Editorial Board of this journal and has economic bonds with PCR testing facilities and manufacturers. One day after the paper was published, it was declared "gold standard" by the WHO. Well, random events tend to cluster together. Prof. Marion Koopmans, a co-author of this scandalous paper, was a member of the WHO committee that endorsed Drosten's test.

In 2014, Drosten gave an interview to the German weekly newspaper Wirtschaftswoche in which he talked about PCR testing ( His words back then are totally contradictory to his statements nowadays. This 180-degree flip stinks to high heaven.
#pcr #Drosten
Christian Drosten is now part of the "Origins"-Team at the WHO. We are confronted here with another circus show full with Conflicts of Interest.

Drosten recently joined a "muuuh zoonoses"-symposium together with Zheng-Li Shi (Wuhan Institute of Virology, WIV).


#drosten #pcr #who
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The test is the pest.

"One thing must be clear: If we didn't test, then in many countries, we wouldn't even know that the virus existed."

– Christian #Drosten, the creator of the Covid #PCR test and science fraud on March 12th 2020.
Corman-Drosten Review.pdf
1.7 MB
#PCR tests were never designed to tell us anything about viruses, infection or disease.

What the Covid scam did with PCR tests was sort of like finding a grain of rice on an empty plate and claiming that it came from a chicken curry.

This is Christian #Drosten, who is responsible for the Covid #PCR protocol that bypassed the peer review process. There most likely wouldn't have been any pandemic if he hadn't committed scientific fraud. The irony is that he now appears to be advocating for the restriction of scientific freedom in favor of health policy, a notion that's completely unconstitutional.

During a discussion at the "World Health Summit" in October, Drosten emphasized the rise in misinformation online, especially during the COVID-19 'pandemic', and urged media and fellow scientists to correct false information. He suggested that scientific institutions should select and spotlight individuals who are 'true experts' in their fields to combat misinformation.

The concern arises as to who gets to decide who these "true experts" are. Is Drosten volunteering himself for this role? His past statements might suggest so. Drosten, in a previous interview, implied that Germany didn't make many mistakes in handling the pandemic, a claim that was later proven incorrect as the following examples show:

▪️Drosten continuously warned on Twitter from March 2020 to May 2022 about the potential collapse of intensive care units, higher waves of infections, and rising death tolls. By Spring 2023, most of his claims were disproven.
▪️Drosten had heavily criticized Sweden's approach, predicting it would lead to more deaths; a forecast that didn't hold true and which he never corrected.
▪️Drosten claimed that masks would not work until the beginning of 2020, to make a 180-degree turn stating that masks would be highly efficient.
▪️Drosten publicly attacked Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff for opposing strict Covid measures. It eventually turned out that Drosten’s approach destroyed hundreds of millions of livelihoods all over the world.
▪️Drosten stated that Africa will suffer a lot and bodies will pile on the streets if they are not getting vaccines. Contrary to highly vaccinated countries, there is no excess mortality in Africa.

The problem is that Drosten's idea to limit scientific freedom in favor of health policy is a direct contradiction to the essence of science, which thrives on diverse perspectives and freedom of expression. It's time for the rule of law to intervene and initiate several proceedings against this dangerous man, who is still involved in gain-of-function experiments. The allegations include:

▪️Member of an international conspiracy to fake a pandemic with the help of a PCR test protocol co-developed by Drosten.
▪️Complicity in scientific fraud by skipping the peer review process.
▪️Possible financial enrichment through PCR tests produced by his buddy Olfert Landt.
▪️Terrifying society by instilling fear instead of calming the public.
▪️Denunciation of scientists who did not share his opinion.

In summary, the continued celebration of this person is scandalous. I even go so far as to claim and say that there would have been no pandemic without Drosten. Without him, his fearmongering, and his fraudulent PCR tests, we probably wouldn't have noticed a pandemic and the year 2020 would have gone down in the history books as a "normal flu year". Instead, half the planet was injected with a dangerous gene therapy, billions of people lost their existence, and millions of people lost their lives due to the measures (fear => increased cortisol levels => premature death) and the gene therapy. And all this just to enforce the Great Reset and enslave humanity.

This would make Drosten as one of humanity's greatest criminals, overshadowing many brutal dictators of the past. In my opinion, all members of this REAL conspiracy need to be put on trial, just as was done with the Nazis after World War II. If this doesn't happen, they'll strike again someday soon.

Dr. Simon @Goddek