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Speaking with Haaretz, Israeli reserve pilot Col. Nof Erez describes Israeli army's response to Oct. 7 as "MASS HANNIBAL."

The #Hannibal #Directive orders the army to kill their own to prevent them being taken captive.

#falseflag #oct7
Israeli October 7 posterchild was killed by Israeli tank, eyewitnesses reveal

'Eyewitnesses to the October 7 hostage standoff in Kibbutz Be’eri have exposed Israel for misleading the world about the killings of 12-year-old Liel Hetzroni, her family and her neighbors.'

"Dagan emphasized to Porat that none of the hostages had been intentionally killed by the Hamas fighters. “There were no executions, or anything like that. At least not the people with her,” Porat said."

#falseflag #Hannibal directive
Financial Times: Israeli Intelligence ‘Dismissed’ Detailed Warning Of Hamas Raid

Report sent to senior officer weeks before October 7 attack was ignored, say people familiar with matter

A senior Israeli military intelligence officer dismissed a detailed warning predicting Hamas’s raid of October 7, calling it an “imaginary scenario”, said two people familiar with the discussions.

Sentries on Israel’s border with Gaza, many of them female soldiers who watch and analyse a constant feed of video and other data gathered near the electronic fence surrounding the enclave, sent a detailed report weeks before the attack to the highest-ranking intelligence officer in the southern command, both people said.

The report was sent using a secure communications system and contained specific warnings, including that Hamas was training to blow up border posts at several locations, enter Israeli territory and take over kibbutzim, the person with direct knowledge of the contents of the warning said.

Israel’s failure to prevent the attack, which the government says killed more than 1,200 people, is now seen as its largest intelligence failure since Egypt and Syria launched a surprise assault in 1973 on Yom Kippur, Judaism’s holiest day.

🔗Source: Financial Times

Jerusalem Post: IDF Elite Intel Officer Warned About Hamas Attacks, Ignored - Report

11/14 —
Oct. 7 is to Radical Zionists As Covid was to Davos Elite: Convenient to a Pre-Existing Depopulation Agenda

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Media is too big
🇵🇸🇮🇱🚨‼️ “The tank fired two shells at the house”

— Israeli survivors explain how the IDF came and started blasting at everybody

#Hannibal doctrine #falseflag #oct7
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🇮🇱🇵🇸🚨‼️ BREAKING: More testimonies of Israeli soldiers prove friendly fire incidents with Israeli Apache helicopter and tanks on October the 7th.

#Hannibal doctrine #falseflag #oct7
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🇵🇸🇮🇱🚨‼️ “Help, 3 Israeli hostages"

— The hostages wrote in Hebrew on a banner, took of their shirts and waved white flags. Still got shot by the IDF.

Wonder how many similar cases happen with Palestinians, that don’t make the news.

#Hannibal #falseflag
🇮🇱❗️: Nova Festival Survivors Sue Israeli State For Army Negligence

The lawsuit does not address evidence that Israeli forces killed many of the partygoers who died at the event through helicopter airstrikes

Forty two survivors of the Nova music festival in Re'im on 7 October have filed a lawsuit placing responsibility on the Israeli government for the tragic events of the festival, Israeli media reported on 1 January.

Some 42 survivors of the Nova music festival are seeking NIS 200 million ($55 million) in damages, blaming the state, the army, the police and the Shin Bet for their omissions and negligence in failing to protect them during the early morning Hamas attack in which 364 people attending the concert were killed and others injured.

The lawsuit blames the Israeli army for not having sufficient forces to adequately protect the concert, which took place very near the Gaza border and was organized with approval from senior army officials.

The lawsuit further blames the army for failing to notify concert organizers when signs of a possible Hamas attack emerged late the night before, on Friday 6 October.

Senior Shin Bet and army officials held two emergency meetings, one by phone around midnight on Friday night, and one in person at 3 am Saturday.

However, the officials failed to notify the concert organizers. Had they done so, the concert could have been evacuated before the Hamas attack took place, starting with a missile barrage launched into various settlements in southern Israel at 6:30 am Saturday morning.

"All the defendants had to do was make a phone call to the responsible parties on their behalf in order for them to disperse the party in view of the notifications received on the night between 6/10/23 - 7/10/23,”
the lawyers filing the lawsuit on behalf of the victims said.

"The disaster could have been avoided at so many points in time," r
epresentatives for the survivors told Israeli media.

The Cradle

11/14 — Part 1: Oct. 7 is to Radical Zionists As Covid was to Davos Elite: Convenient to a Pre-Existing Depopulation Agenda

11/28 — Part 2: More Israeli Military Personnel, Witnesses Speak Out, Substantiating Oct. 7 "Conspiracy Theories" That IDF Killed Israeli Civilians and Israeli Leadership Ignored Intelligence Prior to Attack

12/3 — Part 3: Blueprints Possessed by Israel Year Before Attack - MORE Evidence Oct. 7th Was an Intelligence Stand-Down / Inside Job / False Flag

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#falseflag #Hannibal #oct7
How Israeli Forces Trapped And Killed Ravers At The Nova Festival

New evidence points to Israeli security forces, not Hamas, for causing the most fatalities at the music festival - civilian deaths that were then utilized to justify Tel Aviv's Gaza genocide.

....Though it would take the army hours to respond, units of the Border Police were quickly deployed....

According to a senior Israeli officer speaking with by the New York Times, the first formal reinforcements to southern Israel came from commandos that arrived by helicopter...

Hamas did not plan to attack the festival

...An Israeli police investigation reported by Haaretz indicates that Hamas was unaware of the festival in advance. The official findings suggest that the intended target was Re’im, a settlement and military base located just down the road - on Route 232 - from the Nova site.... The police investigation also indicates that Hamas fighters reached the festival site from Route 232, rather than from the Gaza border fence, further supporting the claim that the festival was not a planned target...

...Trapping civilians: Israel police blocked the vital 232 Road exit

However, as people exited the festival site by car and moved onto Route 232, Israeli police established roadblocks in both directions, leading to a traffic jam that trapped many partygoers in the area where fighting between Hamas and the Border Police would eventually break out.

“There was a lot of confusion. The police barricaded the road, so we couldn’t go near Be’eri. We couldn’t go near Re’im, the two near kibbutzim,
says one witness, Yarin Levin, who was trying to evacuate the area with his friends.

....Another witness, Shye Weinstein, also confirms the Israeli police roadblocks that blocked the main exit from the festival. He took photos of a Border Police vehicle and a heavily armed policeman in combat gear impeding the road in front of his car.

A cell phone video from a concert attendee shows Israeli police and security forces using their vehicles to block the road near the festival site and exchanging fire with Hamas fighters.

When gunfire erupted, those trapped on the road fled east into open fields, whether in their cars or by foot. Many made it past the fields and hid near trees, under bushes, and in ravines.

But body cam footage
shows heavily armed Israeli police units taking up positions on the road and firing across the open field into the trees where civilians had taken cover.🚩🧐

As Nova attendee Gilad Karplus, also
a former Israeli soldier, told the BBC:

"We pretty much knew they would probably block the road. I'm pretty sure a lot of people got killed on those roads...We drove into the field and tried to hide from them… afterwards we got a bit deeper into the fields and then they started firing sniper rifles on us from different places and also heavy artillery."

🔗Source: The Cradle

Related: 1/11 —
Israeli Army Ordered Mass Hannibal Directive on 7 Oct: Media

" an investigation by Israel’s leading newspaper... “one of the revelations revealed in the investigation is that at noon on October 7, the IDF [Israeli army] ordered all of its combat units in practice to use the ‘Hannibal Procedure’ although without clearly mentioning this explicitly by name.”

The order was to stop “at all costs any attempt by Hamas terrorists to return to Gaza, that is, despite the fear that some of them have abductees,” the paper wrote.

1/2 Nova Festival Survivors Sue Israeli State For Army Negligence

11/14 — Part 1: Oct. 7 is to Radical Zionists As Covid was to Davos Elite: Convenient to a Pre-Existing Depopulation Agenda

11/28 — Part 2: More Israeli Military Personnel, Witnesses Speak Out, Substantiating Oct. 7 "Conspiracy Theories" That IDF Killed Israeli Civilians and Israeli Leadership Ignored Intelligence Prior to Attack

12/3 — Part 3: Blueprints Possessed by Israel Year Before Attack - MORE Evidence Oct. 7th Was an Intelligence Stand-Down / Inside Job / False Flag

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Watch journalist Max Blumenthal from The Gray Zone debunk the lies told by the Israeli occupation about a October the 7 and spread by Western media and authorities.


#oct7 #falseflag #Hannibal
Investigation exposes “israeli” group spreading disinformation on #oct7

An investigation into #ZAKA, a Jerusalem-based rescue unit operated by ultra-Orthodox extremist jewish volunteers, which took part in the clean-up operations in the aftermath of the events of Oct. 7, 2023, revealed that the group used “dead people as props,” in addition to spreading disinformation - a report by Haaretz revealed.

#falseflag #Hannibal #hasbara
ZAKA: Israel's Very Own ‘White Helmets’

Masquerading as a humanitarian organization, military-linked #ZAKA has revealed itself as a propaganda tool for Israel's war on Gaza, akin to the White Helmets in 'rebel'-held Syria.

ZAKA, the Israeli volunteer-based religious organization that gained notoriety for its role of collecting bodies after the events of 7 October, is once again under the spotlight. An explosive report by Haaretz last week exposed the group's “cases of negligence, misinformation, and a fundraising campaign that used the dead as props.”

More notably, the report provided new details suggesting ZAKA might not be a genuine volunteer organization, but rather a front for the Israeli army. It is believed to have played a part in concealing the truth that Israel caused the deaths of potentially hundreds of its own civilians in accordance with the Hannibal Directive.

Exploiting the dead

The 31 January Haaretz report begins by detailing how ZAKA members, who claim to be devoted to preserving the dignity of the dead, used corpses as stage props for videos and calls for fundraising.

....Haaretz reported further that in an effort to gain media exposure, ZAKA representatives “spread accounts of atrocities that never happened, released sensitive and graphic photos, and acted unprofessionally on the ground.”

🔗SOURCE ➡️ The Cradle

Related: 2/1 — Israeli Army, Police Repeat False Claims of Hamas Atrocities

2/1 — Israel Fails to Produce Evidence to Justify Widespread Cemetery Destruction in Gaza

Related: 11/28 — More Israeli Military Personnel, Witnesses Speak Out, Substantiating Oct. 7 "Conspiracy Theories" That IDF Killed Israeli Civilians and Israeli Leadership Ignored Intelligence Prior to Attack⤵️

Additional Evidence Israel Killed Own Civilians, and Blamed on Hamas

...11/25 — Israeli October 7 Posterchild Was Killed By Israeli Tank, Eyewitnesses Reveal

The little girl who was “burned so badly that it took forensic archeologists more than six weeks to identify her”, it turns out, “was killed by an Israeli tank shell alongside several neighbor”, new witness testimony shows.

The Israeli Narrative Keeps Crumbling, Lies Keep Being Exposed, Propaganda Keeps Failing

The next day after it turns out that girl was killed by Israeli tanks, not Hamas terrorists, Michael Tracey remarked on another girl who was reported by Israel as having been killed by Hamas, but turned out alive - released by Hamas in the recent Truce. Tracey had followed Israeli reports on the matter and shared them, making the journalistic mistake of believing them without evidence.

“This girl was falsely reported to have been killed last month; her father told CNN "death was a blessing" because it was better than if she had been taken hostage in Gaza

10/12 — Source of Dubious ‘Beheaded Babies’ Claim Is Israeli Settler Leader Who Incited Riots to ‘Wipe Out’ Palestinian Village

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