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WastedLocker: A New Ransomware Variant Developed By The Evil Corp Group

1. Introduction
WastedLocker is a new ransomware locker we’ve detected being used since May 2020. We believe it has been in development for a number of months prior to this and was started in conjunction with a number of other changes we have seen originate from the Evil Corp group in 2020. Evil Corp were previously associated to the Dridex malware and BitPaymer ransomware, the latter came to prominence in the first half of 2017. Recently Evil Corp has changed a number of TTPs related to their operations further described in this article. We believe those changes were ultimately caused by the unsealing of indictments against Igor Olegovich Turashev and Maksim Viktorovich Yakubets, and the financial sanctions against Evil Corp in December 2019. These legal events set in motion a chain of events to disconnect the association of the current Evil Corp group and these two specific indicted individuals and the historic actions of Evil Corp.

2. Attribution and Actor Background
We have tracked the activities of the Evil Corp group for many years, and even though the group has changed its composition since 2011, we have been able to keep track of the group’s activities under this name.

2.1 Actor Tracking
Business associations are fairly fluid in organised cybercrime groups, Partnerships and affiliations are formed and dissolved much more frequently than in nation state sponsored groups, for example. Nation state backed groups often remain operational in similar form over longer periods of time. For this reason, cyber threat intelligence reporting can be misleading, given the difficulty of maintaining assessments of the capabilities of cybercriminal groups which are accurate and current.

As an example, the Anunak group (also known as FIN7 and Carbanak) has changed composition quite frequently. As a result, the public reporting on FIN7 and Carbanak and their various associations in various open and closed source threat feeds can distort the current reality. The Anunak or FIN7 group has worked closely with Evil Corp, and also with the group publicly referred to as TA505. Hence, TA505 activity is sometimes still reported as Evil Corp activity, even though these groups have not worked together since the second half of 2017.

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#WastedLocker #ransomware #EvilCorp