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โ€‹โ€‹๐Ÿฆ Twitter's Record-breaking Week

Back in 2016, Twitter switched categories, from "Social Networking" to "News" on the App Store and Google Play, hoping to boost its visibility. It did take it to the top of the chart in more than one occasion.

Fours years later, #Twitter is having a record-breaking week, according to two well-respected app store intelligence companies, Apptopia and SensorTower. Although their numbers are not precisely the same, they both show the same overall picture: flocks of new and returning Twitter users โ€” almost 1 million new users in a day!

And why that is?
The world is amid civil unrest and protests for the death of #GeorgeFloyd and racial inequality. At the same time, #coronavirus has disrupted the life around the globe in its first wave and threatening with a second one. Twitter itself is in the news for standing up to Donald #Trump for sharing misleading information and/or promoting violence. While many people are outside protesting, many are stuck at home from the coronavirus threat. These all cause the need for immediacy in the news to be more than ever. And Twitter is serving that need.

Since the beginning of online social networking โ€” web 2.0 phenomena before that โ€” many of the "social" platforms have evolved to become more. Twitter has become a social news platform feeding the need for immediacy in the news; #Pinterest has become a social/visual search engine, etc.

These changes in the platforms, which many of us use daily, need to be reflected in the way we use them โ€” personally or professionally โ€” the same way it was considered in Twitter's change of categories.

ยฉ๏ธ Image Credit: Apptopia via TechCrunch.

๐Ÿฆ… @perspectiveix
๐Ÿฆ Who dis?

A few hours after #Twitter permanently banned #Trump's personal account ๐Ÿ”—

๐Ÿฆ… @perspectiveix
โ€‹โ€‹๐Ÿ—ž News Use Across Social Media Platforms in 2020

As #SocialMedia companies struggle to deal with misleading information on their platforms about the #USElection, the #COVID19 pandemic and more, a large portion of Americans continue to rely on these sites for news. About half of US adults (53%) say they get news from social media โ€œoftenโ€ or โ€œsometimes,โ€ and this use is spread out across a number of different sites, according to a Pew Research Center survey.

Among 11 social media sites asked about as a regular source of news, #Facebook sits at the top, with about a third (36%) of Americans getting news there regularly. #YouTube comes next, with 23% of US adults regularly getting news there. #Twitter serves as a regular news source for 15% of US adults.

Other social media sites are less likely to be regular news sources. About one-in-ten Americans or fewer report regularly getting news on #Instagram (11%), #Reddit (6%), #Snapchat (4%), #LinkedIn (4%), #TikTok (3%), #WhatsApp (3%), #Tumblr (1%) and #Twitch (1%).

These lower percentages for news use are in some cases related to the fact that fewer Americans report using them at all, compared with the shares who use Facebook and YouTube.

Read more on Pew Research Center.

๐Ÿฆ… @perspectiveix
๐Ÿฅฃ Weetabix UK on Twitter

Yesterday, #Weetabix, a British cereal brand, pulled a pretty ๐Ÿคข marketing stunt on #Twitter, and after over 24 hours, it's still being retweeted and replied to.

Regardless of how you feel about beans on cereal, this is how creativity can create success on #SocialMedia.

I'll post some of my favourite replies from brands and organisations to the tweet, but you can read them all here. https://prs.pctvix.co/3tItju7

Big thanks to PikasoMe for the screenshots.

๐Ÿฆ… @PerspectiveIX
๐Ÿฆ Twitter at 15 โ€“ No Match for Facebook at the Same Age

"Just setting up my twttr" โ€“ those were the words that #JackDorsey, founder and CEO of #Twitter, tweeted on March 21, 2006, fifteen years ago โ€” yesterday. Twitter, with its simplicity and unique 140-character limit (which has since been doubled), hit a nerve and quickly gained a following among the tech- and media-savvy. In 2011, Twitter passed the 100-million user milestone and in late 2013 the company went public to huge fanfare.

Read more on Statista.
๐Ÿฆ… @perspectiveix
๐ŸŽ AirPods as a Company

This is crazy! If #AirPods were a standalone company, they would be one of the biggest tech companies in the world (bigger than #Spotify, #Twitter, #Shopify, and #Snap combined!).

Read more here.
๐Ÿฆ… @perspectiveix

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