Trading With Linorth
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The only LIVE educational class on Forex!

My Signal Service Bot: @Linorth_bot
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Admin: @Linorth
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If you have a subscription on my signal service bot (@Linorth_bot) and your subscription has ran out, no need to worry about it. Since I havent shared enough signals your subscription will be renewed for free until I share my trade management guide and then I will add the inactive days to everyone's subscriotion and we continue it again.
the news from coronavirus patients from china will be announced soon. everyone expect a huge number.

fears of it affecting oil demand will be driving the price of oil down and probably we will see a gap down when market opens.
Saudis want to meet on Feb 4th and 5th to discuss further cuts as a mean to control the fall in the price. but we have to wait and see how much the market reacts to their decision IF they decide on more cuts, otherwise the selling power will increase and traders will short oil harder.

the chinese are limiting selling orders on their market to control the panic selling of people and they are effectively continuing the currency war efforts by injecting more cash into their markets.

everyone seem to be on damage control mode against the coronavirus effect!
Warning of potential volatility:

4-7 February

The following are this week's economic events expected to affect the markets of some of the most widely traded currencies.

Tuesday, 4 February

05:30: AUD – RBA Cash Rate
23:45: NZD – HLFS Unemployment Rate
23:45: NZD – Labour Cost Index


Wednesday, 5 February

15:15: USD – ADP Nonfarm Employment Change
15:30: CAD – Trade Balance


Thursday, 6 February

02:30: AUD – Trade Balance G&S


Friday, 7 February

09:00: EUR – German Trade Balance
15:30: CAD – Unemployment Rate
15:30: USD – Non-Farm Payrolls
15:30: USD – Unemployment Rate

All times are GMT+2.

This is a warning of potentially significant price movements and not an encouragement to trade them.
Caution: liquidity often gets thinner and spreads widen during economic news
Sorry for not being active, I was busy with gathering my documents and papers for my application for Estonian E-residency, which if I get it, I will use it to start a Fintech company in Europe.

Thanks to the support of my followers I could manage to put together a 3 person team (including me) to mix my own experience as a retail and professional trader and their knowledge in machine learning and deep learning.
I'm planning on blogging about our progress as we move forward and run different tests and try out different algorithms, so if you are interested in those subjects you can follow along with us.

I can't thank you all enough for sticking with me throughout this crazy ride.
Forwarded from Linorth Signal Service
Hello everyone,

We noticed the bot had a problem which caused some members to get stuck in limbo not being able to finish their registration, but we have fixed the bug now and I have added 1 month free access to everyone's account. I will soon share my trade management guide with you from here and in that guide I will explain completely how the signal service works and how you should use signals and analysis I post here in your own trading.

Thank you all for the support.
Just sharing it here since many people have asked the same question about the bot.

Also, I will start sending analysis and signals on the bot and channel this weekend (analysis of market will be a youtube video which I will share the link of it here in the channel, and the signals will be posted via the bot along with my free guide on trade management)
I have created a space in Quora (
I'm going to use it for sharing interesting articles on the web or Quora answers related to the topic of the space and also I will do my own blogging there on mixing trading and AI and the journey of developing a highly sophisticated trading robot.

if you have a Quora account, feel free to follow the space, and if you have a cool article related to trading and AI, you can request to become a contributor too.
Who is ready for the new week?

pre-opening rate of stock indexes:
#DOWJONES : 28845 (-145πŸ”»)
#DAX GER30 : 13475 (-73πŸ”»)
#FTSE : 7366 (+4πŸ”·)
#USDJPY : 111.38 (-20πŸ”»)

there is a possibility of Gold opening with a positive gap.

The main event we need to lookout for this week, is US consumer confidence report and the market's reaction to the spread of coronavirus outside of china.
Italy and my home country, Iran, are fighting the rapid spread of the disease at the moment. its a lot worse here due to the total incompetence of our government and the fact that they cover up everything and refuse to share real stats on the spread of corona. they also refuse to quarantine any of the cities so I'm pretty sure the situation in here is going to reach human crisis levels (not due to the deadliness of the disease, as it has a %2 death rate, but due to lack of proper medical care in most cities)
I'm hoping I won't get it, but considering the virus got to my city a week ago and the government prevented the reports of it coming out so it doesn't mess with their annual celebration of coming to power in Iran, chances are pretty high that I might be already infected and in my 2 week period before symptoms start to show themselvesπŸ˜…

the thing is, regardless of the death rate, the fact that this virus is spreading this fast, means it will without a doubt affect the world economy in a much bigger scale than previously imagined, so we might see oil prices falling again and forcing OPEC+ to really step in with all its power to control the oil market.
gold prices are also going to raise more due to the spread of virus globally and the fears of it becoming a pandemic + its effect on world economy.

anyways, I'm going to watch the price action once the market opens and during the Asian session and I will start sending out signals via the bot (@Linorth_bot) tomorrow before the london open.

I've decided to post pure analysis charts here on the channel, and only keep signals (charts with stop and target levels) on the bot alone. so if you are not really interested in taking my signals, you can still follow this channel for getting the analysis alone and mixing it with your viewpoint and trade based on your own method.

Stay safe out there
2.9 MB
Warning, video contains horrifying images.

The situation in Iran is getting worse and worse everyday. there are videos of a lot of coronavirus patients that are children under the age of 10 years old (people previously thought it doesn't affect children as much as adults but now due to the high number of children affected by the disease they are worried that the virus might have mutated while spreading outside of china from person to person.

the video also shows the lack of proper medical care in Iranian hospitals to the extent of not even having enough oxygen tanks for all the patients and disinfectant for keeping the hospital clean or even enough masks for the doctors and nurses (the death rate here seems to be closer to %20 according to the numbers reported on number of patients vs deaths)
Trading With Linorth
Still, no reason to run to the bunkers yet. there was a news article on daily mail a couple days ago about an american company developing a vaccine for the virus which will become ready for animal testing soon, so it seems like in the next 2 months they will come up with a cure for it.

in the meantime, the panic + the actual effect of the virus on human societies around the world (quarantined cities, airplane flights shutting down, people staying indoors etc..) will definitely affect world economy. so for us traders, the effect on oil prices (demand from china and the rest of the world) and stock market (people dumping stocks for gold in fear) is what we should keep an eye on.

so far both china and US have been injecting massive amounts of cash into their markets to prevent the effects of the coronavirus on their economy, so its expected for them to continue down that route.
the feds are likely to keep buying bonds to the tune of $60bn till March 12th, but given that they are not interested in rate cuts, we should wait to see what they will replace it with in upcoming months. obviously if they delay the announcement of the replacement or they don't announce anything at all, the worries will grow in the bond market, stock market and within buyers of USD in FX market.
China is also seems to be going down the route of giving tax incentives to industries affected by the virus. about $3.5bn of the total $8bn will go to Hubei province. last week China provided medium-term funding to banks and cut the interest rate it charges for the money as officials sought to protect the economy from the coronavirus outbreak. offered 200 billion yuan (US$28.6 billion) of one-year medium-term loans.
three days ago they cut the rates again on one year loans from %4.15 to %4.05 and on the 5 year loans from %4.80 to %4.75.
so they are also very likely to keep injecting more cash into their economy.
A big gap down in oil, and a gap up in gold and a run up to 1680 (highest level since Feb 2013!)
#GBPJPY - Daily

seems like GBP buyers are running out of steam.
price getting stopped at 145 resistance area and moving towards support at 142 area.
Trading With Linorth
#GBPJPY - Daily seems like GBP buyers are running out of steam. price getting stopped at 145 resistance area and moving towards support at 142 area.
I posted the signal of this pair along with a more comprehensive analysis on the bot. so if you are on both sides, now you can see the difference πŸ˜…
if you haven't joined the bot (@Linorth_bot) yet, feel free to do it now. its free for the next 4 days as a trial run for anyone who wants to give it a try ;)
Warning of potential volatility:

25-28 February

This week's economic events expected to affect the markets of some of the most widely traded currencies.

 Tuesday, 25 February

09:00: EUR – German GDP Detailed


 Wednesday, 26 February

23:45: NZD – Trade Balance


 Thursday, 27 February

02:30: AUD – Capital Expenditure

15:30: USD – GDP 2nd Estimate


 Friday, 28 February

01:30: JPY – CPI

01:30: JPY – Unemployment Rate

10:55: EUR – German Unemployment Chg

10:55: EUR – German Unemployment Rate

15:00: EUR – German CPI

15:30: CAD – GDP

18:00: CAD – Budget Balance

All times are GMT+2
US Treasury Bonds situation is getting to crisis levels!
Ten-year bond yields have now hit a historic low of 1.37% and trying to break down!

(The Federal Reserve should take control of the market as soon as possible)
The last monday of February this year, like two years ago, is turning into another black Monday!
US Treasury bond yields hit a historic low.
Market concerns about the escalation of the slowdown in economic boom are on the rise and shareholders are turning to the Japanese Yen and Swiss Francs for safety.

The People's Bank of China has just issued a statement and no new liquidity has been injected!
This one hit the target, so congrats to those who took it.