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名称:毒镇 Toxic Town (2025) 英语中英双语字幕.1080p (全 4 集)



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🏷 标签:#毒镇 #ToxicTown #欧美剧集

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名称:《毒镇》(2025) 全4集

描述:2025年2月27日在英国上映的《毒镇》(英文名为Toxic Town ),是一部由明基·斯皮罗执导,朱迪·惠特克、艾米·卢·伍德等众多演员主演的剧情类剧集。该剧共4集,改编自真实的英国科尔比中毒事件,讲述了事件核心人物的故事,尤其是为正义而战的母亲们,她们历经多年斗争,揭开了当地废料污染导致新生儿四肢畸形缺陷率异常升高这一可怕真相。


🏷️标签:#毒镇 #2025英剧 #真实事件改编 #1080P剧集 #夸克网盘

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AIFUN 爱翻 BGP入口极速专线
AIFUN 爱翻 机场
名称:毒镇 (2025) 全4集

描述:The tragic toxic waste case in the East Midlands and three mothers fighting for the justice for the rates of upper limb defects in babies born in Corby were subsequently found to be three times higher than those of children born.


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🏷 标签: #毒镇 #2025 #真实事件改编 #剧集 #夸克

🌥云盘频道 - 📦云盘投稿

AIFUN 爱翻 BGP入口极速专线
AIFUN 爱翻 机场
名称:毒镇 (2025) 全4集
描述:The tragic toxic waste case in the East Midlands and three mothers fighting for the justice for the rates of upper limb defects in babies born in Corby were subsequently found to be three times higher than those of children born.
链接 https://pan.quark.cn/s/ceb93157da67
🏷标签:#毒镇 #2025 #真实事件改编 #剧集 #夸克

🌥云盘频道 - 📦云盘投稿

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AIFUN 爱翻 机场