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Download Telegram ² – Telegram · στιν from greek. Look at other dictionaries: 'στιν — ἐστιν , εἰμί sum pres ind act 3rd sg … Greek morphological index (Ελληνική ...

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Kriegsziele des Deutschen Reichs im Ersten Weltkrieg
Die Kriegsziele im Ersten Weltkrieg wurden in den beteiligten Staaten nach Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs aufgestellt. Die Kriegsziele spiegelten die Wünsche der Regierungen und der Öffentlichkeiten der einzelnen Staaten, insbesondere der Großmächte wider, was durch den Krieg in territorialer, politischer oder wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht erreicht werden sollte.

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uchi - Swahili-english dictionary - Enacademic
04.11.2019 - [Swahili Word] uchi [English Word] nakedness [Part of Speech] noun [Class] 14 [Swahili Word] uchi [English Word] nudity [Part of Speech] noun [Class] 14 ...

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glass cockpit - Aviation dictionary
An aircraft cockpit that has a number of multicolored displays instead of conventional instruments. A typical glass cockpit of a wide bodied aircraft.Media

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isatin -
isa·tin ī sət ən n an orange red crystalline compound C8H5NO2 obtained esp. by oxidation of indigo or by various syntheses and used as a reagent * * * isa·tin (iґsə tin) a crystalline compound, C8H5O2N, in the form of yellowish red crystals

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Historia del Diseño Gráfico timeline | Timetoast timelines
07.11.2019 - 400 BCE. Letra Demotica. Letra Demotica. Advertisements. 394 BCE. Ultima inscripción escrita con Jeroglíficos.

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Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias EN. RU · DE · FR · ES. Remember this site. All languages, Abkhaz, Adyghe, Afrikaans, Ainu, Akan, Albanian, Alsatian, Altaic, Arabic ...

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implícito - Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos - Esacademic

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<code>” class=“ff-og-image-inserted”> (” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”>> &rsaquo; Tonga_5379995 | Analogindex (” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”> (” target=“_blank” rel=“noopener”>, officially the Kingdom of Tonga (Tongan: Pule&#699;anga Fakatu&#699;i &#699;o Tonga), is a state and an archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean, comprising 176 islands scattered over 700, 000 square kilometres (270, 000 sq mi) of ocean in the South Pacific. Fifty-two of the islands are inhabited.[3]The Kingdom stretches over a distance of about 800 kilometres (500 mi) in a north-south line located at about a third of the distance from New Zealand to Hawaii.Tonga also became known as the Friendly Islands because of the friendly reception accorded to Captain James Cook on his first visit there in 1773. He happened to arrive at the time of the &#699;inasi festival, the yearly donation of the first fruits to the Tu&#699;i Tonga, the islands’ paramount chief, and received an invitation to the festivities. According to the writer William Mariner, in reality the chiefs had wanted to kill Cook during the gathering, but could not agree on a plan.[4]Tonga is also the only island nation in the region to have avoided formal colonisation.[5] In 2010, Tonga took a decisive step towards becoming a fully functioning constitutional monarchy after legislative reforms paved the way for its first ever fully representative elections which resulted in the election of Noble Siale&#699;ataongo Tu&#699;ivakan&#333; as its first democratically elected Prime Minister.In many Polynesian languages, Tongan included, the word tonga means «south», as the archipelago is the southernmost group of islands of central Polynesia. The name is pronounced as [&#712;to&#331;a];.[6] The pronunciation /&#712;t&#594;&#331;&#609;&#601;/, popular in American English, is incorrect. The name of Tonga is cognate to the Hawaiian region of Kona.
An Austronesian-speaking group linked to the archaeological construct known as the Lapita cultural complex reached and colonised Tonga around 1500–1000 BCE.[7] Scholars continue to debate the exact dates of the initial settlement of Tonga. Not much is known about Tonga before European contact because of the lack of a writing system during prehistoric times. However, oral history has survived and been recorded after the arrival of the Europeans. The Tongan people first encountered Europeans in 1616 when the Dutch vessel Eendracht made a short visit to the islands to trade.By the 12th century Tongans, and the Tongan paramount chief, the Tu&#699;i Tonga, had a reputation across the central Pacific – from Niue, Samoa, Eastern Fiji, Rotuma, Wallis & Futuna, New Caledonia to Tikopia – leading some historians to speak of a ‘Tongan Empire‘. In the 15th century and again in the 17th, civil war erupted. Into this situation the first European explorers arrived, beginning in 1616 with the Dutch explorers Willem Schouten and Jacob Le Maire (who called on the northern island of Niuatoputapu), and in 1643 with Abel Tasman (who visited Tongatapu and Ha&#699;apai). Later noteworthy European visitors included James Cook (British Navy) in 1773, 1774, and 1777, Alessandro Malaspina (Spanish Navy) in 1793, the first London missionaries in 1797, and the Wesleyan Methodist Rev. Walter Lawry in 1822.
In 1845 the ambitious young warrior, strategist, and orator T&#257;ufa&#699;&#257;hau united Tonga into a kingdom. He held the chiefly title of Tu&#699;i Kanokupolu, but had been baptised[by whom?] with the name Jiaoji («George») in 1831. In 1875, with the help of missionary Shirley Waldemar Baker, he…
Enacademic Analogindex – Telegram - is a premium ...

01.07.2020 - Протягом віків; споконвіку … Український тлумачний словник. External link:завжди/uk/ru 1 view 05:54. Подробнее

Hannō (飯能市; shi) es una ciudad que se encuentra en Saitama, Japón. Según datos de 2003, la ciudad tiene una población estimada de 82.701 habitantes y una densidad de 614,42 personas por km². El área total es de 134,60 km². La ciudad fue fundada…

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² (@academic2ru) - پست #213899 - TGStat
vor 1 Tag - academic2ru: &rsaquo; ... Schlagen Sie auch in anderen Wörterbüchern nach: KLV — oder Klv steht für: ...

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Перевод — ritmester — с датского — на все …
См. также в других словарях: ritmester — rit|mes|ter sb., en, ritmestre, ritmestrene (HISTORISK kaptajn i rytteriet) … Dansk ordbog. Rittmeister — (in German language literally [Horse] riding master or Cavalry master ) was the military rank of a commissioned cavalry officer in charge of a squadron, the equivalent of O3 or Captain, in the armies of German speaking ...

Перевод — awjo — с клингонского — на все языки
Перевод — awjo — с клингонского — на все языки — 1. См. также в других словарях: awjō — *awjō germ., stark. Femininum (ō): nhd.

Industry перевод со всех языков на французский

25 mai 2020 - 1 industrie f ; heavy/light industry industrie lourde/légère ; the catering/advertising industry l'industrie hôtelière/de la publicité ; the coal/oil industry l'industrie du ... Подробнее