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Hodegetria - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Greek for she who points the way, referring to the representation in Byzantine art of the Mother of God (Theotokos [q.v.]) carrying the Christ Child, upright on her left arm. Her right hand points to the child as the way to salvation. An icon…
Bob Dylan - Expecting Rain - Archives 2021

Bob Dylan - Expecting Rain is one of the pioneer sites on the Web dealing with Bob Dylan, his music, influences, records (including unofficial ones) and the latest concert reviews. Most of the material has appeared on the Net in the newsgroup. There is also a DylanChat and the BDX, an exhibition of Dylan art by Dylan fans. The Bob Dylan Who's Who contains information on ...
What is Engineering?: Crash Course …

In our first episode of Crash Course Engineering, Shini explains what engineering is, and gives a brief overview of its four main branches (civil, mechanical... full
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togetherBioesque Wins The Home Depot Pro 'Strategic Partner Of The Year Award''t worryhttpst.meenacademicgroup5403811 post owners and feed distributorsSat, 14 Mar 2020 07:09:05 +0000Feed Informer enacademicurn:uuid:08078aeb-a7a5-5004-ec0e-66d012275d3fFri, 30 Apr 2021 10:43:04 +0000Bioesque Wins The Home Depot Pro 'Strategic Partner Of The Year Award'
BOCA RATON, Fla. , April 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The Home Depot Pro held its Annual Partner Conference last week (April 20-22) and Bioesque Solutions, a pioneer in the development and distribution of naturally occurring, botanically based disinfectant and cleaning products, was nominated for five (5) awards. Ultimately, the Boca Raton -based company took home the coveted Strategic Partner of the Year award.

Bioesque's Botanical Disinfectant Solution, a botanically derived formula, free of bleach and harsh chemicals, has become the top choice for hazard-conscious and environmentally sensitive residential, commercial, industrial, educational, and health care settings. Its EPA-approved 55-second kill time against the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19) has been ideal for restoration scenarios involving decontamination and disinfection in the wake of coronavirus outbreaks in homes, businesses, and schools.

"The entire team at Bioesque Solutions is incredibly grateful for the partnership we have in The Home Depot Pro and its amazing employees," said Bioesque Solution's Matt Williams . "We are able to look back on 2020, one of the most challenging years in history, with an intense appreciation for everything we were able to accomplish together. At the same time, we look forward to 2021 and beyond knowing the best is yet to come!"

About Bioesque SolutionsBioesque Solutions was founded on one simple principle: there must be a better way. Leading the industry in the development and distribution of disinfectants with naturally occurring, botanically based active ingredients and cleaning products, Bioesque's products are free of bleach, chlorine, and other harsh chemicals while still offering 99.99% efficacy. Bioesque specializes in bringing the benefits of nature to address the demanding and ever-changing needs of commercial customers across various industries, including, Institutional, Industrial, Commercial, Aviation, Automotive, Hospitality, Health Care, Food Service, Janitorial, Schools, and many more.

CONTACT:Bioesque Solutions: 1-800-921-4634

Related Images image1.jpg bioesque-solutions-the-home-depot.png Bioesque Solutions - The Home Depot "Strategic Partner of the Year"

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EMR is a single camouflage pattern, developed at 15 Central [...] 🎓²
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"فاريتي" - "حماية" ، "حماية" ؛ ثم "القفازات" - " التمائم",

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القفازات اللاتفية

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القفازات الروسية جاءت مهارة الحياكة إلى روسيا من

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عرض المشاركة الأصلية 🎓² full Detected change on togetherBioesque Wins The Home Depot Pro 'Strategic Partner Of The Year Award'…
Research Institute of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation as a universal pattern, depending on the color, it can be adapted to a variety of terrain conditions, has good camouflage properties and is the main pattern of the Ratnik combat system.. Currently, EMR is the main camouflage used by the Russian Armed Forces. -- Delivered by Feed43 service Starred Entries for mark.adamenko@gmail.comurn:uuid:05091a92-6aa8-e09b-565b-a582008ad979Fri, 30 Apr 2021 10:50:56 +0000
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