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Perspectives in Digital Culture/Web as Public and Private Space

Web as being a Public and Private space is a typical assumption that refers to the functions and characteristics of the World Wide Web. The term 'Web' refers to a series of interconnected documents (web pages) that enable users of one computer to access information stored on another through the Internet.[1]A public web space, in its simplest form, is any website or webpage on the internet that is made accessible to anyone with a web browser or internet access. A private Web Space refers to any website or webpage that requires a password from a registered user, and thus access is restricted; examples of this include emails and social media accounts. However public and private spaces online are difficult to define, there is an element of disparity, a grey area between what is a public or a private space as opposed to a clear division. For example, social media accounts can be both private and public, every social media account requires a password for the user to access or post content, and thus it can be considered as a a private space. Depending on the privacy settings of the account, their personal information can be made accessible to any number of people by the click of a button meaning that the account can also be considered as a public space.

According to Zizi Papacharissi, public and private spaces online can also be defined on the basis of "mutual exclusivity" [2], is where people usually assume that something is private and that it cannot, or will not, be made public and vice versa. That being said, in the age of social media, Internet surveillance and the rapid diffusion of digital technology, the preconceived distinctions between public and private spaces online are blurred.

The internet is often regarded as being the agoraof information in modern society [3], consisting of billions of websites from around the globe that operate on either a Public or Private Space. Nevertheless, with social media networking sites becoming a 'pervasive' phenomenon, already existing conflicts between Public and Private spaces online are further intensified. Many questions of uncertainty have been raised in regards to how much of our own personal information online is actually secure, and whether or not the distinctions between Public and Private Spaces online are becoming blurred [4]. The term Public Space was defined by Jurgen Habermas as a "realm of our social life in something approaching public opinion can be formed." [5]. According to Dearnley and Feather, "the Web represents the largest public space in human history". [6] danah boyd[edit | edit source] danah boyd danah boyd is the social scholar and key theorist behind 'always-on' culture. Her work The Social Media Reader[7] has brought to the forefront the problems that arise due to being always on. She places particular emphasis on the blurring of the lines between being on and off. In her book she states that: "It's no longer about on or off really, It's about living in a world where being networked to people and information wherever and whenever you need it is just assumed. I may not be always-on the Internet as we think of it colloquially, but I am always connected to the network. And that's what it means to be always-on." [8] Always-on Phenomenon[edit | edit source]The modern phenomenon of being ‘always on’ centers around the idea that most of us are “never really offline”[9]. This idea revolves around the extensive use of smartphones, PCs, tablets and many other devices which are all connected to networks, as portals to the online world within which individuals are present at all times. David Gauntlett highlighted that at least three quarters[...] 🎓² full Perspectives in Digital Culture/Web as Public and Private Space Web as being a Public and Private space is a typical assumption that refers to the functions and characteristics of the World Wide Web. The term 'Web' refers to a series of…
of the population in the U.K. and U.S. are regular internet users. Although the internet offers endless possibilities Americans spend over half of their time online on social network sites, gaming, emailing and instant messaging. [10] Furthermore, Gauntlett also highlights the findings of a large scale study carried out by the Kaiser Foundation which shows that 74% per cent of 12-18 year olds had created a profile on a social networking site. [11]
As danah boyd outlines, being 'always-on' is not limited to the time an individual physically spends in front of a screen doing things such as updating our Facebook page etc. The phrase also relates to our constant connection to the online world. A person does not have to be physically using technology for someone to contact or find information about us, as long as we are connected in some way using a single or multiple devices the channels of communication are open allowing for the virtual world to penetrate the real world at any given moment.

While boyd suggests that “the online is always around the corner” [12], she introduces the, arguably cultural determinist, concept of being “procontext”, meaning that despite living the always-on lifestyle, users are able to choose and negotiate where and when they are made available online. She gives an example of herself at the dinner table, where a phone may be on a person but they choose not to engage with it, instead he/she focuses on the conversation around the dinner table.

There is much discussion about the consequences of being ‘always on’, Recent research has discovered that there is emotional, physical and psychological effects of being constantly connected. Across 65 countries, 73.4% of people own a smartphone. Those that own them check them on average 110 times per day.[13]. These figures result in a high number of people with constant access to email, social media and text messages.

The future of 'always on culture' is unclear, but one things for certain, it shows no signs of decreasing. Almost four in five people now firmly believe that internet access is a basic human right and a public utility. [14]. Countries such as Finland and Estonia have already ruled that access is a human right for their citizens and International bodies such as the UN are also pushing for universal net access [15]. Some would insist that freedom of speech closely relates to this. In fact, internet giant Google have imminent plans to bring internet to the entire world by sending network-enabled balloons into the stratosphere[16]. The project is in the early stages, but, were it to succeed, it would take 'always on' global. Advantages of being 'Always On'[edit | edit source]Always being connected to technology comes with a range of benefits. Firstly, information is instantly accessible. In the past, people would have to buy a newspaper, watch the television, listen to the radio or receive information by word-of-mouth. With today's technology, we have unprecedented levels of information literally in our hands; at the touch of a button. Individuals can communicate at a faster rate, more efficiently than ever before and with people all around the globe.

As a result, children now have skills that their parents never accumulated. The younger generation are now able to impart wisdom on their elders. A notion which was thought to be implausible before the rise of modern technology. As a result of these great shifts in technological advancement, children's brains will develop in different ways. Oppositely , it is important to understand that because the advancement of technology is at such a rapid pace children are at risk of becoming addicted to their devices. Equally, children at earlier ages are getting connected with this always on culture and this gives them a chance to look at whatever they want when they want. As of right now, parents have to become more aware of the dangers of this always on culture and be very careful[...] 🎓²
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ВИДЫ НАРУЧНИКОВ В настоящее время достаточно много фирм производят

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Люди, которым была вручена медаль или орден, имеют право носить либо сами

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Топовые русскоязычные записи в социальных сетях по числу ссылок, комментариев, комментаторов и просмотров. Система рейтингов и поиска в блогах. 🎓²
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ВИДЫ НАРУЧНИКОВ В настоящее время достаточно много фирм производят

наручники, которые различаются по форме и конструкции. Все они могут

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Джемпер от брит. англ. jumper , где это, однако, синоним свитера

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ГОСТ 31696-2012 Продукция косметическая гигиеническая моющая. Общие

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Люди, которым была вручена медаль или орден, имеют право носить либо сами

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analogindex - Форменная

Ведомства Форма одежды Протопоповский переулок, д 9с1, оф 313 Москва 8

(495) 946 91 15 Copyright © Форма одежды "Форма

Одежды" -- via forma full 5

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Топовые русскоязычные записи в социальных сетях по числу ссылок, комментариев, комментаторов и просмотров. Система рейтингов и поиска в блогах. 🎓²
of the population in the U.K. and U.S. are regular internet users. Although the internet offers endless possibilities Americans spend over half of their time online on social network sites, gaming, emailing and instant messaging. [10] Furthermore, Gauntlett…
with their children and the technology that they have. Devices[edit | edit source]The 21st century has seen the advent of a new way for people to stay constantly connected. In the 1990s, the internet was far more primitive than it is in 2015. Broadband capabilities and the introduction of wifi technology has allowed internet users to connect around the world - internet users are now constantly connected globally. As they are now so embedded in their day to day lives, people may begin to feel frustrated without their devices. Certain people suffer from 'FOMO' (fear of missing out) and often become stressed and agitated if they cannot get the information, or make the connection needed at that particular time.

The introduction of mobile technology has revolutionized the way in which people interact with each other to the point where it is now difficult for people to imagine their lives without it. 'Always on culture' revolves around the concept that people are always tethered to the network, and it is mobile technology which has allowed this to happen. Mobile devices have now transcended the function of a basic telephone. For example, they are additionally utilised as cameras, calculators and video games. Most notably, however, modern mobile devices feature wireless internet which has, in some ways, acted as the catalyst for the 'Always-on' culture. Now, if an individual owns a handheld device or a laptop / personal computer, they are never truly offline. Tablet computers have also seen a large surge in popularity (devices similar to smart phones, but on a larger scale). Sonia Livingston suggest that 'we can no longer imagine living our daily lives - at leisure or at work, with family or friends without media and communication technologies. Nor would we want to'. [17] Sherry Turkle and the Disadvantages of Being Connected[edit | edit source]Sherry Turkle has explained the impact that our "Always-on" culture has had on today's society, and how it is forming a world of people who rely on technology to be sociable. In her book "Alone Together"[18] she speaks about always-on culture and its negative impact on our society. “We are all cyborgs now,” [19] she states as we are constantly connected to one another electronically, and we feel uncomfortable when we are not. In the way we play video games and how we present ourselves on social media we live secondary lives. “Simple pleasures bring compulsions which [can] take me [us] by surprise,” [20] our attraction to a life online may be surprising, but it is understandable. The impressionistic values of our online identity – our online representation, narrative and realism – can all be portrayed selectively, however we like. Our identity can be edited and deleted. However our addiction to this identity impacts our real identity. People are so attached to mobile phones and computers that they are marked absent - departed from a face-to-face, human social life - and without them we are anxious and alone. Sherry Turkle
Turkle, in her subsequent TED Talk "Connected, but Alone?"[21], spoke about today’s adolescents. Children are being brought up with parents who text and the dinner table then leave the house to socialise, i.e., sit with their friends on their phones, not talking. She says, “adolescents need face to face experience,” and it’s difficult to disagree. This is the way the world is going, the social culture it has become – to be connected all of the time and communicate through screens, but, it is not healthy. Today’s adolescents, Turkle stated, prefer texting to having a conversation because, “[conversation] takes place in real time, and you can’t control what you’re going to say”. Children being brought up who would “rather text than talk” are missing out on a valuable life lesson. To have such clean and editable and deletable social lives [...] 🎓²
with their children and the technology that they have. Devices[edit | edit source]The 21st century has seen the advent of a new way for people to stay constantly connected. In the 1990s, the internet was far more primitive than it is in 2015. Broadband capabilities…
is to say goodbye to our real personalities. We become fake, “I share therefore I am”. When our online lives become our personalities, we lose control of who we really are and we never learn to be alone. Online Privacy, Piracy & Advertising[edit | edit source]Privacy, surveillance, and safety are some of the worries that surround the Internet. People want to protect their privacy, be safe, and use the web knowing that no one is looking at them. However, there are many ways in which they are watched: their Google searches can be recorded; information they provide in a specific moment may be found online; and they are bombed by advertisements in almost every platform they use. Cookies[<a href="
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