Banano Official News Channel
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This is the official Banano Telegram News Channel

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Introducing the Story2Image Faucet - Earn BANANO for Being Creative!

We're testing a new faucet concept which is starting in a few hours!

Full announcement here:
BANANO Monthly Update #29 (September 2020)

Here's another BANANO Monthly Update, aiming to keep the community informed, to provide a good starting point for new folks joining BANANO, and to be transparent about BANANO’s ongoing distribution activities and community growth.

Check it out here:
Free BANANO NFTs are Here! MonKeyprinter go BRRR!

The BANANO ecosphere has the monKey concept, memes, and lots of talented artists. The newly launched community project cryptomonKeys now connects BANANO to the world of digital collectibles, with a freely distributed, meme-rich, monKeyfied NFT card series!

All details here: