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هدف: رسیدن به جامعه سکولار و پادشاهی نوین اعلیحضرت رضاشاه دوم
تلاش برای اتحاد بین تمامی اقوام ایرانی و تمام ادیان
مسیحی یهودی مسلمان آتئیست زرتشتی بهایی و...
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Forwarded from Reza Pahlavi - Official
The UN Human Rights Council’s decision today to launch a fact-finding mission regarding #HumanRightsViolations by the Islamic Republic regime in response to recent and ongoing protests in Iran is a victory for both the Iranian people and the free world. The findings of this mission will support efforts to bring responsible criminals to justice in the near future.

I am grateful to Germany and Iceland for requesting today’s special session of the UN Human Rights Council. I applaud all of the states that voted in favor of this fact-finding mission, thereby demonstrating their concern for the Iranian people, but I emphasize that the Iranian people need even more support from each of them and the rest of free world in their struggle for democracy and human rights.

I call upon those states who abstained from the vote to reconsider their position and stand with the Iranian people. And I warn those states who voted against the fact-finding mission that, in siding with the Islamic Republic regime, they are aligning themselves not just with evil, but with a regime that will not survive long enough to repay their loyalty. In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, the arc of the moral universe may be long, but it bends toward justice. The day of justice for the Iranian people is very near.


