Радио BlackOut
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По ту сторону бобра /Beyond the beaver @RealMcPhil
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#FOALS #WakeMeUp #OfficialVideo
FOALS - Wake Me Up🎤🎸🕺🏻💃🎊🎉🤘

I'm walking through a dream
I'm walking through the finest place I've ever seen
Hey man, won't you wake me up?
Said "Hey man, won't you wake me up?"
I'm walking through the fire
Defiant on the wire, burning up my desire
Hey man, won't you come, come give me a gun?
Help me blow the lights right out of the sun

🖕We, the self-employed, don't give a flying fuck😁
Slipknot - The Chapeltown Rag (Live) @ Knotfest LA. Кто переведёт Чепелтауновский рэг, увидит свой перевод в топе слипнотовских переводов. Instant (karma) classic. Когда же я буду очаровываться Слипнотом?👀🔥🎤🎸🥁🕺🏻💃🎊🎉🤘🇺🇸

Stoned like a beast on a chain lookin' dead
Feelin' strange, what the fuck
I'm material to sew into the stains
Like a catalogue of pain, like a martyr in restraints
I can kill with a will, and it's stronger every day
I'm a knife, I'm a gun, I'm a slit, I'm a scar
I'm a scream, I'm a death, I'm a threat, I'm afrai


🎥The Chapeltown Rag
#AlanParsons #Sirius #EyeInTheSky
Alan Parsons - "Sirius/Eye In The Sky" (The Never Ending Show Live). Откуда-то из детства..Но альбом вот-вот вышел From the album "THE NEVERENDING SHOW - LIVE IN THE NETHERLANDS"🎤🎸🎹🎊🎉🕺🏻💃👀🔥🤘🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

👀Who goes there?
You're invited to the concert of a lifetime - 'Adele One Night Only | Special Event November 14.
Global представит новый прайм-тайм специальный выпуск "Только одна ночь с Адель", в котором суперзвезда вернётся с необыкновенным концертным выступлением и впервые за шесть лет исполнит свой новый материал. Двухчасовое мероприятие будет транслироваться в воскресенье, 14 ноября, в 20:30 ET / 20:00 PT на канале Global, а также в прямом эфире и по запросу на STACKTV и в приложении Global TV. Специальный выпуск, который будет сниматься в Лос-Анджелесе, будет включать некоторые хиты Адель, вошедшие в чарты, а также несколько ранее не звучавших песен.🎤👀🔥🤘🎊🎉

Claude Monet, Il Viale alberato, 1878
Buona domenica!
November 7, marks five years since Leonard passed away. How do you remember him?
Adele recently named Leonard her favourite lyricist. – (Vogue, Oct. 21, 2021)
Anthony Hopkins revealed to an interviewer: "Oh yes, Leonard Cohen's my favourite." In the hotel suite in Santa Monica where we are talking, he sinks back into the sofa, and quotes a line from the song. "'May everyone live, may everyone die/Hello, my love, and my love, goodbye.' That sums it all up for me. There's such peace in that. That's it. All it is."– (
Independent.ie, Nov. 23, 2019)
Beck shared this: “So long Leonard, thank you for your words, your songs, your life – a gentleman, a master, a hero – thank you for looking so deeply, for sharing your time, giving us your finely wrought diamonds, for lighting the dark corners where the soul lives, for translating the otherness we recognise but fail to express, tonight we celebrate you and send you our gratitude.” – (Guardian, Nov. 11, 2016)
Alanis Morissette Takes Us Inside Her Massive Home Library | Shelf Portrait📖

Alanis Morissette’s favourite books:
Thich Nhat Hanh – At Home in the World
Thomas M. Campbell II and T. Colin Campbell – The China Study
Pete Walker – Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving
Elaine N. Aron – The Highly Sensitive Parent
Dave Eggers – A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
Harville Hendrix – Keeping the Love You Find
