Forwarded from Phoenix Project of Iran ققنوس
در نظرسنجى نافرمانى مدنى بوسيله پروژه ققنوس ايران كه در ارديبهشت ١٣٩٨ آغاز و به پايان رسيد "٨٢٪ از زنان ايرانى خواستار بازگشت نظام پادشاهى بوده اند." #پروژه_ققنوس_ايران
In a poll conducted by Phoenix Project of Iran in May 2019, “82% of women were in favor of returning the monarchy to Iran.” #Phoenix_Project_of_Iran
In a poll conducted by Phoenix Project of Iran in May 2019, “82% of women were in favor of returning the monarchy to Iran.” #Phoenix_Project_of_Iran