Telegram Contests
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Here we announce Telegram coding contests in Android Java, iOS Swift, JS, C/C++. Discussion: @contests
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A few clarifications about the Educational Test Contest:

1. The results of the first round will be announced in June, and the second round will start right after that.

2. Participants are welcome to try out the quizzes of their competitors, and leave comments. If you find valid issues with a competing quiz and describe them in a comment (see instructions above πŸ‘†), this may increase your chances of winning.

3. Before the results are announced, each submitted quiz will be checked by several judges. Quizzes that have already been checked will show a Contest Score. Our evaluation criteria will be published when the results are announced.

4. We decided to give participants time until the end of this week to check other quizzes and leave their comments. Then our judges will begin the evaluation process.

Everyone can rate quizzes after completing them. Community ratings are displayed after several users have passed the test. Quizzes with higher community ratings will be eventually shown at the top of the page, but this will not affect their contest score. All quizzes will be checked, regardless of their community rating.

If you were experiencing any issues when logging in on, please try again. Should work now.
The third round of the JavaScript Contest starts now.

Prize fund for this round: €50,000+
Dates: May 30 – June 20 (23:50 Dubai time).

The goal of this round is to continue your work on a web version of Telegram without using third-party UI frameworks. Please note that only the winners of the second round can participate.


I. Minimum Requirements
Submissions without these features will not be evaluated.

1. Mobile Version
A one-column interface for mobile devices, following the design mockups provided. Should work flawlessly in Chrome and Safari.

2. Emoji, stickers and GIFs
A fully-fledged emoji/sticker/GIF panel, including sticker search and a Trending Stickers section.

3. Recording voice messages

4. Search for chats
Global and local search for chats (including by message text).

II. Reward Requirements
Supporting all of the following features is required to get the first prize in this round.

5. Shared Media and Gallery
Profile pages should display all types of content in the shared media section. It should be possible to view photos and videos, save files, open links and listen to audio files from Shared Media. Clicking on the name of the song in the audio player at the top of the page should highlight the relevant message in the chat.

6. Audio and video streaming
The app should support listening to audio files and watching videos without having to wait for them to download.

7. Archive
List of archived chats with support for pinned chats. Adding and removing chats from the archive.

8. Folders
Tabbed bar with chat folders, support for pinned chats in folders. Creating, editing and deleting folders, adding and removing chats from folders.

9. Polls of all types
Support for anonymous polls and polls with visible votes, support for multiple-answer polls and quiz-style polls with timers and explanations.

10. Search for messages inside a particular chat

III. Previously Identified Issues
As announced at the end of the second round, all issues identified by our judges in the previous two rounds must be fixed and all missing features fully implemented.


Our main criteria for evaluation will be speed, app size and attention to detail. Note that in this round we will assign additional penalties based on the size of the app.

When it comes to speed, both objective and subjective speed is important. For example, the app could rely on onmousedown to open chats instead of onmouseup and preload content when reasonable.

All paths in the scripts should be relative. The design implementation should be identical to the mockups attached below.

Good luck! πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
We have decided to give participants of the Educational Test Contest one more week to check quizzes submitted by others and leave comments.

Our judges will begin evaluating quizzes on Monday, June 8.

Please leave a comment:

1. If you see a test that violates intellectual property rights (e.g. the test itself is copied from somewhere or features copyrighted illustrations/media).
2. If you find mistakes in questions, answers or explanations.

Always inсlude links and other evidence in your comment. For example, a link to the source of the test or media in it (for copyright issues) or to materials confirming the correct answer (for wrong answers).

Test authors will get notifications about new comments on their quizzes. We highly recommend to reply to any comments you find unfair – with appropriate explanations and corrections.

For example, if someone alleges that media in your test infringes on copyrights, you could include links to sources proving that the media you used is distributed under a free license that allows this kind of usage, etc.
Our judges have begun evaluating quizzes submitted to the educational test contest. We expect to be able to announce the results in several weeks.

Please note that you can still leave comments to tests, as well as reply to comments made by our judges (animals with black profile pictures).
A notice for participants of the Educational Test Contest:

Our judges are human beings β€” and may sometimes make a mistake. If you think your test was reviewed incorrectly (the judge's comment contains a mistake), make sure that you reply to the judge's comment with a short message explaining why it's wrong.
All judges of the Educational Test Contest always have the label "judge" next to their comments.

We've seen some users with black profile pictures pretending to be contest judges. Remember: No label = no judge. 😎
Telegram Client apps submitted for the third stage of the JavaScript contest are now available for public scrutiny on the Contest Platform.

Only 11 apps made it to this stage, which is already an achievement by itself. Everyone is invited to try them out and submit their comments on
Submissions for the second round of the Data Clustering Contest are now available for public testing:

Everyone is welcome to leave their feedback while our judges tally up the results.
Judge evaluation of the Educational Test Contest is now 50% done.

We had hoped to be able to share the final results by now, but we underestimated the time it would take to give every Quiz the attention it deserved and to ensure that our judgements were correct.

So, today, we are instead sharing the criteria our Judges have used to help determine which Quizzes will not be getting a prize in this round of the contest. These criteria were developed after the submissions period ended as opposed to at the start of the competition to ensure that we did not prevent creative uses of the platform which we had not predicted.

This document, which includes details of what to do if you believe your Quiz was incorrectly judged, can be read from here:

Many thanks for your patience and hard work.
Everyone is welcome to test submissions for the second round of the Data Clustering contest in a new mode that shows today's news:

We have also added comments with results of our preliminary tests. Stay tuned for the final results.
The results of the second round of the Data Clustering Contest are in.

In our evaluation, the Stage 2 tasks – indexing and ranking – had the greatest influence. Clustering tasks similar to the previous round (sorting by language, news or not, categories and threads) carried a lower weight. Overall speed of the algorithms influenced the final score.

See our comments on for more information on each of the submissions.

You can also view the output for each of the submissions for three different days (evaluation data sets: 1, 2, 3) and see how they work in real time in the Today tab.

In addition to the main prizes, we are awarding bonus prizes to those solutions that delivered significantly better results than the rest of the submissions in each of the tasks. If a submission required adjustments or fixes to make it work, it was penalized accordingly.


πŸ₯‡ Mindful Squirrel – €17,000 + €4,800 bonus
Bonus prizes for:
- News, Russian
- Categories, English
- Categories, Russian
- Threads, English
- Threads, Russian
Penalties (-€200):
- Required rebuilding from source code


πŸ₯ˆ Daring Frog – β‚¬12,000 + €5,500 bonus
Bonus prizes for:
- Language detection
- News, English
- News, Russian
- Categories, Russian
- Threads, English
- Threads, Russian
Penalties (-€500):
- Algorithm can't process simultaneous requests which makes it impossible to run the submission on real-time data

πŸ₯ˆ Swift Skunk – €12,000 + €900 bonus
Bonus prize for:
- Top news, English
Penalties (-€100):
- Algorithm required all articles to be in one folder


πŸ₯‰ Gifted Lemur – €7,000 + €1,000 bonus
Bonus prize for:
- Threads, Russian

πŸ₯‰ Ace Cock – €7,000 + €1,000 bonus
Bonus prize for:
- Top news, Russian

πŸ₯‰ Mindful Kitten – €7,000

πŸ₯‰ Happy Ladybird – €7,000

4th place

πŸ… Hip Hyena – €4,000 + €1,000 bonus
Bonus prize for:
- Threads, Russian

πŸ… Bossy Gnu – €4,000

πŸ… Hairy Snail – €4,000

Several participants achieved some of the best results in individual tasks, but didn't get a high enough overall score to compete for the main prizes. They are receiving bonus awards for those parts of their algorithms in which their solutions were significantly better than the rest.

Bonus Awards

πŸŽ– Bright Deer – €1,000
- Threads, Russian

πŸŽ– Fancy Beetle – €1,000
- Categories, English

πŸŽ– Large Crab – €1,000
- Language detection

πŸŽ– Suave Penguin – €800
- News, English (€1,000)
- Required rebuilding from source code (-€200)

πŸŽ– Sweet Beaver – €800
- Categories, English (€1,000)
- Required rebuilding from source code (-€200)

Stay tuned for more news about our contests.
Channel photo updated
The results for Round 1 of the Educational Test Contest are here!

Winners of this round will take home €141,400 of the overall €400,000 prize fund.

4,164 Quizzes passed our first phase. Our Judges made over 15,000 unique judgements and ratings (even those Quizzes with no Judge comments were fully evaluated). You can find more info on this page.

Additionally, we allowed 1 month for Appeals from authors of disqualified Quizzes. Each Appeal was handled by a fully independent Judge.

All of these factors combined to create the final Contest Score.

We decided on 2 main tiers of reward:
πŸ₯‡ – €500 – Contest Score 4.5+
πŸ₯ˆ – €100 – Contest Score 4+

We also awarded the top prize of πŸ† €1,000 and a rating of 4.7 to several Quizzes that showed evidence of exceptional effort spent in purpose-built media creation and thoughtful quiz design.

Here are some of our favorite Quizzes from this round:

πŸ† FΓ­sica y MatemΓ‘ticas (Spanish, Physics and Math)
by Sunny Antelope
Engaging and self-made animations illustrate each question, an impressive example of the educational potential of Telegram Quizzes.

πŸ† Mind of Logic (English)
by Dreamy Meerkat
A charming Quiz containing some logic puzzles – distinctive self-made media forms the basis for each question.

πŸ† Razas de perros (Spanish, Dog Breeds)
by Regal Lynx
Even if you don't like dogs (meow?) you'll appreciate these hand-drawn images as you identify and explore more dog breeds than you can shake a stick at, or throw a stick for.

πŸ† Π―ΠΆΡ„ΠΎΡ‚ΠΎΠ³Ρ€Π°Ρ„ (Russian, I'm a photographer)
by Earnest Squirrel
Learn tips and tricks used in photography. Great use of self-made media to see the effects in action and as optional further reading in explanations.

πŸ† Astroquest: AstronomΓ­a BΓ‘sica (Spanish, Basic Astronomy) (see English version)
by Mellow Beaver
Explore astronomical wonders in this Quiz about space. Images for each question bring the Quiz together and help visualize tricky concepts.

πŸ† Test de Pensamiento Computacional (Spanish, Computational Thinking Test)
by Fit Crow
"LedBot" leads you through some basic exercises in computational thinking. An excellent introduction especially for youngsters or anyone not yet drinking gallons of coffee while arguing about which naming convention is better.

Other notable quizzes:

πŸ₯‡ Our relentless enemy: Cancer (English)
by Cool Meerkat
An excellent Quiz focussed on educating about one of humanity's greatest foes. Uses pre-poll and explanation text to carefully lead you through related concepts and provide a more complete, compelling, experience.

πŸ₯‡ Advanced Sustainability Quiz (English)
by Savvy Flamingo
A great example of how almost any topic can be presented in a digestible and educational way. Includes a study guide to encourage further exploration of the topic and memory retention.

πŸ₯‡ Selezione artificiale (Italian, Selective Breeding) (see English version)
by Big Turtle
Explore different things humans have successfully (or unsuccessfully) tried to domesticate throughout history – from foods to cute critters. Engaging questions and a focus on relating the topic to already familiar things.

πŸ₯‡ 33 вопроса ΠΎΠ± истории русской Ρ†Π΅Π½Π·ΡƒΡ€Ρ‹ (Russian, History of censorship in Russia)
by Swift Chameleon
This Quiz explores the history of censorship in Russia – sharp presentation and a careful selection of cases.

πŸ₯‡ Egg-celent Quiz (English)
by Suave Tiger
A cracking Quiz about eggs, great self-made media which compliments (and in some cases is part of) the questions. Unfortunately, lots of language issues prevented the Quiz from reaching a higher tier, but the quality of other factors (and the puns) made it worthy of a prize.

πŸ₯‡ Quanto conosci le piante? (Italian, Plants) (see English version)
by Ace Unicorn
Learn about the secret life of plants, in all their forms. Another good example of relating the topic to already familiar things.

There are many more great Quizzes to find. You can view all of the Winners from this page:

Congratulations and stay tuned for the next round! πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³
Telegram Contests
The results for Round 1 of the Educational Test Contest are here! Winners of this round will take home €141,400 of the overall €400,000 prize fund. 4,164 Quizzes passed our first phase. Our Judges made over 15,000 unique judgements and ratings (even those…
All Quizzes that participated in the contest can now be edited again. We advise all participants to fix any issues that were identified in their Quizzes by our judges and members of the public.

A few clarifications for participants of the contest:

1. Please note that ALL Quizzes have been evaluated, even if they did not receive a comment. Today we've made public the Contest Score for each of the Quizzes. The Contest Score represents the results of three phases of testing by several different judges over the past few months.

You can read more about the process here:

2. We advise all winners to consult their banks if they are not sure if their bank or account can receive the transfer with the prize.

3. The next round is starting soon. The new task will be different and a lot more difficult – but everyone will be able to participate. Stay tuned for more news in this channel!
The results of the Third Stage of the JavaScript Contest are ready!

See for our detailed comments on how well each of the submissions handled the tasks.

Meet the winners:

1st PLACE – $10,000
πŸ… Jolly Cobra

2nd PLACE – $7,000
πŸ₯ˆ Posh Ram
πŸ₯ˆ Ace Monkey > penalty: -$1,000 (broken 2FA)

3 PLACE – $5,000
πŸ₯‰ Tactful Seal
πŸ₯‰ Kooky Hawk
πŸ₯‰ Merry Ant
πŸ₯‰ Shiny Deer
πŸ₯‰ Giant Parrot > penalty: -$500 (broken in Chrome on iOS).

4th PLACE – $3,000
πŸ… Tall Tiger > penalty: -$500 (half-broken 2FA)
πŸ… Sacred Parrot > penalty: -$500 (certain chats not loaded at all)
πŸ… Hip Hyena > penalty: -$1,000 (broken in Chrome on Android).

We will reach out to each of the winners to coordinate the payment of prizes, which will be done in Euros.

Congratulations! πŸŽ‰

We invite all winners listed above to participate in the $30,000 Bonus Round and complete the following tasks before 23:50 UTC on September, 1:

1. Fix issues identified on the platform by all commenters (not only judges), starting with the critical ones.
2. Optimize app speed, both actual and perceived (increase page loading speed, as well as app speed when loading additional data, uploading and downloading files, etc.)
3. Ensure that smooth animations exist wherever applicable, increase the smoothness of existing animations.

In addition to the $30,000 prize fund, the best performers in this final Bonus Round will be invited to join the Telegram team to continue working on their web application.

Good luck! πŸ€
Please note that we will use the following environments for testing submissions in the Bonus Round of the Javascript Contest:
- Chrome on Android
- Safari on iOS
- Chrome/Safari/Firefox on Windows and Mac desktops

Support for other setups (e.g. Chrome on iOS, etc.) will be considered optional.
The Bonus Round of the JavaScript contest ends today. Don’t forget to submit your archives to @jobs_bot before 23:50 UTC.