#動態清零 #疫苗通行證
『進入食肆、健身室等高危場所,市民需要主動出示疫苗接種紀錄,安心出行程式已修改,顧客掃描安心出行時,可同時把已儲存在程式的疫苗接種紀錄顯示,供處所職員以手機掃描。 至於商場、超市、街市、百貨公司這些人流多和出入口多的地方,市民進入時只需掃安心出行,但毋須主動出示疫苗接種紀錄,但不排除政府人員進行突擊執法行動⋯』
『進入食肆、健身室等高危場所,市民需要主動出示疫苗接種紀錄,安心出行程式已修改,顧客掃描安心出行時,可同時把已儲存在程式的疫苗接種紀錄顯示,供處所職員以手機掃描。 至於商場、超市、街市、百貨公司這些人流多和出入口多的地方,市民進入時只需掃安心出行,但毋須主動出示疫苗接種紀錄,但不排除政府人員進行突擊執法行動⋯』
日後入街市等須安心出行 當局或突擊要求出示疫苗紀錄
宗教場所、商場、百貨公司、超市、街市、髪型屋加入為表列處所,日後進入這些處所必須使用安心出行應用程式和符合疫苗通行證要求。食物及衞生局常任秘書長陳松青表示,針對不同處所,會有兩種方式執行疫苗通行證。 他說,進入食肆、健身室等高危場所,市民需要主動出示疫苗接種紀錄,安心出行程式已修改,顧客掃描安心出行時,可同時把已儲存在程式的疫苗接種紀錄顯示,供處所職員以手機掃描。 至於商場、超市、街市、百貨公司這些人流多和出入口多的地方,市民進入時只需掃安心出行,但毋須主動出示疫苗接種紀錄,但不排除政府人員進行突擊執法…
#動態清零 #隔離未接種人士
袁國勇:有確診個案滯家七日或傳染家人 情況不可接受
新冠病毒確診個案數字持續高企,政府專家顧問、港大微生物學系講座教授袁國勇指出,有確診個案因公立醫院沒有隔離病床,已留家7日,他們可能已經感染家人,甚至可能在被隔離之前,已經康復,形容情況是不可接受,因為高風險的家庭成員可能已被感染。 袁國勇表示,當醫院及隔離設施每日有上千宗個案並不堪重負時,必須切實準備好輕症患者居家隔離的準備。若有年長家庭成員未接種新冠疫苗或患有慢性病,需要被「反向隔離」,以保護他們。但當然這些高危人士的家人,完全有權拒絕這種安排。 他又提到,疫苗通行證除了鼓勵市民接種疫苗,亦防止沒有…
『⋯⋯食物及衞生局前局長高永文今早 (18日) 出席抗疫研討會,表示今波疫情可謂令香港被動地進入「與病毒共存」的態勢,開始說不上是跟隨一直「清零」或「動態清零」策略⋯⋯高永文反問香港是否在策略上出錯,例如應該一早以較強硬、或「家長式手段」集中為長者接種⋯⋯』
『⋯⋯食物及衞生局前局長高永文今早 (18日) 出席抗疫研討會,表示今波疫情可謂令香港被動地進入「與病毒共存」的態勢,開始說不上是跟隨一直「清零」或「動態清零」策略⋯⋯高永文反問香港是否在策略上出錯,例如應該一早以較強硬、或「家長式手段」集中為長者接種⋯⋯』
高永文:香港被動「與病毒共存」 開始說不上跟隨「動態清零」
1️⃣ 古典針灸
2️⃣ 刮痧
3️⃣ 拔罐
4️⃣ 推拿正骨
5️⃣ 醫學氣功
6️⃣ 太極
7️⃣ 梅花針放血
8️⃣ 光體潛能
9️⃣ 隔空取物
0️⃣ 種生機
1️⃣ 古典針灸
2️⃣ 刮痧
3️⃣ 拔罐
4️⃣ 推拿正骨
5️⃣ 醫學氣功
6️⃣ 太極
7️⃣ 梅花針放血
8️⃣ 光體潛能
9️⃣ 隔空取物
0️⃣ 種生機
今次上《紐約時報》係⋯⋯ 一向被稱為「頹飯」嘅兩餸飯⋯⋯ “But that plainness is the point. “In a city pummeled by two years of political upheaval, economic downturn and seemingly endless pandemic controls — a ban on dining in after 6 p.m. just lifted late last month — two-dishes…
《華爾街日報》獨家披露 美外交人員同遇強国清零政策之虐 (“Abused”)
1. 文件從美國國會所得
‘Congressional sources have shared with us internal memos, emails and cables delivered to State Department senior officials over the past two years. They describe China’s mistreatment of foreign-service officers and their families assigned to the U.S. Embassy and consulates in China.’
《華爾街日報》獨家披露 美外交人員同遇強国清零政策之虐 (“Abused”)
1. 文件從美國國會所得
‘Congressional sources have shared with us internal memos, emails and cables delivered to State Department senior officials over the past two years. They describe China’s mistreatment of foreign-service officers and their families assigned to the U.S. Embassy and consulates in China.’
2. 從在「酒店」的強制隔離開始
‘In a 97-page memo sent Jan. 7, 2022 to the acting chief of the China mission, diplomats say that upon arrival they were assigned to quarantine in one of two China-selected hotels… According to the document, adults and children older than 14 were required to remain alone in their room, and in one instance this caused a teenager mental-health problems (導致一被強制隔離美籍青年精神出現問題). Americans were monitored and suspect the Chinese are collecting intelligence and DNA (懷疑被收集DNA). Families say conditions in both hotels were “unhealthy” with moldy rooms that had “not been cleaned in months.”’ (發霉房間)
2. 從在「酒店」的強制隔離開始
‘In a 97-page memo sent Jan. 7, 2022 to the acting chief of the China mission, diplomats say that upon arrival they were assigned to quarantine in one of two China-selected hotels… According to the document, adults and children older than 14 were required to remain alone in their room, and in one instance this caused a teenager mental-health problems (導致一被強制隔離美籍青年精神出現問題). Americans were monitored and suspect the Chinese are collecting intelligence and DNA (懷疑被收集DNA). Families say conditions in both hotels were “unhealthy” with moldy rooms that had “not been cleaned in months.”’ (發霉房間)
3. 有中国特色的綠碼轉紅碼
‘Chinese personnel administer testing, and diplomats suspect the country is altering results “to achieve an additional level of control” or as “a means of harassment” the January memo says. Numerous families who tested negative on arrival suddenly tested positive later in their quarantine. Until recently Chinese authorities transported those who tested positive not to a hospital, but to “fever clinics.”’ (被「紅碼」後被送往非正式的醫療處所)
3. 有中国特色的綠碼轉紅碼
‘Chinese personnel administer testing, and diplomats suspect the country is altering results “to achieve an additional level of control” or as “a means of harassment” the January memo says. Numerous families who tested negative on arrival suddenly tested positive later in their quarantine. Until recently Chinese authorities transported those who tested positive not to a hospital, but to “fever clinics.”’ (被「紅碼」後被送往非正式的醫療處所)
4. 名副其實的「方艙」:
‘According to a whistleblower complaint, the fever clinics are small, dirty rooms (we’ve seen pictures), some located in converted shipping containers. The doors are locked and the windows barred. (被鎖入完全密封門窗全關的所謂房間). Upon arrival, individuals were required to undergo nasal and throat swabs, to provide sputum, urine and stool samples, and to submit to EKGs and CT scans. Children were tested with adult-sized nasal swabs, causing nosebleeds (撩鼻撩到流血). Many had to be forcibly restrained for repeated nose swabs, and parents report ongoing trauma.’
4. 名副其實的「方艙」:
‘According to a whistleblower complaint, the fever clinics are small, dirty rooms (we’ve seen pictures), some located in converted shipping containers. The doors are locked and the windows barred. (被鎖入完全密封門窗全關的所謂房間). Upon arrival, individuals were required to undergo nasal and throat swabs, to provide sputum, urine and stool samples, and to submit to EKGs and CT scans. Children were tested with adult-sized nasal swabs, causing nosebleeds (撩鼻撩到流血). Many had to be forcibly restrained for repeated nose swabs, and parents report ongoing trauma.’
5. 方艙實況
‘The facilities provided no soap, toilet paper, towels, laundry service, or even potable water (百無). Detainees had to beg for bottled water (乞求一支樽裝水), or wait for outside care packages. There was no TV, and in some places no wifi. Food was minimal, and one family reported their children largely received soup for every meal (三餐粥水). Detainees reported notable weight loss. Americans were entirely at the mercy of the Chinese to provide several negative Covid tests, which often didn’t come for weeks or months.’
5. 方艙實況
‘The facilities provided no soap, toilet paper, towels, laundry service, or even potable water (百無). Detainees had to beg for bottled water (乞求一支樽裝水), or wait for outside care packages. There was no TV, and in some places no wifi. Food was minimal, and one family reported their children largely received soup for every meal (三餐粥水). Detainees reported notable weight loss. Americans were entirely at the mercy of the Chinese to provide several negative Covid tests, which often didn’t come for weeks or months.’
#動態清零 #在華外交官
6. 一日N檢:
‘The January memo relates the story of one family of five who had members in a fever clinic from July 24 to Sept. 25, 2021 and while there were cumulatively subject to 159 throat, nose and blood tests. Another family of four that summer spent 69 days in a fever clinic and quarantine.’
6. 一日N檢:
‘The January memo relates the story of one family of five who had members in a fever clinic from July 24 to Sept. 25, 2021 and while there were cumulatively subject to 159 throat, nose and blood tests. Another family of four that summer spent 69 days in a fever clinic and quarantine.’
#動態清零 #在華外交官
7. 無視被拘留者真正的傷病
‘Diplomats in quarantine say they were also denied urgent medical care. One family’s two-year-old fell into a coffee table, resulting in a deep cut. Two hospitals refused to treat anyone in quarantine, and it took 12 hours to find a private clinic and get the wound stitched. (跌穿頭被拒絕縫針達12小時) Another diplomat alerted Embassy personnel to stomach pain while in quarantine and was advised to ride it out. He was diagnosed with appendicitis after his release.’ (搞到冇病變有病生盲腸炎)
7. 無視被拘留者真正的傷病
‘Diplomats in quarantine say they were also denied urgent medical care. One family’s two-year-old fell into a coffee table, resulting in a deep cut. Two hospitals refused to treat anyone in quarantine, and it took 12 hours to find a private clinic and get the wound stitched. (跌穿頭被拒絕縫針達12小時) Another diplomat alerted Embassy personnel to stomach pain while in quarantine and was advised to ride it out. He was diagnosed with appendicitis after his release.’ (搞到冇病變有病生盲腸炎)
#動態清零 #在華外交官
8. 全方位追蹤的健康碼
‘Americans at all times are also required to use China’s official health app, which was sold as a contact-tracing tool but the government is using to track residents.’
8. 全方位追蹤的健康碼
‘Americans at all times are also required to use China’s official health app, which was sold as a contact-tracing tool but the government is using to track residents.’
Opinion | How China Abuses U.S. Diplomats
Emails and diplomatic cables show how Beijing uses Covid protocols to harass and monitor Americans.
正如幾日前報道 (連結),某國正醞釀將新冠肺炎「正名」(以給予政策「優化」一個下台階)。
正如幾日前報道 (連結),某國正醞釀將新冠肺炎「正名」(以給予政策「優化」一個下台階)。
當然,改咗名之後自然給予 #清零宗 下台階 #又贏咗
當然,改咗名之後自然給予 #清零宗 下台階 #又贏咗