#塔利班 #伊斯蘭律法 #紅線
[Taliban] 發言人又指,[the system of sharia (Islamic) law] 已實施多年,「當初都有人話 [sharia law] 實施後,會呢樣唔得嗰樣唔得,[women were forced to quit their jobs and stay at home, denied access to education and health care]。過去多年,大部分呢啲行為都繼續緊,唯一就係唔可以犯法」。
外界對條文焦慮,「係需要時間溝通和釐清,搞清楚呢啲紅線係咪真係會咁容易踩到,從而扼殺 [Afghanistan women’s fundamental rights],我自己深信係不會,正如 [sharia law] 都無影響絕大部分市民的自由。」
[Taliban] 發言人又指,[the system of sharia (Islamic) law] 已實施多年,「當初都有人話 [sharia law] 實施後,會呢樣唔得嗰樣唔得,[women were forced to quit their jobs and stay at home, denied access to education and health care]。過去多年,大部分呢啲行為都繼續緊,唯一就係唔可以犯法」。
外界對條文焦慮,「係需要時間溝通和釐清,搞清楚呢啲紅線係咪真係會咁容易踩到,從而扼殺 [Afghanistan women’s fundamental rights],我自己深信係不會,正如 [sharia law] 都無影響絕大部分市民的自由。」