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Спутниковый канал моего блоха:
Download Telegram
Some tiny creations I've come up with recently:

1. A Mac OS service for getting media information about streams in a video file, mostly in order to find out whether it has subtitles;
2. An Alfred workflow that shortens URLs using TinyURL.

#blog #macos #python #applescript
Finally found the time to investigate how to connect to the internet via Huawei E3372 modem on Mac OS using only the native tools.

#blog #macos
Forgot to post notifications about two earlier articles:

1. Custom CSS in SharePoint - how to make SharePoint to be a bit less ugly;
2. Visual Studio Code and CMake for Qt - an attempt to switch from qmake to CMake for building Qt projects.

And today there is a new article - SDL and Dear ImGui, C++ GUI without Qt.

#blog #development #qt #cpp #windows #web #fail
Fok me, Telegram added comments to channels! Actually, it's integration with web services in general, but comments is a particularly awesome reference feature.

You just need to add @DiscussBot as an admin to your channel and give him editing rights.

#telegram #web
Правда жизни бря:
Добро пожаловать в современное ИТ.
Ваш новый статус - омлет!

#development #fail
New retarded Qt Creator icon and how to revert back to the previous one.

#blog #qt #macos #fail
About rectangle previews in Twitter after the recent redesign, and what to do with it if you have square pictures.

#blog #web #fail #dotnet
So Blizzard replaced the succubus with an ugly monster? What a nice occasion to finally delete Hearthstone!

#games #fail
In continuation to the post about SDL and Dear ImGui, here comes the post about GLFW.

#blog #cpp
What else is wrong with the DNB bank.

#blog #norway #banks #fail
Finally managed to implement Twitter video uploads with C# / .NET.

#blog #dotnet #web
Got a scam-call from some kumars, where they asked me to find a Windows key on the Mac keyboard and also tried to dictate a shell script over the phone.

#blog #irl #fail
Web-queue for a HoMM hot-seat game over RDP with Slack notifications.

#blog #games #web #dotnet
Microsoft sign-in on your company's website with .NET Core MVC.

#blog #web #dotnet
Charged a Ruter card for an upcoming month. Tried to activate it right away - terminal shown me that I still have 2 days on my previous ticket. Okay, I thought, the new ticket will start after the current one expires - something you would expect to be by design, at least that's the way it worked in Moscow.

One week later a ticket-control at T-bane asked me for my ticket. I shown it to them, and they told me that it is not activated. And right after that they shown me their terminal with their system where it was clearly marked that I purchased my ticket a week ago and tried to activate it. But since I did it before the previous ticket expired, they explained, the new one did not activate.

So what is the fucking point in storing all that information in your system, if it is not used for anything? Why on earth wouldn't the new ticket activate after the previous one expires, if user explicitly tried to activate it? Bloody hell.

Good thing they let me go without paying any fine, although they said that they put me in some "system". Well, I'll know better next time.

#norway #fail
Looks like it's not only the test who is being dummy:

Discovered by Branes from #macosx at freenode.

#apple #fail