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Nov 17, 2020 · Maintaining Stability in International Space. By Dr. Raymond A. Millen and Travis Bolio Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute The purpose of stability in international orbiting space is to create and sustain an environment for the peaceful pursuit of international interests, namely science, technology, exploration, and …
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Enacademic.com - Enacademic: Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Like Enacademic.com?Effective Language Learning Through Books, Audio, Apps, Online Courses and Tutors - Living Languagelivinglanguage.com - Sites like livinglanguage.comBased on linguistic science, proven techniques, and over 65 years of experience.
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praline - etymology.enacademic.com

(n.) 1727, from Fr. praline, from the name of Marshal Duplessis Praslin (1598 1675, pronounced praline ), whose cook invented the confection
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Enacademic: Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Enacademic.com Domain Statistics. Title: Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. Estimated percentage of visits to enacademic.com that came from a search engine.
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USHA - judaism_enc.enacademic.com

(Heb. אוּשָׁה). (1) Town in Lower Galilee mentioned in the annals of Sennacherib (a, 40). An ancient Hebrew seal found there attests to the existence of an Israelite settlement on the site in biblical times; one side reads Elzakar b. Yehoḥil and…
rock the boat - idiomatic_expressions.enacademic.com

Look at other dictionaries: rock the boat — {v. phr.}, {informal} To make trouble and risk losing or upsetting something; cause a disturbance that may spoil a plan. * /The other boys said that Henry was rocking the boat by wanting to let girls into their club./ * /Politicians don t like to …
landing distance required

i. (LDR) The distance on the ground that an aircraft needs to make a normal approach from the screen height to the point when it comes to a halt. ii. (LDRH) In the case of performance class 1 helicopters, the horizontal distance required to land…

Look at other dictionaries: Forecasting — is the process of estimation in unknown situations. Prediction is a similar, but more general term. Both can refer to estimation of time …
aer - syllables.enacademic.com

aer·ate; aer·a·tion; aer·a·tor; aer·en·chy·ma; aer·i·al·ist; aer·i·al·i·ty; aer·i·an; aer·i·des; aer·if·er·ous; aer·i·fi·ca·tion; Aer·i·fi ...

Labelling theory was a major thrust of the sceptical revolution in the sociology of deviance during the 1950s and 1960s. The orthodox criminology of the immediate post-war period, both in Britain and America, treated a crime or act of deviance as an unambiguous occurrence which could readily be explained as a product of individual psychology or (even) genetic inheritance.
loot - english_dic.enacademic.com

[[t]lu͟ːt[/t]] loots, looting, looted 1) VERB If people loot shops or houses, they steal things from them, for example during a war or riot. [V n] The trouble began when gangs began breaking windows and looting shops... There have been reports of
BSc - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

[[t]bi͟ː es si͟ː[/t]] BScs (The spelling B.Sc. is also used, mainly in American English.) 1) N COUNT A BSc is a first degree in a science subject. BSc is an abbreviation for Bachelor of Science . He completed his BSc in chemistry in 1934. 2) BSc…
Faust method - Academic Dictionaries and …

a method of diagnosing helminth and protozoan infections by centrifugation of washed feces with zinc sulfate of a specific gravity of 1.180, after which eggs and protozoan cysts may be removed from the supernatant layer
operculum - Academic Dictionaries and …

1713, from L. operculum cover, lid, from operire to cover, close (see WEIR (Cf. weir))
nuisance - Academic Dictionaries and …

(n.) c.1400, injury, hurt, harm, from Anglo Fr. nusaunce, O.Fr. nuisance harm, wrong, damage, from pp. stem of nuire to harm, from L. nocere to hurt (see NOXIOUS (Cf ...
Trust Operation

The most sophisticated counterintelligence operation run by the Cheka and the GPU involved their creation in the early 1920s of a fictitious opposition group within the Soviet Union. The Cheka-created Monarchist Organization of Central Russia created in turn a trust in Paris called the Municipal Credit Organization of Moscow.
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