On this beautiful spring day, we hope you enjoy the scenery and let your mind unwind for a little while. #museummomentofzen
Richard Hinsdale, Landscape with Cows, 1855, oil on canvas. Museum Purchase, 1945.32. https://t.co/Sj8ETsy6hr4762124 On this beautiful spring day, we hope you enjoy the scenery and let your mind unwind for a little while. #museummomentofzen
Richard Hinsdale, Landscape with Cows, 1855, oil on canvas. Museum Purchase, 1945.32. https://t.co/Sj8ETsy6hr
Richard Hinsdale, Landscape with Cows, 1855, oil on canvas. Museum Purchase, 1945.32. https://t.co/Sj8ETsy6hr4762124 On this beautiful spring day, we hope you enjoy the scenery and let your mind unwind for a little while. #museummomentofzen
Richard Hinsdale, Landscape with Cows, 1855, oil on canvas. Museum Purchase, 1945.32. https://t.co/Sj8ETsy6hr
September 22, 2021