Gems of War 추천덱/정보
253 subscribers
1.87K photos
30 videos
13 files
637 links
텔레그램 대화방으로 올라오는 추천덱과 정보를 저장하는 채널입니다

클리앙 길드 가입 대화방
클리앙 젬워한당

#길드워 #추천덱 #pvp #빨간색 #노란색 #녹색 #파란색 #보라색 #갈색 #공격 #방어 #tacet #레이드 #타워 #인베이전 #클래스 #이벤트 #펫 #구출 #챌린지 #Faction
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Bear Banner (Urskaya)
Titan 2,1,3,3,2,3,2

· Mountain Crusher
· Carnex
· TINA-9000
· DRACOS 1337


#클래스 #이벤트 #Mechanist #keylime

No. 12589 from N🔴 이정호 / fromthestar 2020-02-25

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Bear Banner (Urskaya)
Titan 2,1,3,3,2,3,2

· Mountain Crusher
· Clockwork Sphinx
· Tankbot 2000
· P4-NTH4


#클래스 #이벤트 #Mechanist #keylime

No. 12590 from N🔴 이정호 / fromthestar 2020-02-25

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Rat Banner (Dark Pits)
Mechanist 3,1,1,1,3,3,1

· Mang
· Clockwork Sphinx
· P4-NTH4
· P4-NTH4


#클래스 #이벤트 #메카 #Mech #tacet

No. 12597 from N🔴 이정호 / fromthestar 2020-02-25

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Bear Banner (Urskaya)
Sunspear 2,2,1,2,2,0,0

· Mountain Crusher
· TINA-9000
· Tesla
· The Possessed King


#pvp #1T #클래스 #레벨

클래스 경험치도 올리면서 골드와 글로리도 벌고 pvp 점수도 올리는 1 트로피 덱입니다

망치 > 티나 > 테슬라 순으로 써주시면 끝납니다

메달은 나이샤 2개 + 아누 1개 추천합니다

No. 12643 from N🔴 이정호 / fromthestar 2020-03-08

Forwarded from gowteambot
Beastly Banner (Werewoods)
Monk 2,1,0,0,0,0,0

· Book of Brambles
· Yao Guai
· Tuliao
· Emperor Liang


#클래스 #이벤트

No. 12676 from inDream 2020-03-13

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Ocularen Banner (All-Seeing Eye)
Monk 3,1,1,1,2,1,0

· Dawnbringer
· Tuliao
· Tuliao
· Tuliao


#클래스 #이벤트 #몽크 #monk #tacet

No. 12684 from N🔴 이정호 / fromthestar 2020-03-14

Archer - Elf - Forest of Thorns
Archmagus - Mystic - Silverglade
Assassin - Naga - Mist of Scales
Barbarian - Orc - Grosh-Nak
Bard - Wildfolk - Pan’s Vale
Corsair - Rogue - Blackhawk
Deathknight - Undead - Ghulvania
Dervish - Monster - Drifting Sands
Diabolist - Daemon - Blighted Lands
Dragonguard - Dragon - Dragon’s Claw
Frostmage - Fey - Glacial Peaks
Hierophant - Fey - Bright Forest
Knight - Knight - Sword’s Edge
Mechanist - Mech - Adana
Monk - Elf - Shentang
Necromancer - Undead - Khetar
Oracle - Centaur - Divinion Fields
Orbweaver - Elf - Zhul’Kari
Plaguelord - Human - Darkstone
Priest - Divine - Whitehelm
Runepriest - Dwarf - Khaziel
Sentinel - Urska - Urskaya
Shaman - Tauros - Wild Plains
Slayer - Dwarf - Dhrak-Zum
Sorcerer - Daemon - Karakoth
Stormcaller - Stryx - Suncrest
Sunspear - Raksha - Pridelands
Thief - Goblin - Zaejin
Tidecaller - Merfolk - Merlantis
Titan - Giant - Stormheim
Warden - Beast - Maugrim Woods
Warlord - Giant - Broken Spire
Warpriest - Human - Leonis Empire

#클래스 - #종족 - #왕국
#Class - #TroopType - #Kingdom
Beast - Warden - Maugrim Woods
Centaur - Oracle - Divinion Fields
Daemon - Diabolist - Blighted Lands
Daemon - Sorcerer - Karakoth
Divine - Priest - Whitehelm
Dragon - Dragonguard - Dragon’s Claw
Dwarf - Runepriest - Khaziel
Dwarf - Slayer - Dhrak-Zum
Elf - Archer - Forest of Thorns
Elf - Monk - Shentang
Elf - Orbweaver - Zhul’Kari
Fey - Frostmage - Glacial Peaks
Fey - Hierophant - Bright Forest
Giant - Titan - Stormheim
Giant - Warlord - Broken Spire
Goblin - Thief - Zaejin
Human - Plaguelord - Darkstone
Human - Warpriest - Leonis Empire
Knight - Knight - Sword’s Edge
Mech - Mechanist - Adana
Merfolk - Tidecaller - Merlantis
Monster - Dervish - Drifting Sands
Mystic - Archmagus - Silverglade
Naga - Assassin - Mist of Scales
Orc - Barbarian - Grosh-Nak
Raksha - Sunspear - Pridelands
Rogue - Corsair - Blackhawk
Stryx - Stormcaller - Suncrest
Tauros - Shaman - Wild Plains
Undead - Deathknight - Ghulvania
Undead - Necromancer - Khetar
Urska - Sentinel - Urskaya
Wildfolk - Bard - Pan’s Vale

#종족 - #클래스 - #왕국
#TroopType - #Class - #Kingdom
Forwarded from gowteambot
Warren Banner (The Warrens)
Doomsayer 1,2,1,1,1,2,1

· Wrath
· Doomed Glaive
· Sibyl of Lust
· Queen of Sin


#클래스 #이벤트 #Doomsayer

No. 12892 from inDream 2020-04-17

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Eagle Banner (Stonesong Eyrie)
Titan 2,1,2,3,2,3,2

· Shield of Urskaya
· Gaard's Avatar
· Mercy
· Paladin


#클래스 이벤트

No. 12965 from N🔴 이정호 / fromthestar 2020-04-30

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Silver Banner (Silver Necropolis)
Titan 2,1,2,3,2,3,2

· Black Manacles
· Paladin
· Paladin
· Paladin


#클래스 이벤트

No. 12966 from N🔴 이정호 / fromthestar 2020-04-30

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Crypt Banner (Crypt Keepers)
Doomsayer 2,2,1,1,3,0,0

· Dwarven Gate
· Hope's Crescent
· Ubastet
· Thrall


#아누 메달 1개
#클래스 아무거나 레벨업용

브롤 매칭 시간에 젬워 하다가 갑자기 생각난 덱입니다

No. 13162 from N🔴 이정호 / fromthestar 2020-06-18

Forwarded from gowteambot
Slayer Banner (Dhrak-Zum)

· Doomed Sledge
· Thrall
· Phoenicia
· Tink Steamwhistle


#pvp 1T
#클래스 아무거나

영웅 무기는 서브머지 걸린 카드 공격 + 마나수급

쓰랄 > 피니시아 순으로 딜하시면 끝

No. 13470 from N🔴 이정호 / fromthestar 2020-08-31

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Abyssal Banner (Blighted Lands)
Necromancer 2,1,3,3,1,1,0

· Bronzelock Pistol
· Yao Guai
· Leprechaun
· Tink Steamwhistle


#클래스 무관

오르페우스 메달 3개 넣고 달리세요

No. 13502 from N🔴 이정호 / fromthestar 2020-09-07

Forwarded from gowteambot
Abyssal Banner (Blighted Lands)
Necromancer 2,1,3,3,1,1,0

· Bronzelock Pistol
· Yao Guai
· Leprechaun
· Child of Summer


#클래스 무관

나이샤 3개 넣고 하세요
이 덱이 좀 더 빠릅니다

No. 13503 from N🔴 이정호 / fromthestar 2020-09-07

Forwarded from gowteambot
Divinion Banner (Divinion Fields)
Monk 3,1,1,3,3,1,2

· Moon Rabbit
· Divine Ishbaala
· Sins' Harvest
· Qilin


#클래스 몽크 필수

잘 돌아가는 해골덱 입니다

No. 13505 from N🔴 이정호 / fromthestar 2020-09-07

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Eagle Banner (Stonesong Eyrie)
Knight 1,2,2,1,2,0,0

· Lady Morana
· The Edged Blade
· Sir Quentin Hadley
· Queen Ysabelle


#클래스 #knight

No. 12522 from Rainbow 2020-02-13

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Tentacle Banner (Illithia)

· High King Irongut
· Thrall
· Zuul'Goth
· Enraged Kurandara


#팩션 #옵시디언 #뎁스 #고층 #보라# 갈색 #클래스

No. 15508 from 파란비 2022-08-07

#Faction #Purple #ClassEvent
Forwarded from Rainbow
Media is too big
클래스작 + 오토 [모든킹덤 가능] #클래스 #오토