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همبستگی ملی با قیام قهرمانانه مردم ایران

کانال کارگاه دمکراسی:

کانال خبری ایرانارشیسم

Today Friday, 21.02.2020, "elections" will be held in Iran.
Sham elections, because all who do not obey are imprisoned and/or murdered, and therefore the free people of Iran will not obey Khamenei, and will boycott the ”elections”. #ElectionsBoycott2020 #RedInkBoycott

#IranProtests because all who do not obey are imprisoned and/or murdered since 41 years of horror when Khomenei and Khamenei 1979 turned Iran into an Islamic Republic as disgusting as the Islamic State, killing all human rights and especially women’s rights, and of course also gay rights and freedom of expression. Therefore, the free people of Iran will not obey the islamic regime of Khamenei who is a fake leader, and a liar.


سپاسگزاریم از «جنی ونهامر» و دیگر فمن‌های سوئدی و فرانسوی که با انتشار تصاویری از جنبش پورنوپولیتیک ایرانارشیست‌ها که پیش‌تر برای آزادی زندانیان سیاسی برگزار شده بود، آن هم همزمان با صدور حکم اعدام سه پارتی‌سان زندانی، به حمایت از زندانیان ایرانارشیست و بایکوت انتصابات پرداختند.


Boycott Sharia! #IranProtests

Boycott the Islamic Republic.
Yesterday, 21.02.2020, the islamist horror and terror regime since 41 years in Iran held fake elections. Sham elections, because all who do not obey in Iran are imprisoned and/or murdered, and therefore the free people of Iran will not obey Khamenei, and therefore boycotted the ”elections”.

November 2019 more than thousand free-thinkers were executed in Iran, but one day the demonstrations will bring down the regime forever and the truth will be public, instead as today when only lies are public.

The deadline for closing the polling booths on Friday was repeatedly extended, with pro-government sources claiming the pools were kept open until midnight to cope with high turnout.

The turnout was that 75% of the population did NOT vote. Instead Iran’s people chose #ElectionBoycott2020 and #NoVote4Terrorists. #RedInkBoycott

Enough is enough.
Enough of lies, enough of oppression, torture, murder..
Enough gender apartheid, enough of imprisonment of political activists.

Release all political prisoners now!! #IRDetainees

Enough of Islamic laws.
Down with the mullahs!
Down with masters and slavery.
and fuck Putin who is supporting the mullahs,
and enough of the stupid Trump too!

Iranian Anarchists IA have said no to the elections,
Femen-style, using their naked bodies as their weapon, saying ”show your naked body as a protest against the mullahs”, because as long as we don’t own our bodies, we are all political prisoners.

In a country where you can be killed for photos like these, we applaud the brave people who find creative ways to express activism, and salute the activists who like Femen recognize our bodies as political, writing political messages on our bare skin.

Indeed it’s the weapon the islamists fear the most - us not covering in fear of their god, their prophet, their politics and their moral police. Like this we can all together say no to censorship and Islamic fundamentalism. Like this we can fuck Khamenei.

Iranian Anarchists say;
every political prisoner is my brother and sister.

Shared in support and solidarity from FEMEN.

FEMEN on facebook


FEMEN on Instagram:

هیچ دردی عمیق‌تر از معاصریت با عقب‌مانده‌ها نیست.

کمپین پورنوپولیتیک مثل کارزار لیبرتنانگی که در سالهای 2019 و 2020 توسط ایرانارشیست‌ها برگزار شدند هر دو در بسیاری از نشریات فمن‌ها و فمنیستی غرب انعکاسی وسیع داشت که البته همزمان بسیاری از رسانه‌های فارسی‌زبان به این هر دو جنبش حمله کردند چون کل موازین و عناصر فرهنگی اسلام را به تخم و تخمک‌ش گرفته بود و به قول مسلکونات روزنامه کیهون ناموس ایرانی را به حراج گذاشته بود. خلاصه اینکه امروز دیدم جنی اکتیویست فعال و فمن سوئدی به بهانه اشاره به جنبش براندازی، دوباره تصاویری از کمپین پورنوپولیتیک ایرانارشیست‌ها را منتشر کرده

این پتیشن خوب نوشته شده و من امضاش کردم گرچه خیلی به تاثیر این پتیشن‌ها اعتقاد ندارم اما مهمه که چنین متن‌هایی پرامضا باشند، تا بولد شوند و همه ببینند که چقدر ایرانیان از سپاه پاسداران انزجار دارند برای همین پیشنهاد می‌کنم در کمپین امضاگیری برای لیست گذاری سپاه فعالانه شرکت کنید :

‏⁦ http://chng.it/crbJmMZdPT
‏و در پخش آن در توییتر ، واتساپ ، مسنجر، تلگرام ، ایمیل همکاری کنید. سپاس از شما
‏⁧ #انحلال_سپاه_پاسداران⁩ ⁧ #سپاه_تروریستی_پاسداران⁩ ⁦ #BlacklistIRGC⁩ ⁦ #IRGCterorrists⁩ ⁦ #IranChemicalAttacks⁩ ⁦ #IranProtests

سپاسگزاریم از «جنی ونهامر» و دیگر فمن‌های سوئدی و فرانسوی که با انتشار تصاویری از جنبش پورنوپولیتیک ایرانارشیست‌ها که پیش‌تر برای آزادی زندانیان سیاسی برگزار شده بود، آن هم همزمان با صدور حکم اعدام سه پارتی‌سان زندانی، به حمایت از زندانیان ایرانارشیست و بایکوت انتصابات پرداختند.


Boycott Sharia! #IranProtests

Boycott the Islamic Republic.
Yesterday, 21.02.2020, the islamist horror and terror regime since 41 years in Iran held fake elections. Sham elections, because all who do not obey in Iran are imprisoned and/or murdered, and therefore the free people of Iran will not obey Khamenei, and therefore boycotted the ”elections”.

November 2019 more than thousand free-thinkers were executed in Iran, but one day the demonstrations will bring down the regime forever and the truth will be public, instead as today when only lies are public.

The deadline for closing the polling booths on Friday was repeatedly extended, with pro-government sources claiming the pools were kept open until midnight to cope with high turnout.

The turnout was that 75% of the population did NOT vote. Instead Iran’s people chose #ElectionBoycott2020 and #NoVote4Terrorists. #RedInkBoycott

Enough is enough.
Enough of lies, enough of oppression, torture, murder..
Enough gender apartheid, enough of imprisonment of political activists.

Release all political prisoners now!! #IRDetainees

Enough of Islamic laws.
Down with the mullahs!
Down with masters and slavery.
and fuck Putin who is supporting the mullahs,
and enough of the stupid Trump too!

Iranian Anarchists IA have said no to the elections,
Femen-style, using their naked bodies as their weapon, saying ”show your naked body as a protest against the mullahs”, because as long as we don’t own our bodies, we are all political prisoners.

In a country where you can be killed for photos like these, we applaud the brave people who find creative ways to express activism, and salute the activists who like Femen recognize our bodies as political, writing political messages on our bare skin.

Indeed it’s the weapon the islamists fear the most - us not covering in fear of their god, their prophet, their politics and their moral police. Like this we can all together say no to censorship and Islamic fundamentalism. Like this we can fuck Khamenei.

Iranian Anarchists say;
every political prisoner is my brother and sister.

Shared in support and solidarity from FEMEN.

FEMEN on facebook


FEMEN on Instagram:
