“จะมีประโยชน์อะไรหากต้องทนทุกข์"“จะมีประโยชน์อะไรหากต้องทนทุกข์" 66352470 “จะมีประโยชน์อะไรหากต้องทนทุกข์"
what time is it? oh it's 4 am are the comments updating for you? I'll request again oh?? request?
.BTS_twt's "Proof" ranks at 56 on Billboard 200 Year-End Chart for 2022 and at 1 on the World Albums Year-End Chart!.BTS_twt's "Proof" ranks 304901534 .BTS_twt's "Proof" ranks at 56 on Billboard 200 Year-End Chart
marriage? *laughs* idk someday...? i'm too busy to think about that right now ah i still see comments like this.. "is there anyone behind you?"... isn't this quite old/out of trend now??
"Caminando en línea recta no puede llegar uno muy lejos." Antoine de Sant-Exupèry