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Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

The Digital Services Act – what next?

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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The coming weeks will be fundamental for the DSA to take shape, as the European Commission is working on secondary legislation to define critical provisions of the regulation, and large online platforms are taking their first steps toward compliance. EURACTIV caught up with Mathias Vermeulen, Public Policy Director at AWO, and Asha Allen, Advocacy Director in the Europe office of the Center for Democracy and Technology, to discuss some of the most crucial open questions on the DSA implementation.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Can ‘we the people’ keep AI in check?

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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From the source:

Technologist and researcher Aviv Ovadya isn’t sure that generative AI can be governed, but he thinks the most plausible means of keeping it in check might just be entrusting those who will be impacted by AI to collectively decide on the ways to curb it.

That means you; it means me. It’s the power of large networks of individuals to problem solve faster and more equitably than a small group of individuals might do alone (including, say, in Washington). It’s essentially relying on the wisdom of crowds, and it’s happening in many fields, including scientific research, business, politics, and social movements.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Tech Brief: AI Act delayed, digital diplomacy ambitions

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“‘Artificial Intelligence system’ (AI system) means an engineered or machine-based system that can, for a given set of objectives, generate output such as content, predictions, recommendations, or decisions influencing real or virtual environments. AI systems are designed to operate with varying levels of autonomy.”

-AI Shadow Meeting Agenda 10/02/2023

Read the full article
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

From Schneier on Security - Defending against AI Lobbyists

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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When is it time to start worrying about artificial intelligence interfering in our democracy? Maybe when an AI writes a letter to The New York Times opposing the regulation of its own technology.

That happened last month. And because the letter was responding to an essay we wrote, we’re starting to get worried. And while the technology can be regulated, the real solution lies in recognizing that the problem is human actors—and those we can do something about.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Digital identity: Web Key Directory as a possible solution

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Digital identity: the challenges

The topic of digital identity is broad and has involved intense debate over the past few years with the production of numerous contributions.

In Europe, the “proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 as regards the establishment of a framework for a European digital identity” better known as eIDAS 2, was published in June 2021.

This proposed regulation is an evolution of the EU Regulation 910/2014, eIDAS (electronic IDentification, Authentic and trust Services) and stipulates that by 2024 every EU member state will have to make a digital identity wallet (Digital Identity Wallet) available to every citizen who wants it.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Identità digitale: Web Key Directory come possibile soluzione

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Identità digitale: le sfide

Il tema dell’identità digitale è ampio e ha comportato nel corso degli ultimi anni un intenso dibattito con la produzione di numerosi contributi.

In Europa, a giugno del 2021 è stata pubblicata la “proposta di REGOLAMENTO DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO E DEL CONSIGLIO che modifica il regolamento (UE) n. 910/2014 per quanto riguarda l’istituzione di un quadro per un’identità digitale europea”, meglio nota come eIDAS 2.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Why Twitter’s decision to charge for data access could risk EU fines

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Twitter’s decision to revoke access to their free API will severely disrupt public interest projects worldwide. It’s an irresponsible decision that would disadvantage non-profits, journalists, and academia and could also be at odds with EU regulations.

Lena-Maria Böswald is a Programme Officer for Digital Democracy at Democracy Reporting International, a non-profit organisation promoting democracy worldwide.

Two weeks ago, out of the blue, Twitter’s development team announced in a thread that the platform would no longer provide free access to its developer application programming interface (API) (both v2 and v1.1) starting February 9. Instead, a paid basic tier replacing all previous access levels will be made available for 100 $ per month that offers low-level access.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Scam authenticator app advertising on App Store: Sends all your QR codes to the developer

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Twitter’s latest bonehead move has led to a flurry of scam authenticator apps, with at least one of them using App Store advertising to figure prominently in search results – and then sending all scanned QR codes to the developer’s analytics service.

There’s a whole array of others that appear to be free but then require in-app purchases in order to scan QR codes …
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Sensitive US military emails spill online

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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The U.S. Department of Defense secured an exposed server on Monday that was spilling internal U.S. military emails to the open internet for the past two weeks.

The exposed server was hosted on Microsoft’s Azure government cloud for Department of Defense customers, which uses servers that are physically separated from other commercial customers and as such can be used to share sensitive but unclassified government data. The exposed server was part of an internal mailbox system storing about three terabytes of internal military emails, many pertaining to U.S. Special Operations Command, or USSOCOM, the U.S. military unit tasked with conducting special military operations.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Boosting enforcement and cooperation - EDPB sets out priorities

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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The EDPB has adopted its new work programme, setting out its priorities and putting the Board’s strategic objectives into practice.

The EDPB will continue to prioritise enforcement building on initiatives such as the Coordinated Enforcement Framework, cases of strategic importance, and the Support Pool of Experts. In addition, the EDPB will keep developing guidance to support and encourage Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) to use of the full range of cooperation tools at their disposal, such as on the mutual assistance duty.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Data Act: EU Council closes in on trade secrets, compensation

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The Swedish presidency of the EU Council circulated the fifth compromise text on the Data Act, obtained by EURACTIV, introducing the possibility of refusing data-sharing requests if they risk causing severe economic harm.

The Data Act is a flagship legislation to regulate how industrial data is ported, accessed and shared. The European Parliament will formalise its position on the file by mid-March. Sweden, which holds the rotating presidency of the Council of EU ministers, is striving for a similar timeline, with text close to final.

The compromise will be discussed next Tuesday (28 February) at a meeting of the Telecom Working Party, a technical body of the EU Council that prepares the groundwork for ministerial approval in the legislative procedure.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Generative AI is coming for the lawyers

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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David Wakeling, head of London-based law firm Allen & Overy's markets innovation group, first came across law-focused generative AI tool Harvey in September 2022. He approached OpenAI, the system’s developer, to run a small experiment. A handful of his firm’s lawyers would use the system to answer simple questions about the law, draft documents, and take first passes at messages to clients.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Hackers attack websites of Italian firms and institutions

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(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 22 - A series of Italian companies' and institutions' sites are in the cross-hairs of hackers from the pro-Russian collective NoName057, who claimed the action on their Telegram profiles.
The Ddos-type attack started Tuesday on the occasion of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's visit to Kyiv.
"Italy will provide Ukraine with its sixth military assistance package," they write on their channels, citing the Prime Minister's press conference and adding, "we will continue our fascinating journey through Russophobic Italy." (ANSA).
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Attacco hacker a siti di aziende e istituzioni italiane

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Una serie di siti di aziende e istituzioni italiane sono nel mirino degli hacker del collettivo filorusso NoName057, che ha rivendicato l'azione sui propri profili Telegram.

L'attacco, di tipo Ddos, è partito nella giornata di ieri in occasione della visita della premier Giorgia Meloni a Kiev.

"L'Italia fornirà all'Ucraina il sesto pacchetto di assistenza militare", scrivono sui propri canali citando la conferenza stampa della presidente del Consiglio e aggiungendo: "continueremo il nostro affascinante viaggio attraverso l'Italia russofoba".

L'attacco riguarda diversi siti: il collettivo cita quello del ministero degli Esteri e dell'Interno, dei Carabinieri, della banca Bper, del gruppo A2a e del ministero della Difesa (quest'ultimo sarebbe stato attaccato ieri). Fonti investigative italiane confermano l'attacco anche se, sottolineano, i sistemi di difesa delle aziende e delle istituzioni sono riusciti a mitigare le conseguenze dell'azione al punto che la maggior parte dei siti è comunque raggiungibile. Tra i domini presi di mira ci sarebbero anche quelli del portale per la carta d'identità, quello del ministero delle politiche agricole e quello del gruppo Tim.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

New Lemmy upgrade to version 0.17.2

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Yesterday it was released the Lemmy upgrade to version 0.17.2 which solved some issues.
Kudos to and and thank you for your great work!
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

EDPS to pilot the use of Open Source Software

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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In February 2023, the EDPS has started piloting the use of the Open Source Software Nextcloud and LibreOffice Online. Together, they offer the possibility to share files, send messages, make video calls, and allows collaborative drafting, in a secured cloud environment.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Commission strengthens cybersecurity and suspends the use of TikTok on its corporate devices

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To increase its cybersecurity, the Commission's Corporate Management Board has decided to suspend the use of the TikTok application on its corporate devices and on personal devices enrolled in the Commission mobile device service. This measure aims to protect the Commission against cybersecurity threats and actions which may be exploited for cyber-attacks against the corporate environment of the Commission. The security developments of other social media platforms will also be kept under constant review.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Report details how Big Tech is leaning on EU not to regulate general purpose AIs

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It’s still pretty early in the year but the disruptive power of general purpose AI (GPAI) already looks cemented as the big tech story of 2023, with tech giants including Microsoft and Google duking it out to fast-follow OpenAI’s viral conversational chatbot, ChatGPT by productizing large language models (LLM) in interfaces of their own — such as OpenAI investor Microsoft’s search with AI combo, New Bing; or Google’s conversational search offering, Bard AI, shown off in preview earlier this month as it’s scrambled to respond to Remond’s challenge to the online search cash-cow.