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Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

EU Council clarifies Cyber Resilience Act’s interplay with AI Act, product safety

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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The Swedish presidency of the EU Council has circulated a new compromise text, obtained by EURACTIV, touching upon the relation with other EU laws, the notifying authorities, enforcement and penalties.

The Cyber Resilience Act is a legislative proposal to introduce baseline cybersecurity requirements for connected devices going through the ordinary legislative process.

The partial compromise results from the discussion held on 15 February in a meeting of the Horizontal Working Party on Cyber Issues, a technical body of the EU Council of ministers. The new document will be discussed at a technical meeting on Wednesday (1 March).

The changes to the text are not particularly significant, signalling that the discussions in the Council might not be mature enough to tackle more sensitive issues like the delegated powers of the European Commission and the timeline for the regulation’s entry into force.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Digital Markets Act: the second stakeholders workshops on the interoperability organized by the EU Commission

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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On 2/2/2023, the DMA stakeholder workshop on "Interoperability between messaging services" was held, and we participated online.

The focus of the event was explicitly Article 7 of the DMA.

A brief background on the DMA is necessary.

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) is the "REGULATION (EU) 2022/1925 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of September 14, 2022 on fair and contestable markets in the digital sector and amending Directives (EU) 2019/1937 and (EU) 2020/1828 (Digital Markets Regulation)."

The DMA, published on 12/10/2022 in the Official Journal of the European Union, according to Article 54, entered into force on 1/11/2022 and applies as of May 2, 2023.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Digital Markets Act: il secondo workshop degli stakeholder sull'interoperabilità organizzato dalla Commissione UE

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Il 27/2/2023 si è tenuto il DMA stakeholder workshop on "Interoperability between messaging services" e abbiamo partecipato online.

Il focus dell'evento era specificamente l'art. 7 del DMA.

È necessaria una breve premessa sul DMA.

Il Digital Markets Act (DMA) è il "REGOLAMENTO (UE) 2022/1925 DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO E DEL CONSIGLIO del 14 settembre 2022 relativo a mercati equi e contendibili nel settore digitale e che modifica le direttive (UE) 2019/1937 e (UE) 2020/1828 (regolamento sui mercati digitali)".

Il DMA, pubblicato il 12/10/2022 nella Gazzetta ufficiale dell’Unione europea, ai sensi dell'articolo 54, è entrato in vigore il 1/11/2022 e si applica a decorrere dal 2 maggio 2023.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Opinion 5/2023 on the European Commission Draft Implementing Decision on the adequate protection of personal data under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework

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Opinion 5/2023 on the European Commission Draft Implementing Decision on the adequate protection of personal data under the EU-US Data Privacy Framework from the European Data Protection Board

We updated with that content our "Privacy Resources"
(Documents => European Data Protection Board - EDPB => Opinions)

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Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Parere 5/2023 sul progetto di decisione di esecuzione della Commissione europea sull'adeguata protezione dei dati personali nell'ambito del quadro normativo UE-USA sulla privacy dei dati.

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Parere 5/2023 sul progetto di decisione di esecuzione della Commissione europea sull'adeguata protezione dei dati personali nell'ambito del quadro normativo UE-USA sulla privacy dei dati dal Comitato Europeo per la protezione dei dati (CEPD)

Abbiamo aggiornato con questo contenuto il nostro "Privacy Resource".
(Documenti => Comitato Europeo per la protezione dei dati (CEPD) => Pareri)

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Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

How the AI Act could unintentionally impact access to healthcare

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises to support humans daily, assist with routine tasks, and advance human knowledge. It has great potential to improve patient outcomes and healthcare systems.

Alexander Olbrechts is Director Digital Health at MedTech Europe.

AI solutions are found in wearables or imaging devices that help predict heart failures, continuously monitor glucose levels, skin cancer self-scanning solutions, or personalised apps that provide ad-hoc counselling to help change health-related behaviour. It is also used in robot-assisted surgeries and to optimise clinical trials by using real-world data in patient recruitment. A recent study commissioned by MedTech Europe showed that AI in healthcare could save around 400 000 lives annually and up to 200 billion Euros in Europe.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

EU Governments bet on Nextcloud to replace SharePoint

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Proprietary SaaS plaforms like Sharepoint and MS 365 have become major cash cows, and on-premises solutions get discontinued across the tech sector to force customers into vendor-locked clouds. Organizations dealing with critical or sensitive data respond by looking to maintain their strategic autonomy by deploying on premises solutions. In collaboration with a number of European government organizations, the market leader in the open source, on-premises collaboration space today announces the expansion of it’s offering to provide a full SharePoint replacement, complete with migration services. Showing the strong trend towards digital sovereignty, the announcement comes shortly after the highest EU Data Protection authority, the EDPS, announced they deploy and recommend Nextcloud.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

What to expect from the EU’s Cyber Solidarity Act

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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The legislative initiative made its first appearance on Tuesday (28 February) in the updated version of the European Commission’s work programme but has been in the making for one year. Here is what to expect.

In March 2022, with Europe still reeling from the news of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, EU ministers gathered in Nevers, France, and discussed the idea of boosting European countries’ capacity to face large-scale cyber-attacks for the first time.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Digital Services Act: Commission sets rules on supervisory fees for very large online platforms and very large online search engines

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Under the Digital Services Act (DSA), the Commission is empowered to impose a fee on providers under its supervision, which is expected to be levied for the first time in autumn 2023.  Today, the Commission has set the detailed rules and procedures for such supervisory fees to be levied.
graphic representing a computer network
iStock photo Getty images plus
The delegated regulation aims to provide legal certainty to the service providers designated as Very Large Online Platforms (VLOPs) or Very Large Online Search Engines (VLOSEs) under the DSA. It specifies the methodology and procedures to calculate and levy the supervisory fee, provides further details on the calculation of the overall estimated costs to be covered with the levied fees and on the determination of the individual fees.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Newsletter XMPP di febbraio 2023 - versione italiana

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Benvenuti alla Newsletter XMPP, è un piacere avervi di nuovo qui! Questo numero copre il mese di dicembre 2022 e gennaio 2023. Questo è il primo numero dopo una meritata pausa invernale! Grazie a tutti i nostri lettori e a tutti i collaboratori!

Come questa newsletter, molti progetti e i loro sforzi nella comunità XMPP sono il risultato del lavoro volontario delle persone. Se sei contento dei servizi e del software che stai usando, specialmente nella situazione attuale, per favore considera di dire grazie o di aiutare questi progetti! Sei interessato a sostenere il team della newsletter? Leggi di più in fondo.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

The XMPP Newsletter February 2023

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Welcome to the XMPP Newsletter, great to have you here again! This issue covers the month of February 2023. Many thanks to all our readers and all contributors!
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Consumer protection: WhatsApp agrees to comply fully with EU rules, informing users better and respecting their choices on contract updates

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Following a dialogue with EU consumer protection authorities and the European Commission (CPC network), WhatsApp committed to being more transparent on changes to its terms of service. Moreover, the company will make it easier for users to reject updates when they disagree with them, and will clearly explain when such rejection leads the user to no longer be able to use WhatsApp's services. Also, WhatsApp confirmed that users' personal data are not shared with third-parties or other Meta companies - including Facebook - for advertising purposes. The dialogue was coordinated by the Swedish Consumer Agency and the Irish Competition and Consumer Protection Commission and facilitated by the Commission.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Hacker filorussi ancora in azione: colpiti i siti di CSM, MLPS e Carabinieri

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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NoName057 (16), il gruppo di hacker filorussi che lo scorso febbraio ha lanciato una serie di attacchi informatici ai siti web del Ministero dell’Interno, a quello del Ministero degli Esteri, a quello dei Carabinieri e a quelli di alcune società private, ha rivendicato anche l'attacco DDos, attualmente ancora in atto, ai danni dei siti web del Consiglio superiore della magistratura e del Ministero del lavoro e delle politiche sociali. A questi, proprio in questi minuti, si sarebbe aggiunto nuovamente quello dei Carabinieri.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

EU watchdog: Online child abuse draft law creates ‘illusion of legality’

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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In a closed-door meeting with EU lawmakers, the European Data Protection Supervisor criticised the proposal to fight Child Sexual Abuse Material as trying to mask breaches of fundamental rights.

The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), the authority responsible for advising EU institutions on privacy matters, took an outspoken, critical stance on the draft law in a joint opinion with the European Data Protection Board.

When the European Commission published the proposal to fight the dissemination of Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) in May, it was criticised as the legislation includes the possibility for judges to issue detection orders for interpersonal communication services.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Data Act: EU Council insists on trade secret protection in semi-final text

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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The new compromise on the draft data law, seen by EURACTIV, further refines the protection of trade secrets and clarifies the relationship with data protection rules and the application of the cloud-switching provisions.

The Swedish presidency shared the sixth compromise text on the Data Act on Wednesday (8 March), with the view of discussing it on 14 March at the Telecom Working Party, a technical body of the EU Council.

The Data Act is a flagship legislative proposal intended to regulate how data is shared, accessed and ported. If no significant opposition is raised next week, the presidency’s text will land on the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER) table on 22 March.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Identità digitale europea (e-ID): accesso online ai servizi chiave

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Che cos'è l'identità digitale europea?
L'identità digitale europea (e-ID) permette la reciproca identificazione transfrontaliera dei sistemi di identificazione elettronica nazionali. Questo consente ai cittadini europei di identificarsi online senza doversi rivolgere a fornitori commerciali.

L'identità digitale consente inoltre ai cittadini europei di accedere ai servizi online di altri Stati membri dell'UE tramite il semplice utilizzo della propria carta d'identità elettronica nazionale.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

European Digital Identity: easy online access to key services

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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What is the European Digital Identity?

The European Digital Identity (eID) enables the mutual recognition of national electronic identification schemes across borders. It allows EU citizens to identify and authenticate themselves online without having to resort to commercial providers. It also allows people to access online services from other EU countries using their national electronic identity card.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

DSA: Making the online world safer

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Find out how the DSA can make the online world safer and protect your fundamental rights.
DSA text on a blue and purple background

Are you curious to know about how the EU protects you online? New rules introduced in the DSA will work to create a fairer and safer online world.

There are many ways to spend time and find information online, whether you are connecting with friends, browsing social media or like three-quarters of the EU population, doing some online shopping.

But, how confident are you of the sources you are buying from? Do you know why you are being recommended certain products? And what happens when our connections online turn sour, or if your content gets blocked on social media with no explanation?

These are all questions that the European Union is addressing to make sure the digital world is safe and fair for all of us.
