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Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

TechDispatch #1/2023 - Central Bank Digital Currency

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Countries around the world are examining whether they should offer central bank money to the public not only as banknotes and coins, but also in digital form.

The fact that the majority of central banks around the world have already started exploring the possibility of launching a state-owned digital currency comes as a response to the increased adoption of digital, contactless payments, cryptocurrencies and e-commerce, further accelerated by Covid-19, b and also due to the possibilities offered by these digital currencies as a more flexible monetary tool compared to the existing non-digital currency.

Privacy, the protection of personal data and security are amongst the most important requirements, which impact the core design choices to be taken, as well as expected citizens’ trust and acceptance.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter

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AI systems with human-competitive intelligence can pose profound risks to society and humanity, as shown by extensive research[1] and acknowledged by top AI labs.[2] As stated in the widely-endorsed Asilomar AI Principles, Advanced AI could represent a profound change in the history of life on Earth, and should be planned for and managed with commensurate care and resources. Unfortunately, this level of planning and management is not happening, even though recent months have seen AI labs locked in an out-of-control race to develop and deploy ever more powerful digital minds that no one – not even their creators – can understand, predict, or reliably control.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Aziende e gestione dei dati, solo il 15% è a prova di futuro

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Solo una minoranza (15%) delle aziende soddisfa attualmente i criteri per essere definite "Data Leader". Il dato emerge da un report commissionato da Lenovo, ‘Data for Humanity’, realizzato attraverso interviste a executive di aziende con un fatturato pari o superiore a 500 milioni di dollari presenti in cinque paesi diversi, che ha analizzato come le più grandi imprese globali valorizzino i dati e quali siano le opportunità di utilizzarli per raggiungere i propri obiettivi e ottenere benefici in un contesto di mercato estremamente competitivo. I Data Leader sono un gruppo d'élite di aziende che hanno messo in atto strategie di successo basate su tre pilastri fondamentali: Data Management, Data Analytics e Data Security, che consentono un utilizzo più efficace dei dati in tutte le funzioni aziendali. Queste imprese incentrate sui dati hanno conseguentemente riscontrato numerosi di vantaggi e negli ultimi 12 mesi hanno aumentato con successo i ricavi (78%) e migliorato la soddisfazione dei clienti (70%). I Data Leader hanno anche molte meno probabilità di subire gli effetti di una scarsa produttività dei dipendenti (13%) e di una riduzione del tasso di innovazione (10%).

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Privacy Resources - Documenti aggiornati

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Abbiamo aggiornato i documenti su - le nostre risorse sulla privacy @privacyresources - con gli ultimi documenti pubblicati.
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Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Messaging Layer Security: Secure and Usable End-to-End Encryption

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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The IETF has approved publication of Messaging Layer Security (MLS), a new standard for end-to-end security that will make it easy for apps to provide the highest level of security to their users. End-to-end encryption is an increasingly important security feature in Internet applications. It keeps users’ information safe even if the cloud service they’re using has been breached.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

AI Act: European Parliament headed for key committee vote at end of April

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EU lawmakers in the leading European Parliament committees are voting on the political agreement on the AI Act on 26 April, with many questions being settled but a few critical issues still open.

The AI Act is a landmark EU proposal to regulate Artificial Intelligence based on its potential to cause harm. The European Parliament is set to finalise its position on the file by May to quickly enter into negotiations with the EU Council and Commission in the so-called trilogues.

The discussions on the AI regulation have taken longer than expected due to political infighting in the Parliament, which resulted in a co-lead of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection committee (IMCO) and Civil Liberties committee (LIBE).

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Italy orders ChatGPT blocked citing data protection concerns

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Two days after an open letter called for a moratorium on more powerful generative AI models being developed so regulators can catch up with the likes of ChatGPT, Italy’s data protection authority has just put out a timely reminder that some countries do have laws that already apply to cutting edge AI — by ordering OpenAI to stop processing people’s data locally with immediate effect.

The Italian DPA said it’s concerned ChatGPT’s maker is breaching the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Specifically, the Guarante said it has issued the order to block ChatGPT over concerns OpenAI has unlawfully processed people’s data — and also over the lack of any system to prevent minors from accessing the tech.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Intelligenza artificiale: il Garante blocca ChatGPT. Raccolta illecita di dati personali. Assenza di sistemi per la verifica dell’età dei minori

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Intelligenza artificiale: il Garante blocca ChatGPT
Raccolta illecita di dati personali. Assenza di sistemi per la verifica dell’età dei minori

Stop a ChatGPT finché non rispetterà la disciplina privacy. Il Garante per la protezione dei dati personali ha disposto, con effetto immediato, la limitazione provvisoria del trattamento dei dati degli utenti italiani nei confronti di OpenAI, la società statunitense che ha sviluppato e gestisce la piattaforma. L’Autorità ha contestualmente aperto un’istruttoria.

ChatGPT, il più noto tra i software di intelligenza artificiale relazionale in grado di simulare ed elaborare le conversazioni umane, lo scorso 20 marzo aveva subito una perdita di dati (data breach) riguardanti le conversazioni degli utenti e le informazioni relative al pagamento degli abbonati al servizio a pagamento.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Cyber Resilience Act: Leading MEP proposes flexible lifetime, narrower reporting

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The EU lawmaker spearheading the Cyber Resilience Act has produced a draft report pitching the removal of time obligations for products’ lifetime and limiting the scope of reporting to significant incidents, among other significant changes.

The Cyber Resilience Act is a draft law introducing cybersecurity requirements for Internet of Things products (IoT), connected devices that can exchange data. The European Parliament’s rapporteur Nicola Danti circulated his draft report, seen by EURACTIV, with the other political groups on Friday (31 March).

While Danti maintained the overall scope of the regulation, he simplified the language, stating that the requirements apply to all connected devices “that can have a direct or indirect data connection to a device or network”.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

UK privacy regulator fines TikTok £12.7m for children’s data violations

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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The UK’s data protection authority sanctioned TikTok £12.7 million for multiple data law violations, including the unlawful use of children’s personal data.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) announced the fine on Tuesday (4 April) after concluding an investigation into potential breaches by the company of the UK’s data protection regime.

The inquiry found multiple infractions by the video-sharing platform, including some related to processing data belonging to children under the age of 13. An additional charge set out in the ICO’s prior notice of intent was dropped, however, reducing the original fine from £27 million to nearly £13 million.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

TikTok hit with $15.7M UK fine for misusing children’s data

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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TikTok has been issued with a fine of £12.7 million (~$15.7M) for breaching UK data protection law, including rules intended to protect children.

The privacy watchdog, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), announced today that it found the video sharing site “did not do enough” to check who was using their platform and failed to take sufficient action to remove the underage children that were using the service.

Per the ICO, TikTok had an estimated 1.4 million underage UK users during a two-year period, between May 2018 and July 2020 — which its investigation was focused on — contrary to terms of service stating users must be 13 or older.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

TikTok: multa da 12,7 milioni di sterline da Authority Uk per utilizzo dei dati dei bambini

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Il social network cinese TikTok è stato multato per 12,7 milioni di sterline (14,5 milioni di euro) dall’Ico, l’Information Commissioner’s Office, l’autorità britannica di regolamentazione dei dati digitali, per uso “illegale” dei dati personali dei bambini. In particolare, l’Ico stima che TikTok, soggetta recentemente a restrizioni in diversi Paesi, abbia consentito a fino a 1,4 milioni di minori sotto i 13 anni nel Regno Unito di aprire un account sulla sua piattaforma nel 2020, contrariamente a quanto previsto dalle sue regole ufficiali. Inoltre l’Authority contesta l’utilizzo dei dati senza il consenso dei genitori.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

EDPB adopted letter to EU institutions on data sharing for AML/CFT purposes

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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During its latest plenary, the EDPB adopted a letter to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission on data sharing for anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) purposes. This letter highlights the significant risks to privacy and data protection posed by some amendments introduced by the Council, which would allow private entities, under certain conditions, to share personal data between each other for AML/CFT purposes concerning “suspicious transactions” and data collected in the course of performing customer due diligence obligations.

The EDPB expresses serious concerns about the lawfulness, necessity and proportionality of these provisions, which could result in very large-scale processing by private entities. The EDPB considers that the amendments do not adequately specify the conditions under which such processing is justified, and that they do not provide sufficient safeguards, given that such processing could have a significant impact on individuals, such as blacklisting and exclusion from financial services. The EDPB therefore recommends the co-legislators not to include these provisions in the final text of the Proposal.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

The XMPP Newsletter March 2023

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Welcome to the XMPP Newsletter, great to have you here again! This issue covers the month of March 2023. Many thanks to all our readers and all contributors!

Like this newsletter, many projects and their efforts in the XMPP community are a result of people’s voluntary work. If you are happy with the services and software you may be using, please consider saying thanks or help these projects! Interested in supporting the Newsletter team? Read more at the bottom.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Newsletter XMPP di marzo 2023 - versione italiana

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Benvenuti alla Newsletter XMPP, è un piacere avervi di nuovo qui! Questo numero copre il mese di marzo 2023. Grazie a tutti i nostri lettori e a tutti i collaboratori!

Come questa newsletter, molti progetti e i loro sforzi nella comunità XMPP sono il risultato del lavoro volontario delle persone. Se siete soddisfatti dei servizi e del software che utilizzate, vi invitiamo a ringraziare o ad aiutare questi progetti! Siete interessati a sostenere il team della newsletter? Leggi di più in fondo.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

DATA BREACH: 1,000,000+ Financial Records Exposed in Data Incident Involving Fintech Company

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Cybersecurity researcher Jeremiah Fowler discovered and reported to WebsitePlanet a non-password protected database that contained a large number of PDF documents.

The PDF documents that were made public included invoices from both individuals and businesses who used an app to pay for products and services. The invoices contained names, email addresses and physical addresses, phone numbers, and more. In addition, the documents also included notes about what the payment was for, the total amount, due date, and some even contained tax information such as a tax id number.

Upon further research, it was identified that the database belonged to NorthOne Bank, a financial technology company that is used by over 320,000 American businesses (based on information on their website). It is worth noting that NorthOne is not a full service bank. Banking services to NorthOne Bank are provided by The Bancorp Bank, which is also a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), a government agency that provides deposit insurance to financial institutions. NorthOne Bank has offices in New York, USA and Toronto, Canada and its services are available throughout North America.
Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Italian Watchdog Issues a List of To-Dos to Lift ChatGPT Ban

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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OpenAI finally received a primary to-do list to get the ChatGPT ban lifted in Italy. The data protection watchdog of the country has updated OpenAI on what it needs to do to get over the suspension that ChatGPT received at the end of March. It’s being said that this AI language module breached the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Given this allegation, Italy’s data protection department banned OpenAI’s ChatGPT, preventing the tool from processing locals’ data.

OpenAI, however, took the order seriously and implemented geoblocking to prevent Italian users from accessing ChatGPT. The CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, posted a confirmation tweet after halting ChatGPT’s services in Italy. In the said tweet, the CEO mentioned that they are abiding by all privacy laws.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

ChatGPT, il Garante della privacy offre la possibilità di mettersi in regola

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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OpenAI avrà tempo fino al 30 aprile per adempiere alle prescrizioni imposte dal Garante per la protezione dei dati personali riguardo a informativa, diritti degli interessati, utenti e non utenti, base giuridica del trattamento dei dati personali per l’addestramento degli algoritmi con i dati degli utenti.

Solo allora, venendo meno le ragioni di urgenza, l’Autorità sospenderà il provvedimento di limitazione provvisoria del trattamento dei dati degli utenti italiani preso nei confronti della società statunitense e ChatGPT potrà tornare accessibile dall’Italia.

A riferirlo è l’Aurorità italiana spiegando che entro fine aprile la società dovrà dunque adottare una serie di misure concrete.

L’Autorità spiega che OpenAI dovrà “predisporre e rendere disponibile sul proprio sito un’informativa trasparente, in cui siano illustrate modalità e logica alla base del trattamento dei dati necessari al funzionamento di ChatGPT nonché i diritti attribuiti agli utenti e agli interessati non utenti”. L’informativa dovrà essere “facilmente accessibile e collocata in una posizione che ne consenta la lettura prima di procedere all’eventuale registrazione al servizio”.

Privacy Community in the #Fediverse

Opinion: AI and mental healthcare

submitted by nicfab to privacy
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has altered the area of mental health in several ways, most notably in the development of tailored treatment regimens for people with mental health disorders. One of the more recent areas of interest for AI is psychology, specifically mental health. As AI expands its reach, it is becoming increasingly important for psychologists, therapists and counsellors to comprehend the technology’s current capabilities and future promise to revolutionise mental healthcare.
