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Bring us death when our forehead is on the ground,
the sunnah in our heart,
you are on our mind,
quran on our tongue,
and tears on our eyes.
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Forwarded from Mufti Menk
Whatever happens, keep moving. The ups & downs, the love & hate, the good & bad. They come & they go. That's our journey. We'll get there!
Forwarded from Islamic Reminders
Forwarded from IFTTT
The best way to defeat the “What if” question is to just do it. When you do it, two things can happen: either you succeed or you fail. Both are good! If you succeed, you got what you wanted. If you fail, you don’t have to wonder “What if” anymore. You can be at peace.
Forwarded from Mufti Menk
Bury your ego. Get it out of the way. Learn to be compassionate instead. Live from your heart. You'll end up a much happier person.
Forwarded from Mufti Menk
Many times things happen which you don't understand. You feel discouraged by the twists & turns in life. They're all a part of His plan.
Forwarded from Mufti Menk
Don't be a show off. Question your intention before doing a deed. Do good away from the public eye. The rewards from Him are greater.
♦️How many times a day should we remember this Hadith, AND act upon it?

Nothing is impossible for Allah.
Pour your heart out to Him and ask whatever you need from Him.
He can and He will take care of you.

Credit : islamify

Credit : iman azman

Feeling unappreciated?
Take solace in knowing that reward from your Lord is infinitely more valuable than recognition and gratitude from people

-Saad Tasleem-

Credit : officialmizznina

Forwarded from Mufti Menk
Don't fool ourselves & think we have all the time in the world. We don't. Do good as much as possible. You never know when the time is up!
Forwarded from Islamic Reminders
Even if you don't see any results now,just keep putting in the effort and continue striving for His sake.
Because sometimes, the fruits of your labor can only be seen in the future or in the next generation perhaps. But know this for sure: that every single effort that you do, Allah sees it all and He misses nothing, so He will duly reward you more than you imagine. If not here, then for sure in the next world, In shaa Allah. And we all know that the reward of the Hereafter is much grander and more everlasting,right? ;)

Credit : Aida azlin (blogger/youtuber)

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Important advice by Shaykh Sulaiman Moola on how not to make hurtful comments towards others. Please share this video as it is a common habit in our communities.

Credit : @islamifyblog

Forwarded from Mufti Menk
Speak less if you can. If nothing good is going to be said, be silent. If you see something bad, advise kindly. Not in an arrogant way!
Forwarded from Islamic Reminders