Forwarded from Spirit of Liberty
Media is too big
Neil Oliver: WHO Pandemic Treaty Is the Greatest Power Grab Any of Us Has Seen in Our Lifetime

"Anyone remember voting for the World Health Organisation to take control of our lives? No? Me, neither.

And yet here we are, teetering on the brink of joining most of the countries of the world in surrendering our national sovereignty under the terms of a proposed new pandemic treaty.

Once British ink is dry on the necessary paperwork, we and most of the rest of the billions living on planet earth will, in the event of another pandemic, take our instructions not from politicians we actually voted for – and could, hypothetically at least, have the option of getting rid of – but from the unelected, faceless, bureaucrats of the WHO.

This is no conspiracy theory, by the way. No tin hats required. This is real, and happening now. And a whole lot of people would rather you weren’t paying attention …"

👉 Read more: GB News
Forwarded from Thuletide
The Great Replacement is a White supremacist conspiracy theory but Replacement Migration is necessary for Sustainability and diversity is our greatest strength!

NYT article link:

Related replacement migration infographics:
LOL. See why they faked, exaggerated and just made up the ties between Russia and nationalists in the West over the years?
There are a handful gay-operators that hold no influence or power and that no one takes seriously anymore sure …but any broader support by Russia for any legitimate nationalists in the West is absurd.

Max Boot from Washington Post writes that mainstream conservatives shares talking points with the shooter such as the great replacement and gun control.

The narrative is homogenizing quickly on the left: Merely TALKING about and recognizing the observable and real demographic replacement in the West is dangerous and should be criminalized as it MIGHT lead to violence.

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Joe Biden address the 'White supremacist' Buffalo shooter

It's all neatly packaged and convenient timing for them as they want to try to pass H.R. 350 'Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2022' and they also seek legitimization for the 'Disinformation Governance Board' who's one of the main points was over immigration and matters related to the border.
Weekend Warrior, our members show, will be dedicated to exposing how the establishment will use the shooting in Buffalo to advance their censorship and anti-White agenda. Finalizing the edits Monday, will go up ASAP to Don’t miss it.
We live in a high trust society.
Forwarded from Windsor519
See if you're u can spot the difference.
Latest Weekend Warrior out now: The Buffalo Shooting Couldn't Come At A Better Time For The Establishment, 'Great Replacement' Talk To Be Criminalized

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Henrik cover the shooting in Buffalo, New York by '4chan terrorist' Payton Gendron. A misguided young man that most likely was groomer by feds on the internet. The establishment will use this event to try to criminalize discussion about demographic replacement, anti-White policies and pass legislation that will classify White nationalism as domestic terrorism.
Media is too big
Abortion, Dysgenics, Collapse & Drama - Jim Goad

#Show #Interview