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No-Go Zone: Liberal Spergs Shouldn’t Define Your Position On Elon Musk’s Twitter Purchase

#Show #NoGoZone
Such a great gang of guys
Forwarded from mRNA DEATH TOLL (mikhail orlov)
🇨🇳🔥 No booster, no electricity?!

Translation to English:

"Ladies and gentlemen, please post a screenshot that you took the third shot of the vaccine in the group or send it in a private message. If the third shot of the vaccine is not taken, the communities water and electricity supply will be cut off. Please arrange this immediately otherwise you will be responsible for cutting off everyone's water and electricity. Thank you for cooperating. Don't cause trouble to others by cutting off the water and electricity."

ℹ️ Some netizens in Shanghai have started to screenshot these messages. It's still unclear if this is being initiated by the CCP or landlords.
Forwarded from Thuletide
Mainstream Conservatives have arrived at "far-right" talking points from 2016

Edit: not complaining btw this is a good thing
Look at how diverse the "eugenicists" at the World Economic Forum are. Does that mean that we finally can put the "they are all nazis" argument to rest when it comes to the globalists? It's globohomo that want to kill you, not some remnant of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Also, they are not into eugenics (improvement) but dysgenics (by killing the best and most capable among us) in order to gain control 👇🏻
Forwarded from The Conspiracy Hole (Brody Hyde)
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WEF India Summit 2019

Sadhguru: "They want more souls, I want less on the planet."

The Chinese government is funding lab grown fake meat under its five-year agricultural plan. So when shelves are running low you know what's on the menu. Yumm yumm.

racism solving ballet
Ah yes, "saving the planet"

Clown Evan McLaren, another lolcow that was "working" with Richard Spencer for a few years, turns his coat in the direction the wind blows and tries to disassociate from his old "bad" past as a White advocate or whatever they were.

Despite claiming the contrary in his substack post (yikes) the reason why he is doing this is to try to repair his internet search results so that liberals and leftists knows he is a "good boy" now.

He's no "Trump supporter, closet racists, or right-winger" anymore.

"I am not and never will be connected to the far-right again. My revulsion for conservatism and the political right wing is total. I reject and disavow my past actions, views, and associations."

You see, now he's cool with population replacement. Objecting to hoards of migrants coming into the West? Pffft, just a delusion. All that stuff is great. Pushing tranny propaganda on kids? He's hip to that too. That silly objection to the modern world... well that was just a dumb phase and now he's seen the light.

Forwarded from The Conspiracy Hole (Brody Hyde)
BREAKING - Biden's Department of Homeland Security to create a 'Disinformation Governance Board' for 'countering misinformation'

Nina Jankowicz, who once claimed militarized Trump supporters would show up to the polls with weapons to intimidate voters, will head the board

Forwarded from The Great Reset Times (J. Bear River)
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A "Disinformation Governance Board" is being created all by design thanks to your hero Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter. Classic Hegelian Dialect.

'A new board at the Department of Homeland Security will focus on countering misinformation and disinformation, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told lawmakers, with Wilson Center fellow Nina Jankowicz separately confirming that she would be executive director of the board.'
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🇫🇷🌲 Don't starve in a forest, learn to collect and cook cambium!

🌳 Cambium is the name given to a tissue found behind tree bark. Once properly cooked it is not only edible, but very nutritious!

🔗 Source
Hammer and Sickle flag in space 👇🏻
Forwarded from NEWS: Ukraine, Russia, Donbass
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🇷🇺In outer space, Russian cosmonauts unfurled the Banner of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Oleg Artemyev and Denis Matveev did this while working outside the ISS on the eve of Victory Day.

The video is published by Roscosmos.
Forwarded from The Conspiracy Hole (Brody Hyde)
Media is too big
In 2015 American global food corporation Cargill did a 'food chain reaction crisis simulation' that ended with a global carbon tax

In November 2015, sixty-five international public and private sectors leaders participated in Food Chain Reaction, a simulation and role-playing exercise to improve our understanding of how governments, institutions, and private sector interests might interact to address a crisis in the global food system.

Over the course of two days, the players reacted to a scenario set five years in the future in a world where population growth, rapid urbanization, extreme weather and political crises combine to threaten global food security. By collaborating, negotiating, and confronting tradeoffs, they offered new insights into our food future.

Article | Video source

Another great source is from Thuletide for more on the context to this simulation
Of COURSE the new 'Disinformation Governance Board' director lunatic Nina Jankowicz is covering for the gay-op color revolutions and George Soros involvement in Eastern Europe. "They were completely organic, natural and grass roots goy." 👇🏻