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AEX Unofficial
Android 12
by @vastrolorde



. Feb patch (12.0.0_r29)
2. SystemUI: update monet according to new sysui stub
3. SystemUI: integrate smartspace and backgesture provider
4. SystemUI: Override modulated dark QS background color
5. StatusBar: Kill old privacy indicator icons completely
6. Allow toggling camera/mic privacy indicator
7. ThemeOverlayApplier: Apply wifi and signal icon styles last
8. ThemeOverlayApplier: Apply wifi and signal icon styles last
9. SystemUI: keyguard: show additional buttons when required
10. SystemUI: Add delete action to screen recorder notification
11. KeyguardIndication: Fix glitchy charging info on lockscreen
12. SystemUI: add public setting keys for monet tunables
13. Update raven and redfin fingeprint to Feb 22
14. Set boot animation monet colors
15. SystemUI: Improve Secure QS tile behaviour toggle and etc

Group @erick_smokey

Note :
SIM configuration set in A11 should be the same in A12 too

#rom #aex

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography
AEX Unofficial
Android 12
by @vastrolorde



Device CL
Fixed sim issue for users outside India
Added soft navigation button
Fixes related to UI

Source CL
April Patch
fixup! SystemUI: Allow Wi-Fi/cell tiles to co-exist with provider model
fwb: [Bugfix] Fix the issue of transition animation splash screen in split screen mode.
Catch SQLiteFullException in AccountManagerService
unregister FileCleanupReceiver when disableHistory
Fix: "Clear All" recent app screen loop bug and many more

Group @erick_smokey

Note :
Use this TWRP

#rom #aex

@rn4downloads | @rn4official | @xiaomiot | @customization | @rn4photography