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What is a bounce rate?
A bounce rate is a percentage that shows how many users landed on a webpage and then exited the website, without having any interaction on the page. This means that they did not click any links on the page and this includes menu items and any other internal or external links.
How is the bounce rate calculated in Google Analytics?
When you have Google Analytics installed on your website, it records all actions performed on a page. Once a page is loaded for the first time, this triggers a session and a request is sent to the Google Analytics server.
When the Google analytics server does not receive a second request from the same page, then it means that the user did not interact with the page at all.
This is considered by Analytics as a single-page session and it is taken into account when calculating the bounce rate of a page.
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Page can't be found

Are you familiar with that notice? 404 page will help your visitors anytime they type wrong URL address or in fact your own page was really not exist. Tell them that's not their fault and ask them to go back to the track (homepage). You can do that by creating special page for "lost visitors" and instruct browser to find that page first anytime visitor "lost in space". Usually it is HTML code at root of your site, see this:

<a href="" title="404 page" alt="404">404</a>
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πŸ’š Ping your website link?
πŸ’š Review and Troubleshooting your website?
πŸ’š Want to test Many SEO tools for free?

Use this website, I recommend because I have tested it, some improvements can be done based on this website data reports πŸ†—βœ…
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The best website to experiment SEO tools πŸΎπŸ’šπŸ’•πŸ†“
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More free and useful SEO tools will be added soon βœŒπŸΎπŸ€
‍‍At last....

Our own domain name after one year using free plan service.

Thanks for your loyalty with us. We committed to create our own traffic exchange site soon. πŸ’šπŸ’•πŸ˜‰
One sample of our pages after upgrade domain name from free plan

We buy Google domain name for annual subscription about $12 a year.

This blog already existed since last year, we just add self hosted domain. Please be patient with us because we modify it as auto traffic exchange site soon (e.g
We need powerful software and plugin to make it happen.


Use Python for your SEO..
Why not πŸ€”πŸ€”
The Series:...
6 SEO Tasks to Automate with Python

Looking to speed up boring and repetitive SEO tasks? Here are six examples of SEO tasks that you can automate using Python scripts.

What Is Python?

Python is an open-source, object-oriented programming language.

According to, its simple, easy-to-learn syntax emphasizes readability and therefore reduces the cost of program maintenance.

It is used in natural language processing (NLP), search/crawl data analysis, and SEO tool automation.

I’m not a Python developer, so this article is not about how to build Python scripts.

Instead, it’s a list of the six SEO tasks you can automate with Python based on my experience of running repetitive and tedious tasks that took me and my team a lot of time to do:


Visibility Benchmarking

Intent Mapping

XML Sitemaps

Response Code Analysis

SEO Analysis.

... (Next)....
Here’s a closer look.

1. Implementation

One of the most common frustrations SEO agencies and consultants experience is clients not implementing their recommendations even if they are critical to improving organic performance.

Reasons vary by client, but one common cause is they simply don’t have the expertise or resources to implement those recommendations.

And that’s especially true if they have a challenging content management system.

Luckily there are solutions to help like SEO automation firm RankSense, which allows users to implement up to three priority recommendations like title tags or robots.txt and descriptions daily or weekly in content delivery network (CDN) Cloudflare.

(While RankSense currently only works with Cloudflare, they are working on adding new CDNs soon.)

Now SEO recommendations can be implemented in days instead of months.

In addition, developers are only human, which means they can sometimes make mistakes that have a major impact on SEO, like blocking the entire site because they pushed a new staging site into production without changing the robots.txt file.

RankSense, however, alerts users to errors like this and corrects them instantly so they don’t impact organic traffic.
Stay tuned πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
2. Visibility Benchmarking

Visibility benchmarking reviews a site’s current visibility against competitors and identifies the gaps in current keyword/content coverage.

It also identifies where competitors have visibility your site does not.

Typically, you can pull data with SEMrush, BrightEdge Data Cube, and other data sources.

To do this, you enter the data into Excel and organize the data by branded and non-branded keywords and in different visibility zones.

This is quite challenging if you have a lot of non-branded keywords, business lines, and competitors – and if you have multiple categories and subcategories.

Using Python scripts, however, you can automate the process and analyze cross-site traffic with overlapping keywords to capture untapped audiences and find content gaps.

This is much faster and can take only hours to do.
3. Intent Categorization

Part of the visibility benchmarking process is intent categorization, an exhausting process that used to be done manually.

For a big site with thousands or even millions of keywords, categorizing keywords by intent – See, Think, Do β€“ could be your worst nightmare and take weeks.

Now, however, it’s possible to do automated intent classification using .....
. ...deep learning relies on sophisticated neural networks.

Python is the most common language used behind the scenes due to its extensive library and adoption within the academic community.

4. XML Sitemaps

XML sitemaps are like actual maps of your website, which let Google know about the most important pages, as well as which pages it should crawl.

If you have a dynamic site with thousands or millions of pages, it could be hard to see which pages are indexed – especially if all the URLs are in one massive XML file.

Now, let’s say that you have critically important pages on your site that must be crawled and indexed at all costs.

For example, the best sellers on an ecommerce site, or the most popular destinations on a travel site.

If you mix your most important pages with other less important ones in your XML sitemaps (which is the default behavior in most CMS-generated sitemaps), you won’t be able to tell when some of your best pages are having crawling or indexing issues.

Using Python scripts, however, you can easily create custom XML sitemaps that include only the pages you are interested in keeping a close eye on to deploy on your server and submit to Google Search Console.
Don't get me wrong!

This is real python!

Not suitable for your PC πŸ’»

5. Response Code Analysis

Links are still used as a signal by Google and other search engines and remain important for improving organic visibility.

It’s about quality, not quantity.

Links should be earned by great content on your site and how that content helps people solve problems – or how it offers products that can help solve problems.

Now imagine you had a critical page on your site – one that has a lot of links and ranks for thousands of keywords – and it becomes broken or has a 302 redirect and you did not know about it until you looked at your analytics and saw a drop in traffic and revenue.

Fortunately, there is a Python script called Pylinkvalidator that can check all your URL status codes to make sure you don’t have any broken pages or pages that redirect to another URL.

The only issue with this is if you have a large site, it will take time to do unless you download some optional libraries.

6. SEO Analysis

We all love SEO tools that provide a quick analysis of a page to see any SEO issue, such as:

Does the page have a good title tag or does it have a title tag at all?

Is the meta description missing or compelling enough to get a click?

Does the page have the proper structured data?

How many words does this page have?

What are most common phrases used on this page?

This Python SEO analyzer can easily identify issues on each page that you can fix and prioritize to increase your organic performance.

Wrapping Up

Automation is helping SEO professionals save time and be more efficient so we can focus on strategy to improve our client’s organic performance.

Python is a very promising programming language that can help automate time-consuming tasks so they are done in minutes – and with no or limited programming experience required.

As Google becomes more sophisticated with advancements in machine learning over time, more and more elements will be automated.

That’s why it’s important for SEO pros to get familiar with programming languages like Python that can help give them an advantage in time and efficiency.

The End...
See you next chapter πŸ‘€ 😁
Stay tuned...
Use python for multi purpose function instead of snake 🐍🐍
Don't underestimate me otherwise you go πŸ‘‰ πŸ₯πŸ₯

Sorry.. It's a joke Bro 😁
This time needs more focused.. Please read slowly 🐒🐒
What is the H1 Tag and Why it is Important for SEO

Each page or post can have multiple headings. The <H1> HTML tag is usually used for the title of a page or post and it is the first header visible on a page. The formatting of an h1 usually differs from the rest of the header tags found on a page (h2, h3, h4).

In this post, you will learn what is a <H1> tag, why it is important for SEO and how to write a header tag that is both SEO and user-friendly.

What is an H1 tag?

Why is an H1 tag important for SEO?

H1 Tag SEO Best Practices

Examples of h1 tags

What about h2, h3, and h4 tags?

What are HTML heading tags?

What else can you do to improve your SEO?

What is an H1 tag?

The <H1> HTML tag is the first header tag visible on a page. It is used for the title of a page or post. When viewed in HTML code, the H1 value is enclosed in <h1></h1> tags.

To make the text stand out, the H1 tag is usually formatted differently than the rest of the page tags.

Look at the example below.

The H1 tag has the value of β€œOn-Page SEO” and when viewed in HTML is looks like this: <h1>On-Page SEO</h1>

The easier way to understand the use of the H1 tag is to imagine that you are writing an outline of a large document. The main title of your document will be your <H1>, your main points the <H2> and sub-points the <H3>.