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Forwarded from Tucker Carlson Network
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JUST IN: Telegram founder Pavel Durov sat down with Tucker for his first on-camera interview since 2016. In this clip, Durov talks about the pressure tactics the US government has used against him, including sending FBI agents to his home. Watch the full interview at
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Creative destruction
By Peter B. Meyer - 21 April, 2024

The facts;

• "The chaos that is developing as result from 50-year experiment with global fiat money demands a return to money of real value. We will know that day is near when oil-producing countries demand gold or its equivalent for their oil, rather than (petro)dollars or euros. The sooner the better.

• Richard Day, who told the 1969 meeting that long-established communities would be destroyed by economic crisis, mass unemployment and mass immigration.

The dam begins to burst
Creative destruction
By Peter B. Meyer - 21 April, 2024

The facts;

• "The chaos that is developing as result from 50-year experiment with global fiat money demands a return to money of real value. We will know that day is near when oil-producing countries demand gold or its equivalent for their oil, rather than (petro)dollars or euros. The sooner the better.

• Richard Day, who told the 1969 meeting that long-established communities would be destroyed by economic crisis, mass unemployment and mass immigration.

The dam begins to burst
The awakening of the masses is what the world has been waiting for. When the masses realise that the Covid pandemic has been invented to voluntarily kill off the population through vaccine poisoning, the floodgates open. People are enraged and seek revenge on any authority they can find. This is the moment the world has been waiting for.

People are not getting what they want or what they expect from the markets; they are getting what they deserve. But there is half a century of mistakes, of bad investments, of failed companies, of defaulting individuals. When so many mistakes have to be corrected, it is called a recession, and when an entire economy goes bad, as is happening, it is called a depression.

Each time the market tried to make some corrections, the central bankers came along with more printed money and easier credit. Companies that should have gone bust years ago kept digging themselves deeper into debt. Homeowners also kept taking on more debt.

• "The force of a correction is equal and opposite to the deception that preceded it."

Capitalism works through a process that the economist Joseph Schumpeter called

• "creative destruction".

It destroys mistakes to make way for new innovations and new businesses. Called, ‘Creative Destruction’.

Unfortunately, this puts it at odds with governments and what most people want. When people make mistakes, they claim to be blameless. "Who could have foreseen this crisis?" they ask. And say: "Someone else should pay for the loss".

Today the central banks, "which mismanaged their regulatory responsibilities during the bubble era, bailed out mismanaged companies to protect lenders who mismanaged their money".

As the whole world knows, the capitalist system isn't working for the United States or the world today, driving it from crisis to crisis, each more severe than the last.

The more central bankers try to delay and distract the process of 'creative destruction', the longer it takes to recover and the higher the ultimate cost.

• "The severity of a depression is inversely correlated with government efforts to stop it."

Printing money is stealing from the value of the existing currency - the money earned and saved by the people - in other words, stealing from the value of the old money.

People who have saved their hard-earned money have lost part of their purchasing power. They certainly never agreed to have their money cut off. Worse, they never knew what was happening to their money. So who will pay them back? Nobody.
25 aprile 2024

“Un treno, per cambiare direzione, deve prima fermarsi.”

L’intero pianeta investe sempre più nell’industria bellica. È il quadro desolante descritto dall’Istituto Internazionale di Ricerche sulla Pace di Stoccolma (Sipri), secondo cui tra il 2022 e il 2023 i fondi per la difesa a livello globale sono cresciuti del 6,8% e complessivamente gli Stati hanno speso 2,44 trilioni di dollari in armi.

Il POTERE ai Signori della Guerra è conferito da tutti coloro che votano alle elezioni indette dal Sistema Criminale Integrato e lo finanziano attraverso il pagamento delle tasse e delle imposte.
L’unico modo che il Popolo ha di salvarsi è non votare e non pagare più le imposte, consapevolmente.
E il Popolo Italiano ha gli strumenti giuridici e finanziari per attuarlo.
Forwarded from Popolo Sovrano (Roberto Zambini)
Media is too big
Leva fondamentale per immiserire il nostro paese sono le tasse che in pratica azzerano i salari – fermi oltretutto da 30 anni – costringendoci a vivere nell’affanno della sopravvivenza senza avere la possibilità di riflettere sulla nostra miserabile condizione e di conseguenza ribellarci...
“Non dubitare mai che un piccolo gruppo di cittadini coscienziosi ed impegnati possa cambiare il mondo. In verità è l’unica cosa che è sempre accaduta.”

“Non dubitate che un piccolo gruppo di cittadini coscienti e risoluti possa cambiare il mondo. In realtà è l'unico modo in cui è sempre successo.”
Margaret Mead

Forwarded from Soluzioni Libertarie
Media is too big
Prendiamo dall' antico proverbio: allo sciogliersi della neve si vedono gli stronzi, e commentiamo quanto si dice riguardo al denaro. Alle soluzioni riguardo ad esso c'é una che affascina molti. Probabilmente servono molti altri che cominciano a credere e a percepirla per trasparenza ed efficacia: assistiti oppure da soli e sole. Amore e Prosperità