Telegram Info English
20.9K subscribers
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This is the English mirror of @tginfo.

Discussion chat: @tginfochaten
Beta channel: @betainfoen
TON: @infotonen
Other languages: @tginfoall
Feedback & Commecrial: @infowritebot
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Telegram for macOS has been updated to version 5.8

What's new:
— Updated design of some sections of the settings.
— Updated design of the "Shared media".
— Updated the app's logo.
— Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Since version 5.8, the installation of the client requires macOS 10.12+.

You can download it from the website of the Telegram, or a little later from the AppStore.

#update #macOS

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Came to an end the competitions for the creation of animated stickers and cloud topics.

There were 340 topics from 278 participants and 296 sets of animated stickers.

Everyone can get acquainted with the works on the website competitions. In sections with animated stickers and cloud topics.

All works participating in the contest can't be edited until the results announcement on October 27.


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The special representative of the President said that in Russia there is no ban on the use of Telegram

The special representative of the RF President on the issues of digital and technological development, Dmitry Peskov, said that the Telegram messenger in Russia is not prohibited for use. In particular, he is involved in the management of the network project on the basis of Russian universities, cited Peskov, answering the question of how it relates to the prohibition of the messenger.

"The first Telegram in Russia is not prohibited. Second, they don't just use it, and today we have a network which is based on [the basis of] 150+ Russian universities, and it is for their management uses Telegram-channels", — said the special representative of the President, speaking at a session of the international forum "Open innovations" in Technopark "SKOLKOVO".

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On GitHub was discovered the organization "Desktop App Toolkit" is a collection library related with TON.

The main developer of Telegram Desktop John Preston for a month working on the library "lib_ton", but declined to comment on the appointment of the library.

In the "Desktop App Toolkit" also has a library for spell checking: "lib_spellcheck". And this may mean that further down the road in Telegram Desktop, you will be spell check entered text.


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On the official channel of the contests in the Contests Telegram recalled that the system of likes/dislikes allowed to affects which records the judges see first.

User ratings do not affect the results of the competition, as is the quality.


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Dmitry Peskov called the situation with what is happening with Telegram contradictory, evolving "in a negative scenario,"

"From the point of view of technological development of promising services messenger (such as TON) can bring many benefits and become the underlying infrastructure for the digital economy. However, the refusal of cooperation with national regulators (for example, an attempt to issue cryptocurrency) dramatically increases the risk is the prohibition of the use of the service, and around the world, not only in Russia. Therefore, in Russia ILV [Roskomnadzor], US SEC [Commission on securities and exchange Commission, SEC] should do its work on <...> the State projects, obviously, to use the service should not", — is spoken in the message published on the page Peskov in the social network.

Previously, the same Peskov said Telegram is not prohibited in Russia.

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Russian investors blockchain-platform Telegram will not demand a refund because of the postponement of the launch of TON

The company offered investors to wait for the launch of TON until April 2020 or return the money because of claims of U.S. authorities.

Today October 23rd is the deadline when the investors in the TON must take a decision whether they are ready to wait for the launch of the platform until 30 April, or want to return 77% of the total investment in the project.

Seven of the nine respondents Forbes Russian investors said they did not plan to demand repayment of the investment. Some of them optimistic. Another source said he did not believe in the project, but the money back to ask is not — "I will think about how to go to zero," he explained.


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Investors TON agreed not to demand back the invested funds after the suspension of the ICO

This was announced Forbes and RBC with reference to its sources.

Investors in the blockchain-the Telegram Open platform Network (TON) approved the postponement of the launch of the platform and refused to demand a refund. The decision was made to investors in both rounds of funding TON majority, told Forbes two sources close to the command Telegram. RBC information has informed a source close to Telegram and confirmed one of the investors in the TON.

#TON #kripta

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Update TDLib soon!

The other day, the private version of TDLib was updated, and it was received by the developers of Unigram and Telegram X for Android.

Commits appeared on the GitHub page of the Unigram client, thanks to which it is known that the library already supports:
- Archiving chats.
- People (and chats) nearly.
- Phone privacy settings.
- Add contacts without phone number.
- Ability transfer groups and channels ownership.
- Support for underlined and crossed out formatting.
- Support for the “Discuss” function of channels (button for switching to group chat attached to the channel).
- An updated menu if the user wrote to you (“add to contacts” and “block”).

This means that the above functionality may soon appear in Unigram and X Telegram for Android.

Developer Unigram already revealed, what the archive looks like in his client.


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Telegram for iOS version 5.12.1

What's new:
— Fixed bug where when using inline-bots requested location.
— Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Download from App Store.

#update #swift #iOS

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Invisible innovation

In addition to the return of the 3D Touch in the Telegram for iOS version 5.12.1it was noticed a few minor but interesting innovations.

— An additional warning that messages would be removed for both sides.
— New dice is used after cleaning the data, showing how much memory freed after cleaning.


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The Telegram lock in Russia more than six years

Over time many forgot about the ILV and attempts to block the messenger. Increasingly frequently in the press flashed the news of the TON. Telegram continues to develop ways of bypassing the censorship.

Six months ago we held a poll, which asked about the availability of Telegram. Then more than half of the respondents reported that the messenger works for them without proxy and VPN. View what has changed during this time.


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Came to the end of the first round of competition to improve voice calls

Just received 30 applications.

While the judges are preparing to publish the results of the design competition, you can see with the works on the site of the competitions.

Note that the first round was allocated little time, which may have caused the number of applications.


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A billion registrations in the Telegram. Whether so it actually?

week in the Telegram began to appear account with an ID higher than 1 billion.

For reference: the unique ID is the user ID issued to him at registration. In the Telegram they are intended only for internal use, for example, in the references. Each account, whether active or already removed, has its own ID. Account ID is not reused, i.e. when you create new account you will not be given an ID that was previously assigned to another user.

It is important to understand that ID is not a billion means a billion registered users, and here's why:

1. ID issued pools.
The spread of numbers dependent on the region. One day can be issued ID in the range of hundreds of millions of values observed in different countries.

2. The transition to the new pool occurs regardless of whether the previous ended or not. Therefore, each time the scatter becomes larger.

3. Bots have the same format ID, as well as the users, so some part of the billion belongs to bots.

4. Do not forget about creating database accounts to spam or cheat, which is removed after the time period of their life.

However, overcoming a lath in a billion ID in the Telegram can not but rejoice.


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How much is the channel in the Telegram

Team "Start" has launched a database of popular channels that are on sale — @birzzha.

Each lot is checked for cheating and the activity of the audience, so to get only profitable areas. This will save both time and nerves.

If you want to quickly launch a business in the Telegram, scroll — Exchange. And if you earn in Telegram you don't want it, you can just see how much your favorite channels.

So recommend a reliable guarantor of service in the face — @birzzha

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The source code of wallet

On GitHub page TON appeared the wallet source code for popular platforms.

Desktop (Windows, Linux and macOS).

Download desktop version of the wallet:

#TON #crypt

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Unigram version 3.12

What's new:
— The archived chats.
• Right click on the chat for archiving.
• Right click on the files to hide from the list of chats.
• Maintain an unlimited number of chats in the archive.
— Simplified adding contacts.
• Now add to contact can be any user even if his number is not shown.
• Quick add users near you through the menu "Contacts" > "Add people around." It shows the people who started this section.
— Geo-chats.
• Creation of local communities through the creation of a group with reference to a specific location in "People nearby".
— Transfer of rights to chat.
• The ability to transfer the rights of the owner of the group chat channel or another administrator with full rights. Useful if you change jobs, or just want to leave the post of Creator.
— Other changes.
• Privacy setting "phone Number".
• The ability to link the discussion group to the channel.
• Seamless integration bots with web services.

Download Microsoft Store.

#telegramX #unigram #update

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The second distribution GRAM

After the announcement of the Gram Wallet for imaging, in our chat began to receive a lot of questions on the purse, as well as requests to send them a GRAM for a test. In this regard, we are again launching a campaign of unprecedented generosity #hochgrat.

This time we created another chat, which in addition to requests can be discussed the operation of the network TON, news and features of his work.

For the GRAM you need to:
1. Gram Wallet set to PC or Android and create a wallet.
2. Click on "Receive" and copy the address.
3. To go to @tginfochaten and send the address of your purse with the tag #hochgrat

After that you will come to 1 GRAM. Recall that Gram Wallet works in test network testnet and all Grama in the accounts will burn after a change of Protocol or the mainnet launch.

#TON #crypt

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Improved player

Beta version Telegram for Android an improved audio player to listen to podcasts.

At tracks longer than 20 minutes there is a button to double speed and all the tracks appeared to resume playing from where you finished listening to them earlier.

#Beta #Android

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