Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Zelenko Protocol)
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Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko is a Board Certified Family Physician. He was the first in America (March 2020) to innovate a successful treatment for covid-19
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Covid-19 is an artificially made bio-weapon used to herd mindless human sheep into self-annihilation by taking the real weapon of global genocide which is the poison covid-19 death shot.

-Dr. Robert Malone states government is lying to you about safety, we are seeing the beginnings of ADE, and don’t take this shot.

-Dr. Delores Cahill states that 90% of immunized people will be dead within 2 years.

-Dr. Luc Montaguier states that these vaccines and their use during a pandemic will breed super-viruses and lead to genocide.

-Dr. Vanden Bossche states these vaccines will breed super-viruses and that will wipeout huge numbers of people.

-Dr. Micheal Yeadon states for every 1 child that dies from covid 100 will die from the vaccines.

-Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi states that these vaccines will lead to genocide due to ADE.

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD
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Dr. Zev
Japan: Dr. Kazuhiro Nagao’s translated comments on his success with use of Ivermectin in treating COVID-19 patients in a clinical setting.


Pfizer and fda continue to screw the American people.

The vaccine approved is called Comirnaty. It will not be available in USA until 2024. This will allow Pfizer to finish longer term studies and avoid liability for marketing a killer vaccine.

The current vaccine that has an EUA made by BioNtech-Pfizer got an extension of its EUA and will be used in America. This will protect Pfizer from liability because they are not actively marketing the killer vaccine.

The current vaccine is identical to Comirnaty.

In other words, fda, pfizer, and the media make a lot of noise about an approved vaccine that is not available for the next 3 years. While the identical vaccine gets an extension of it’s EUA (not FDA approved).

The only thing that this legal trick accomplished is to fool the public and protect Pfizer from liability.

This is a poison death shot and you have no legal recourse because it has emergency authorization that protects the government and Pfizer from liability.

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD
The sociopath and bigpharma whore Rick Bright is responsible for the mass murder of over 500,000 Americans by sabotaging President Trump’s order to make HCQ available to every American.



The Rockefeller foundation funded eugenics research in Nazi Germany.


Rick Bright now works for the Rockefeller foundation. A perfect match made in hell.


Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD
Ivermectin is getting hcq’d

Zev Zelenko MD
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
New pre-print from Stanford's Dr. John Ioannidis:

Age Infection Survival Rate
0-19 99.9973%
20-29 99.986%
30-39 99.969%
40-49 99.918%
50-59 99.73%
60-69 99.41%
70+ 97.6% (non-inst.)
70+ 94.5% (all)

Dr. John Ioannidis is a Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology and Population Health, and Biomedical Data Science at Stanford University.

He was labeled "one of the most influential scientists alive" by The Atlantic and is one of the top cited scientist in the world averaging >6,000 new citations per month.

Since COVID-19 began, Dr. Ioannidis has argued that lockdowns cause more deaths and do not save lives.



Early treatment is key to the successful treatment of Covid-19.

Any doctor that provides timely care for Covid-19 is honoring their Hippocratic oath to their patients.

Early treatment with zinc Ionophores (Quercetin, EGCG, Hcq, ivermectin) is proven to save lives.

Successful early treatment of covid has exposed to the public that the cdc, nih, fda, and who have policies that killed 500000 innocent Americans.

Why is it that anything that is scientifically proven through rigorous peer reviewed published studies vilified by the media ?

What is their agenda? What are they hiding? Who are they serving or trying to protect? It is definitely not the American people.

Perhaps that is why Time magazine has viciously attacked doctors that have sacrificed and risked everything to heal their patients?

What do you think?

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD
Covid-19 vaccines don’t work and are unsafe. The inhibition of RNA dependent RNA polymerase by the zinc / zinc Ionophore approach will stop ALL the variants.

This has always been the correct approach. The stakeholders in this global crime have done everything to suppress this information.

This is because it undermines the fear and isolation narrative and allows people to return to normal living without codependency on global sociopaths.

It also turns out that the inhibition of RNA dependent RNA polymerase stops all the strains of influenza virus.

This means that a $10 a person treatment can destroy the entire flu shot and contact tracing business. The stakeholders will lose 250 billion a year.

This explains why the devolved pagans such as Bill Gates, etc oppose this lifesaving information.

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD
Forwarded from Battleground
It’s just a conspiracy theory.
Does this mean that Hcq is now Kosher?