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Fatemi Academy
Market Leader – Track 24
حالا حداقل دو بار به فایل صوتی گوش کنید و هم زمان خط ببرید:

Interviewer: What do you like doing to relax?

RP: At the weekends, I spend a lot of my time reading the newspaper. I catch up on the news from the previous week. And also I try to go out running. Now, running may not sound like something that is very relaxing, but I think that it's very important to get outside into the fresh air and see the countryside. So that's why I run.

Fatemi Academy
🔷متن مربوط به فایل صوتی بالا: استفاده از حروف اضافه زمان 🔹At At 9 o’clock At 10:25 At night At noon At midnight 🔹On On the weekend On Halloween On Valentine On Christmas On New Year’s Day On New Year’s Eve On the 15th of February On Thursday evening 🔹In…
🔷بر اساس درس حروف اضافه (درسی که این متن روی آن ریپلای شده) تمرین زیر را انجام دهید:👇👇

جملات را با یکی از این حروف اضافه کامل کنید: at, in on

1. Our department meeting is......Friday afternoon.

2. I don't like meetings....the morning.

3. The first interview is....17th December.

4. The second interview is.....January.

5. When he travels all day, he can't sleep .....night.

6. She usually visits our head office .....the autumn.

7. They never work....the weekend.

8. Are you free......Wednesday?

9. Susan sometimes works ......Saturdays.

10. Do you often go out.....the evenings?

11. He starts his first meeting ....8:30.

جواب در پست بعد...
(قبل از دیدن جواب ها حتما خودتان سعی کنید تمام سوال ها را جواب دهید.)


1. on
2. in
3. on
4. in
5. at
6. in
7. at
8. on
9. on
10. in
11. at

🔷در هر جمله یک کلمه جا افتاده است. آن را در جای مناسب اضافه کنید. بعد از این که خودتان تمرین را انجام دادید، برای توضیح و جواب ها به فایل صوتی پست بعد گوش کنید.

1. Some of my colleagues love listening hard rock.

2. My boss and I don't like watching football TV.

3. My colleagues and I often go to cinema on Saturdays.

4. I quite like reading, but I hate to the radio.

5. Our new secretary sometimes tennis at the weekend.

6. How often do you go abroad holiday?

جواب ها و توضیحات در فایل صوتی زیر....👇

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Forwarded from انگلیسی سیما فاطمی پور (نظرات و دوره ها) (Sima Fatemipour)
Forwarded from انگلیسی سیما فاطمی پور (نظرات و دوره ها) (Sima Fatemipour)
Forwarded from انگلیسی سیما فاطمی پور (نظرات و دوره ها) (Sima Fatemipour)
Forwarded from Fatemi Academy
🌏Adverbs of frequency
قیدهای تکرار

کلمه داخل پرانتز را در جای مناسب جمله اضافه کنید.
1. She gets up early. (usually)

2. They start their first meeting at nine o’clock. (always)

3. We are late for meetings. (never)

4. I am busy in the afternoon. (often)

5. The office closes at 3 p.m. (sometimes)

Forwarded from Fatemi Academy

1. She usually gets up early.

2. They always start their first meeting at nine o’clock.

3. We are never late for meetings.

4. I am often busy in the afternoon.

5. The office sometimes closes at 3 p.m.

Forwarded from Fatemi Academy
متن مربوط به فایل صوتی بالا👆

🌎Collocations for “Daily Routines”

عبارت هایی برای بیان برنامه های روزانه (و اغلب تکرارشونده)

🔸Get up at (time)
🔸Wake up at (time)
🔸Do exercise
🔸Make breakfast
🔸Have breakfast
🔸Check emails
🔸Go to work (by bus/ train/ taxi)
🔸Drive to work
🔸Have lunch
🔸Have (a sandwich) for lunch
🔸Spend time (in the office)
🔸Spend (some time) at home
🔸Finish office day at (time)
🔸Travel on business
🔸Like to travel/ relax/ listen to music

Forwarded from Fatemi Academy

بعد از این که فایل صوتی بالا را شنیدید و تکرار کردید، حالا این تمرین را انجام دهید.
جاهای خالی را با فعل های مناسب پر کنید.

Darren Throops works for Entertainment One, a media company in Toronto, Canada. Complete the article below about his working day using the verbs below.


Darren Throops….....up at 6 a.m. and...……..some exercise in the gym in his house. At about 6:30, he ……..….breakfast for his two daughters. Then he…...…..his emails in his home office. He..........to work. At lunch time, he………..a salad at his desk. At work, he ….……a lot of time in meetings and on conference calls. He……....his office day at about 5 p.m. he …………on business a lot, so he……..…..to spend all his free time with his family.

Forwarded from Fatemi Academy
تمرین مربوط به فایل صوتی بالا👆

عبارت های زیر را با یکی از این چهار فعل تکمیل کنید.

Complete the leisure activities below using one of these verbs:

🔹Going to
🔹Listening to






6…………the cinema


8……..…the gym


10……….the guitar


12………...computer games

Forwarded from Fatemi Academy
جواب تمرین بالا

1. Playing golf

2. Watching TV

3. Going to restaurants

4. Listening to music

5. Playing tennis

6. Going to the cinema

7. Playing football

8. Going to the gym

9. Going to concerts

10. Playing the guitar

11. Watching DVDs

12. Playing computer games

Forwarded from Fatemi Academy
نظر شما درباره این فعالیت ها چیست؟
1. Playing golf
2. Watching TV
3. Going to restaurants
4. Listening to music
5. Playing tennis
6. Going to the cinema
7. Playing football
8. Going to the gym
9. Going to concerts
10. Playing the guitar
11. Watching DVDs
12. Playing computer games

🔷با فعل های زیر، قیدهای زمان و ترکیباتی که درباره فعالیت های اوقات فراغت یاد گرفتیم (در درس قبل) درباره خودتان جمله بسازید.

اول حتما به توضیحات فایل صوتی بالا گوش کنید.
❤️Quite like
☹️Don’t like

🔸At the weekend
🔸On Friday/ Saturday night
🔸In the summer/ winter
🔸In August/ December
🔸In the morning/ afternoon/ evening
