Fatemi Academy
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Fatemi Academy
اول فایل صوتی داستان را حداقل دوبار بشنوید. سپس همزمان صوت را بشنوید و متن را کلمه به کلمه (در پست زیر👇👇) خط ببرید. #Short_story #Elementary @BEPonline
متن داستان بالا👆👆
🐥A funny bird
Because the weather was cold, Tom stayed at home instead of going outside to play with friends. While Tom was doing his homework, his mother heard him burst into laughter.
- "Tom, why are you laughing?" His mother asked.
- "Look out the window, mom." - Tom answered merrily.
Despite it snowing heavily, there was a bird standing out on the windowsill catching snowflakes with its tongue.
- "It looks so funny!" - Tom’s mother said.
- " I think the bird is hungry." – Stated Tom.
- "Yes. I think so too. Let’s give it some bread so it will have a full belly." Said his mother smiling.

Fatemi Academy
حالا کلمات اصلی داستان و معنی آنها را در فایل زیر چک کنید. مطمئن شوید که تمام کلمات را متوجه شدید. 👇👇
🔷کلمات مربوط به داستان بالا👆👆

🐥A funny bird

🔸instead of به جای

🔹while در حالی که

🔸burst into laughter
زیر خنده زدن

🔹laugh خندیدن

🔸merry شاد

🔹merrily به شادی

🔸despite علیرغم، باوجود

🔹windowsill لبه پنجره

🔸snowflake دانه برف

🔹belly شکم

توضیحات نکته به نکته و تدریس داستان بالا👆👆
اول صوت داستان را حداقل دوبار بشنوید.
سپس یک بار دیگر هم زمان با شنیدن داستان، متن را ببینید و کلمه به کلمه، با دقت زیاد خط ببرید.

Fatemi Academy
اول صوت داستان را حداقل دوبار بشنوید. سپس یک بار دیگر هم زمان با شنیدن داستان، متن را ببینید و کلمه به کلمه، با دقت زیاد خط ببرید. #Short_story #Elementary @BEPonline
متن داستان بالا👆👆👆
📚A lazy pupil

Peter is a pupil. He studies at school but doesn’t enjoy it very much.
One-day Peter said to his mother.
- “Mom, I’m not going to school today”
- "What are you talking about Peter? You have to go to school!” – His mom said angrily.
- "No, mother. I don’t want to go to school today. I want to stay at home." - He answered.
- "Why?" – His mother asked.
- “My teachers hate me. My friends hate me. Nobody likes me”- Peter said with dismay.
- “That’s not true. A lot of your friends like you. You always play together.” Reassured his mother.
- “But when we have a test, nobody helps me.” Peter said with a puzzled look on his face.

Fatemi Academy
متن داستان بالا👆👆👆 📚A lazy pupil Peter is a pupil. He studies at school but doesn’t enjoy it very much. One-day Peter said to his mother. - “Mom, I’m not going to school today” - "What are you talking about Peter? You have to go to school!” – His mom said…
کلمات داستان بالا👆👆

🔸pupil دانش آموز دبستان

🔹angrily باعصبانیت

🔸dismay ترس و وحشت

🔹reassure اطمینان خاطر دادن

🔸puzzled گیج

🔹look ظاهر، نگاه

حتما سعی کنید این نکات رو خوب به خاطر بسپارید چون در مکالمه خیلی به کار میان.

سطح اول این مجموعه

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آگهی تلویزیونی

آگهی تلویزیونی زیر را با دقت ببینید و درباره آن به سوالات زیر پاسخ دهید.👇👇👇

درس اول از کتاب
Essential Grammar in use
