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⭕️⭕️متن داستان بالا

🌸🌸🌸Lola's flowers

Lola has a lot of different kinds of flowers at home. They make her home feel cozy and comfortable. Kate, her 12-year-old niece, visited Lola’s house yesterday and said.
- “Lola, you have a lot of flowers. They are beautiful”
- “Thank you, Kate. My mother and I like to take care of flowers.” Said Lola.
- “But there are too many flowers. Do you have enough time to take care of them?” Asked Kate.
- “Of course. And, flowers help people too.” Lola said.
- “Really? How?” asked Kate ,looking confused.
- “Flowers purify the air. Flowers also help to cure infections and healing. For example, if my finger is injured, I take an aloe leaf and put it on the finger and it will heal very fast.” Lola said smiling.
- “I didn’t know this. It sounds wonderful. It will be great if you could give me a branch off your aloe plant so that I can grow my own plant”. Said Kate.
- “Sure, Kate.” Said Lola.

Fatemi Academy
⭕️⭕️متن داستان بالا 🌸🌸🌸Lola's flowers Lola has a lot of different kinds of flowers at home. They make her home feel cozy and comfortable. Kate, her 12-year-old niece, visited Lola’s house yesterday and said. - “Lola, you have a lot of flowers. They are…
کلمات داستان بالا

🔹cozy: دنج

🔸niece: دختر خواهر یا دختر برادر

🔹take care of: مراقبت کردن از

🔸confused: گیج

🔹infection: عفونت

🔸heal: شفا دادن، درمان کردن

🔹injured: آسیب دیده

🔸branch: شاخه

🔹purify: تصفیه کردن

Lola's flowers.mp3
10.1 MB
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Forwarded from Fatemi Academy (Sima Fatemipour)
داستان امروز رو با هم بشنویم و بخونیم. 👇👇
اول فایل صوتی را چند بار گوش کنید.
سپس متن آن را در زیر ببینید و مجددا هم زمان گوش کنید.
Forwarded from Fatemi Academy (Sima Fatemipour)
کلمات داستان بالا👆👆

🔹Lotus: گل نیلوفر

🔸is situated: واقع شده است

🔹Actaully: در واقع

🔸story/ storey: طبقه

🔹elegant: باشکوه، باعظمت

🔸frontal: جلویی

🔹distinguishing: متمایز

🔸interior: داخلی

🔹charming: جذاب

🔸pleasant: خوشایند

🔹spacious: جادار

🔸accommodate: در خود جای دادن

🔹including: شامل

🔸reasonable: معقول
