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#词根词缀 #英语单词说文解字
ag, ac {from Latin: agere, participal: actum}
to do or to drive 做,驱使

△agent[ag=to do 做;-ent n.=person 人→“person who does 办事者”→]n. person who works for another person or organization 代理人
△agential[agent; -i-; -al a.]a. 代理人的;起媒介作用的
△agency[ag=to do 做;-ency n.=the quality or state 表性质或状态→“the ability or place of doing business 办事的能力或场所”→]n. ① power or force which causes a result 力量;作用 ② the office of an agent; service organization 代理处;机构
△agenda[ag=to do 做;-enda(-a表复数)n.=things 事情→“things to be done 要办的事项”→]n. list of things to be discussed or decided upon 议事日程
agile[ag=to do 做;-ile a.=able 能…的→“able to do 能干的”→]a. able to do or move quickly or easily 敏捷的;灵活的
∇agility[agil(e); -ity]n. 敏捷;灵活
△agitate[ag=to drive or keep moving 驱使,使运动;-it-;-ate v.=to make or cause 使…→“to cause to keep moving steadily 引起不断的动荡”→]v. disturb 鼓动
∇agitation[agitat(e); -ion n.]n. 鼓动;激动;不安
agitator[agitat(e); -or n.]n. 鼓动者;煽动者

△act[act=to do 做→“to do what is required 做要求之事”→]Ⅰv. ① do sth required 行动,做某事② function 起作用③ take part in a play or film 演出,扮演→Ⅱn. ① sth done 行为/No act of kindness is ever wasted. 善有善报。② process of doing 行为过程,行动/The thief was caught in the act. 那小偷是当场被捉的。
∇actor[act v.; -or n.]n. 男演员;行动者
actress[act v.; -ress n.]n. 女演员
acting[act v.; -ing n.]n. 行为
re-act[re-; act v.]v. 重做,再做;重演,再演
overact[over-; act v.]v. 演得过于夸张
△action[act=to do 做;-ion n.=process or result of 表过程或结果 →]n. ① process of doing, or deed 行动,活动② result of doing, or effect 作用/This experiment shows the action of an acid on metal. ③ charge 诉讼
∇actionable[action 诉讼;-able a.]a. 可控诉的
△active[act=to do 做;-ive a.=able to ~ 会…的 →]a. able to do 活跃的,积极的,能动的
∇activate[activ(e); -ate v.]v. 使活动
activism[activ(e); -ism n.]n. [哲]能动主义;积极,活跃
activist[activ(e); -ist n.]n. 活动分子,积极分子
activity[activ(e); -ity n.]n. 能动性;活跃;[复]活动
△actual[act=to do 做;-u-;-al a.=the act or fact of 表行为或事实 →]a. existing in fact;real 实际的;现实的
∇actuality[actual; -ity n.]n. 事实,现存情况;现实性
actualize[actual; -ize v.]v. 实行,使现实化
△actuate[act=to do 做;-u-;-ate v.=to make or cause 使…→]v. cause to do 驱动,激励
∇actuation[actuat(e); -ion n.]n. 驱动,激励;开动
△actuator[actuat(e); -or n.]n. [机]促动器;传动机构
△exact[ex-=out 出;act=to drive 驱使→“to drive out;driven out 逼出来;逼出来的”→]Ⅰv. demand or obtain by force 强求,索取→Ⅱa. correct and without mistake 准确的;精确的
∇exacting[exact v.; -ing a.]a. 苛求的,严厉的;强索的
exaction[exact v.; -ion n.]n. 强索;勒索;榨取
exactitude[exact a.; -i-; -tude n.]n. 精确(性);严格,严谨
△react[re-=back 回返;act=to do 做 →]v. ① do or act in reply 反应② do against 反动,反作用
∇reaction[react; -ion n.]n. 反应;反作用;反动
reactor[react; -or n.]n. 引起反应的人或物;[原]反应堆
reactive[react; -ive a.]a. 反应的;反动的
reactant[react; -ant n.]n. [化]反应物
△interact[inter-=between 在…之间;act=to do 做→“to do between two things 在两者之间互动”→]v. have an effect on each other 互相作用,互相影响
∇interaction[interact; -ion n.]n. 相互作用;相互
interactive[interact; -ive a.]a. 互相作用的;[计]交互的
△transact[trans-=across or through 穿过;act=to drive 驱使→“to drive through 使通过”→]v. carry on;manage 执行,办理
∇transaction[transact; -ion n.]n. 办理,处理;交易,业务
transactor[transact; -or n.]n. 办事人;处理者