Learning languages 语言学习
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Studying Languages and Learning Cultures.
This is a channel for storing important gammars. If there is any mistake, question, or suggestion, please contact the creator
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▶️ム 無理(むり)unreasonable、無料(むりょう)free、無休(むきゅう)work without holiday
▶️ブ 無事(ぶじ)safety
▶️な­^­い 無いdo not exist
▶️カン 中間(ちゅうかん)middle
▶️ケン 世間(せけん)world、人間(にんげん)human being
▶️あいだ space; time; relationship
▶️ま 間違い(まちがい)mistake、隙間(すきま)gap
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learning language频道v3.0所有部分已经完成升级,优化目录功能方便快速查阅。v3.0新增动漫歌词。本目录将 #持续更新
Learning language V3.0 is now being used. The catalog has been added for searching for grammars quickly. The catalog will be consistently updated.
Now, all sections have finished updating, and some lyrics of anime songs are added into the channel.
Because the creator is busy recently, so new contents will not be posted as frequently as before. If you are interesting in different languages as well as cultures and willing to take part in editing this channel, please contact the creator: @CTSleo
最近比较忙,所以可能会缓更,如果有语言和文化大佬希望参与编辑,请联系 @CTSleo
Learning languages 语言学习 pinned «https://telegra.ph/%E7%9B%AE%E5%BD%95Content-09-01 learning language频道v3.0所有部分已经完成升级,优化目录功能方便快速查阅。v3.0新增动漫歌词。本目录将 #持续更新 Learning language V3.0 is now being used. The catalog has been added for searching for grammars quickly. The catalog will be consistently…»
20191212[English corner]: statue 相关
statue N.雕像
the Statue of Liberty
state N.国家
The United States of America
status N.地位
As the daughter of the president, she enjoys high status among her peers.
static adj. 静止的
Oil prices have remained static for the last few months.
Channel name was changed to «Learning languages 语言学习»
#词根词缀 #英语单词说文解字
ag, ac {from Latin: agere, participal: actum}
to do or to drive 做,驱使

△agent[ag=to do 做;-ent n.=person 人→“person who does 办事者”→]n. person who works for another person or organization 代理人
△agential[agent; -i-; -al a.]a. 代理人的;起媒介作用的
△agency[ag=to do 做;-ency n.=the quality or state 表性质或状态→“the ability or place of doing business 办事的能力或场所”→]n. ① power or force which causes a result 力量;作用 ② the office of an agent; service organization 代理处;机构
△agenda[ag=to do 做;-enda(-a表复数)n.=things 事情→“things to be done 要办的事项”→]n. list of things to be discussed or decided upon 议事日程
agile[ag=to do 做;-ile a.=able 能…的→“able to do 能干的”→]a. able to do or move quickly or easily 敏捷的;灵活的
∇agility[agil(e); -ity]n. 敏捷;灵活
△agitate[ag=to drive or keep moving 驱使,使运动;-it-;-ate v.=to make or cause 使…→“to cause to keep moving steadily 引起不断的动荡”→]v. disturb 鼓动
∇agitation[agitat(e); -ion n.]n. 鼓动;激动;不安
agitator[agitat(e); -or n.]n. 鼓动者;煽动者

△act[act=to do 做→“to do what is required 做要求之事”→]Ⅰv. ① do sth required 行动,做某事② function 起作用③ take part in a play or film 演出,扮演→Ⅱn. ① sth done 行为/No act of kindness is ever wasted. 善有善报。② process of doing 行为过程,行动/The thief was caught in the act. 那小偷是当场被捉的。
∇actor[act v.; -or n.]n. 男演员;行动者
actress[act v.; -ress n.]n. 女演员
acting[act v.; -ing n.]n. 行为
re-act[re-; act v.]v. 重做,再做;重演,再演
overact[over-; act v.]v. 演得过于夸张
△action[act=to do 做;-ion n.=process or result of 表过程或结果 →]n. ① process of doing, or deed 行动,活动② result of doing, or effect 作用/This experiment shows the action of an acid on metal. ③ charge 诉讼
∇actionable[action 诉讼;-able a.]a. 可控诉的
△active[act=to do 做;-ive a.=able to ~ 会…的 →]a. able to do 活跃的,积极的,能动的
∇activate[activ(e); -ate v.]v. 使活动
activism[activ(e); -ism n.]n. [哲]能动主义;积极,活跃
activist[activ(e); -ist n.]n. 活动分子,积极分子
activity[activ(e); -ity n.]n. 能动性;活跃;[复]活动
△actual[act=to do 做;-u-;-al a.=the act or fact of 表行为或事实 →]a. existing in fact;real 实际的;现实的
∇actuality[actual; -ity n.]n. 事实,现存情况;现实性
actualize[actual; -ize v.]v. 实行,使现实化
△actuate[act=to do 做;-u-;-ate v.=to make or cause 使…→]v. cause to do 驱动,激励
∇actuation[actuat(e); -ion n.]n. 驱动,激励;开动
△actuator[actuat(e); -or n.]n. [机]促动器;传动机构
△exact[ex-=out 出;act=to drive 驱使→“to drive out;driven out 逼出来;逼出来的”→]Ⅰv. demand or obtain by force 强求,索取→Ⅱa. correct and without mistake 准确的;精确的
∇exacting[exact v.; -ing a.]a. 苛求的,严厉的;强索的
exaction[exact v.; -ion n.]n. 强索;勒索;榨取
exactitude[exact a.; -i-; -tude n.]n. 精确(性);严格,严谨
△react[re-=back 回返;act=to do 做 →]v. ① do or act in reply 反应② do against 反动,反作用
∇reaction[react; -ion n.]n. 反应;反作用;反动
reactor[react; -or n.]n. 引起反应的人或物;[原]反应堆
reactive[react; -ive a.]a. 反应的;反动的
reactant[react; -ant n.]n. [化]反应物
△interact[inter-=between 在…之间;act=to do 做→“to do between two things 在两者之间互动”→]v. have an effect on each other 互相作用,互相影响
∇interaction[interact; -ion n.]n. 相互作用;相互
interactive[interact; -ive a.]a. 互相作用的;[计]交互的
△transact[trans-=across or through 穿过;act=to drive 驱使→“to drive through 使通过”→]v. carry on;manage 执行,办理
∇transaction[transact; -ion n.]n. 办理,处理;交易,业务
transactor[transact; -or n.]n. 办事人;处理者
language courses of Beijing Foreigne Studies University
北京外国语大学外语在线学习平台正式向社会免费开放 open.bfsu.edu.cn