The state sponsored child abuse conveyor belt continues apace mutilating thousands of children. #Tavistock #GenderIdentity
Mail Online
5,500 children are now on NHS waiting list for gender swap treatment after post-lockdown surge in demand
According to new meeting minutes, around 5,500 children are on the waiting list for treatment at the controversial Tavistock and Portman Trust's Gender Identity Development Service in London.
Campaigners lose bid to stop gender identity and sex being taught in new curriculum in Wales from next week.
#Wales #genderidentity #parentalrightsaredead
#Wales #genderidentity #parentalrightsaredead
Campaigners lose bid to stop gender identity and sex being taught in new curriculum in Wales from next week
Campaigners opposed to teaching young children about gender identity and sex in primary schools across Wales have lost a legal challenge to stop a new curriculum coming in next week and have been ordered to pay £12,000 in costs. The group opposing the Welsh…